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How do you realise that you have fallen in love? Or How do you even fall in love? Isn't it a fascinating thing to ponder about.

Shubman was everything but a rom com enthusiast like his best friend was. The said friend was busy wiping his tears as the leads on the screen finally confessed their undying love for each other.

"Come on, it's not even that touching!"

He expected atleast a little retaliation from the other but was met with silence, as Ishan snuggled more into his blanket while munching onto his popcorns.

"You are not even gonna fight back, are you?"

Again met with silence, Shubman sighed to himself and stared at the screen that seemed to have enchanted his friend.

"The guy's good-looking" He remarked good naturedly. The sentence succeeded in catching Ishan's attention.

"I know right! He's really handsome."

Shubman nodded along, happy to have the others attention.

"I mean, look at those dimples...they'd put anyone to shame"

Shubhman frowned, offended by the fact. Dimples were his forte, sure people can be cute and handsome but the dimples!

He was supposed to be the guy with dimples for his best friend!

"On second thoughts, even the girl is gorgeous."

"Of course she is! Do you know she..." Shubman listened as the latter launched into his praising session, a bit satisfied to have driven the topic away from the 'hot guy with dimples'.


"Oh! Come on, anyone can see they love each other! Why they gotta be so blind."

They were on their third movie, by the time Shubman had decided to give up on trying to distract Ishan, rather intrigued by the obliviousness portrayed by the actors in the movie.

"Just confess and kiss already!" Shubman shouted in annoyance at the TV screen.

"It's easier said than done, Shubi. It's not easy for someone to just go ahead and confess their feelings to their friend just like that."

"Why is that so,huh?"

"They could be scared of ruining their friendship, you idiot. Now lemme watch the movie in peace"

"Watch me outright flirt with the person I like."


"I'd even confess my feelings, it's not that hard!"


"Stupid movie."

Yelling once again Shubman stared at Ishan for a good minute and then got back to the two stupid besties, portraying their 'just' friends shit to others.


"How do people even fall for their besties? You people are friends for god's sake and now suddenly you feeling something else..."

"People can fall for their friends, even best friends at that. It's just the difference in the viewpoint and the feels, Shubhi."

And that sentence stayed with Shubman for a long time.

Difference in the viewpoint I see!

Let's see if changing my viewpoint would make me fall in love then.


I've been reading and re-reading all the Shubish fics. And I gotta say I love them!!!

So here's one from me,
This is gonna be a two or three shot fic.

Hope you people would like it.

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