Shiketsu High (++)

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Name: Arashi Monrō
Parents: Unkown
Age: 16
Hero/Villain Name: Stormi/Sutōmu
Quirk: Weather control ~ has demonstrated a plethora of abilities, most of which are facets of her power to manipulate the weather. User possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather over vast areas. She has been able to control both Earthly and extraterrestrial ecosystems. She can modify the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, humidity and moisture (at a molecular level), generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. She can incite all forms of meteorological tempests, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, blizzards, and hurricanes, as well as mist.
Weakness(es): her quirk really does serious damage to her bones. Once she was sent to the hospital, close to death, because she used her quirk as a kid not knowing what she was doing
Personality: She's calm, levelheaded, charismatic, a little flirty, and is somewhat playful most of the time
Backstory: As a kid her power was to much for her, at age 4 when she received her quirk she wasn't use to that much power. Arashi was playing around with her lightning and accidentally killed her mother, ever since then she's vowed to never use that side of her quirk again. She doesn't see herself worthy of having her quirk so she doesn't really claim it as her own. Arashi has done some serious maturing over the years but no matter what she'll never forgive herself
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: She doesn't know why guys waste their time on talking to her, she isn't interested in a relationship at the moment (if you want you can TRY to persuade her)
Name: Shizuku Kopī
Age: 16
Crush: "Not interested"
Hero/Villain Name: Porimā
Quirk: Polymer - The quirk user can copy the quirks of others by physical contact for up to an hour. They can mix any number of quirks as they desire from the copied quirks.
Weakness(es): his quirk only lasts an hour
Personality: he has a quiet but deadly attitude, meaning he's sweet and quiet until you piss him off
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: He hates UA with a passion
Name: Shūhei Morita
Age: 16
Crush: Open
Hero/Villain Name: Gūru
Quirk: Ghoul
Weakness(es): After awhile of using his quirk he becomes a little insane and loses his self in the transformation
Personality: He's mysterious, quiet, and hard to get around too. But once you get to know him and understand him he's much more loving and protective (he doesn't allow people to become close to him)
Backstory: As a child Shūhei was naive and innocent, he was always smiling about any and everything. Until one day, when he finally got his quirk it caused him some terrible mental issues for both him and his parents. His happy go lucky aura soon turned into something more dark and negative. His change of attitude soon caused his parents stress to the point where his dad started taking his anger out on his mom, after a few years of watching his mother mercilessly get beat he snapped. Shūhei murdered his dad in order to save his mother from being beaten to death. His mom on the other hand was sent to a mental hospital, she didn't understand what happened to her 'fairytale' family.
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:
(he looks like this when his quirk is in use)


Other: he fears love and will do anything to not come in contact with such. And he got his scares from his quirk
Name: Suru Shindō
Parents: Yo and Tatami Shindō
Age: 16
Crush: Chunri Faitā
Hero/Villain Name: Shindō
Quirk: Vibrate ~ gives him the ability to vibrate anything that he touches. He can create fierce tremors but the aftershocks of his attacks can make him immobile.
Weakness(es): The more poweful and faster the shaking, the more aftershocks travel through his body, rendering him unable to move.
Personality: appears to be a polite and friendly pretty boy at first glance. He gives others the benefit of the doubt and believes they have strong hearts. However, this is a facade he puts on so that others will let their guard down. He's actually a very sneaky and calculating person whose personality can change on a whim. His attitude can change in an instant, especially when he's angry.
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: pretty boy of the group
Name: Sui Ishida
Age: 16
Crush: "I don't chase after anyone. I let them chase after me, it's far more amusing"
Hero/Villain Name: Redisuman
Quirk: Attraction ~ uses his looks to put females under his submissive
Weakness(es): if a female doesn't find him attractive he can't put them under his spell (but come ooonn who wouldn't find him attractive)
Personality: he's very manipulative and flirty. He uses his looks to get what he wants when he wants it
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: a ladies man. He usually has a group of lifeless girls following behind him awaiting his every command.
Name: Akuma Aisuru
Age: 15
Crush: Levi Saikyō
Hero/Villain Name: Iatsu Suru
Quirk: Intimidate - The user's eyes gain a glow that causes anyone that looks into them to become afraid.
Weakness(es): his eyes become sore after awhile of his quirk use
Personality: quiet and calm
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: his eyes close purple
Name: Chūji Mikasano
Age: 16
Crush: Arashi Monrō
Hero/Villain Name: Sparky/Supakī
Quirk: Electricity
Weakness(es): depending on how much electricity he produces it causes temporary brain damage
Personality: he's very loud, comedic, dumb, playful, but serious when he needs to be
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Description/Looks: (+ hero costume)

Other: People believe he's the long lost child of Denki and Jiro Kaminari but he thinks it's just a coincidence
Name: Sōichi Shimada
Age: 16
Crush: Karisuma Yoarashi
Hero/Villain Name: Kieru
Quirk: Diminish ~ The user can focus on individuals and their quirk power will be reduced to one-tenth of normal.
Weakness(es): the mention of Hido causes him to become angry but is working on his unresolved issues
Personality: he's really sweet and protective towards females, especially those who remind him of his sister.
Backstory: When Sōichi was 13 years old there was a villain by the name of All For One who killed Sōichi's little sister (Hido) during an attack. He never forgave himself for not protecting her nor AFO for taking an innocent girl's life. Hido and Sōichi were close, he always played tea party with her and let her do his hair. He loved her with everything in his heart and lives everyday with regret and anger that he wasn't the one who died instead of her
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: he wears the front part of his hair in the small ponytail (like in the pic) because it reminds him of Hido
Name: Shineno Ochico
Age: 16
Crush: Sōichi Shimada
Hero/Villain Name: Panorama
Quirk: Panoramic ~ The quirk user can see everything within a twenty foot radius around them, like a skyview.
Weakness(es): it can't be past 20 feet of distance or he won't be able to see it
Personality: shy, outgoing, and hates being alone
Hero/Villain: hero in training
Hero/Villain costume:


Other: he's straighter than a curved line

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