25: Realization

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My smile instantly turns to a look of horror. Edward lay in alphons arms covered in blood. O God, o God. Mustang immediatly begins freaking out yelling for nurses. I examine the wound from afar. Sh** I couldn't let him die. These boys are the ones that are going to help me figure out what's going on with me. Damn it, damn it all. Why couldn't I have a normal life?

Quickly removing my jacket and gloves, I rush over to the fately injured boy. "MOVE NOW, IF YOU WANT THIS BOY TO LIVE MOVE!!" My voice booms through out the room scaring everyone sh**less even alphons.

Looking down at the boy I notice his skin was very pale. He didn't have much longer. Placing my hands together I call upon my innocence, and my shadows. My hands glow a bright gray color. Placing my hands on his side I immediatly can tell that the wounds healing closed. I learned this trick a few months ago when leenalee had broken her leg from an akuma. Broken was actually a lite term for it. In reality the bone in her leg and foot were so shattered there was a 0% chance she would ever be able to walk on it again. I healed her with my powers though which shocked everyone even me a bit because I didn't know I could do it, it just felt natural when I did it. So ever since I've been trying to practice.

There's consequences to it though. It weakens my body so much more then before. It takes so much energy to use that I usually don't want to move for the next few days.

I feel the energy drain from my body as the wound heals closed leaving a pink scar. Turning around I look to mustang." He needs to rest now, he's lost a lot of blood." Not waiting for a response i stumble over to my bed falling onto it, immediatly falling asleep.


I watch silver stare at Edward when she suddenly stands taking her jacket and gloves off. The sight shocks me.

Her right arm was completely black with triangles coming it at the shoulder. Her had it had some green like diamond in it, as if its apart of her skin.

The rest of what I could see being a bit of her chest and other arm were all covered in red lines, but what really put me on edge was the bright red humunculi symbol.

She places her hands over the wound on Edwards side. Her hands begin emitting a bright gray glow. It's so bright I had to look away till the light dimmed some. When I'm able to look again im stunned, literally, stunned. The wound was completely healed except for a scar.

Silver turns to me smiling at my shocked face." He needs to rest now, he lost a lot of blood." She says simply before stumbling over to her hospital bed and falling asleep. Nurses immediatly begin checking Edward over. I could do nothing but stare in shock. What was that? How did she heal him? Why did she heal him? If she's a humunculi doesn't that mean she's evil? Then why did she heal him? This doesn't make any sense.

Sighing I sit in the hall just thinking. She's a homunculi, but why did she save a human. Homunculi don't save humans or even help them. They kill and sacrifice us just so they can be human again. I don't know how long u sat there for before I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. Looking up I see Alphonse. He takes it off and we both stand there in silence.

I wake up in a hospital room in a blue gown and needles portraying from my arms. Sitting up I look around seeing a girl with short white, pale skin, she had redline cover her chest and left arm. Her right arm was fully black and had some strange black triangles. Looking to her left hand I tense. There on her hand was the symbol of a homunculi. She was the girl from my dreams. Carefully I get up turning the monitors off and removing the needles. I slowly back away not wanting to alarm her that I'm awake. Opening the door I scoot out just to see al sitting in the ground." Hay al you ok?" His head shoots up looking at me shocked." Brother your ok," in the blink of an eye I'm being hugged." I was so worried brother you were going to die. That girl she saved you,"He says. I stand there surprised.

A homunculi saved me. Wow that's a first. There all usually trying to kill me. I wonder why she decided to save me instead of kill me? Why have I been having dreams about this girl?

It's been 3 hours since I woke up. Turns out I had been unconscious for 2 days. That girl who saved me I found out her name was silver, Weird name. She still hasn't woke up and shows no signs that she will any time soon. I need to talk to her. I need to find out why she's in my dreams.

No pov
As the days pass silver still doesn't wake from her slumber concerning Mustang, the nurses and the Elric brothers. They knew something was wrong but didn't know what. She didn't need food but it was clear she needed to eat something by how skinny she was. As much as the nurses knew about humunculi, which wasn't much, they tried treating her. Nothing they did though was helping. Edward and alphones were worried and Badly wanted to question her, but couldn't while she was in this condition.

I lay in bed. It was my day off and I decided to have a lazy day. It's been a very crazy weak. Not even including me almost dying. Thats on a whole diffent level. I just couldn't stop thinking about silver. Something was wrong with her that much was obvious. She doesn't eat human food, she doesn't need to. But she's so skinny. It's not healthy even if shes a homunculi, even for them its not healthy. What has she been eating since she's been like this? Has she been eating at all? I continue thinking before jumping up." O MY God I'm an idiot." I say holding my head groaning. How didn't I think of this before? I'm so stupid sometimes!

The philosopher stone. She needs it to survive.

           I want to thank @Animeandkpopqueen for being a big supporter of my book and commenting on it.

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