35: Fighting for life

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Ed and al look down into the hole." There's nothing in here silver but darkness." Shaking my head I try explaining it to them." No it's definitely there you just can't see it because of the darkness. It's blending in." They look at Each other.

I gulp feeling the murderous intent from the homunculi.

Suddenly two men walk on. The older looking man walks over to the blond lady talking to her. Tuning in i could tell they were talking about what had happened here and where the homunculi is. He knew.

The man looked mad. He points to the outside then motions towards the hole. Suddenly the blond lady stats yelling looking p***** off." Get the homunculi and bring him back in." Imagine my face.😠

I was not in a good mood." Hay di** face there's no way in he** Your bringing that beast back in here. I won't allow it. It almost killed half this lady's men."

He turns to me looking me up and down smirking. Weirdo.

"Aww and who are you, little girl?" Smirking i raise my hand revealing my symbol." I'm silver the exorcist and homunculi."

His smirk slips from his face and he looked scared backing up a bit." A homunculi? But your suppose to be on our side." Smirking at him again i raise my other hand showing my innocence. I transform again. Once he sees my transformation almost immediatly do i smell urine in the air. This sucker just peed himself.

I burst out laughing holding my stomach." O my god, ed al this idiot just p***** himself. They laugh as Well.

Suddenly the elevated starts going up again. When it comes to the top there's a half frozen homunculi and a man with black hair that should really learn how to put all his hair in the ponytail or just leave it down. You can't have both man it doesn't work like that. The rest of his hair will just fly in his face unless he's using a lot of gell.

Shaking my head I look back to the man with a scowl. "What the hell is that beast doing back In here?" He smirks giving me the evil eye. "How could you call your own kind a beast? If he's a beast what does that make you?" Glaring,at him I answer. "Yes I'm a homunculi but I'm not evil. I'm an exorcist who's job is to rid the world of its demons. This world's demons are just a bit harder to take care of." I say loud and proud. I'm proud to be who I am and nobody's going to change that.

"O girl got spirit, that's good you'll need it to survive what's coming." Stepping closer I try intimidating him but it doesn't seem to work." What's coming? What are you talking about?" He just laughs before saying 4 words
"You'll know soon enough. Now Briggs I have oders from the furer to do as I see fit here and right now I want the elric brothers locked up along with that girl but in separate cells of course." O hell no I ain't going in no cell. I don't listen to anyone especially a******* like you. You can't even do your hair correctly." Whoa that felt good. I've just been dying to say that comment about his hair to his face.

"What about you Allen what do you think of him?"" I have to agree with you on everything so far but to me he also looks like he's trying to look like krory. A vampire wannabe."" Omg I can't believe I didn't think of that. Now that I do look at him he does look like a vampire wannabe."

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the larger homunculi suddenly Gets up and starts walking towards the hole. I run at him ready to tear him apart when I suddenly feel sharp pains in my chest and side. Looking down I see a total of seven bullet wounds, four in my chest and 3 in my side. I didn't even hear the gun shots.

Blood starts pouring from the wounds making me feel light headed. Falling to my knees I begin coughing up blood. I could feel my shadows slowly starting to come out of my body. At the moment I had no control over them.

I could faintly hear ed and al screaming my name but it was hard to tell. It was becoming hard to hear and I was getting cold. I feel someone pick me up and walking before dropping my body. I fall hitting the cold hard cave floor of where the homunculi from before was digging.

Being able to see in the dark I see the eyes and a smirk, then it morphs into a young boy before I pass out.

I sat in Allen's room. I'm very worried for him. I've been coming here everyday when I don't have missions hoping be would wake up but so far he hasn't and its scaring me. It's bad enough the doctors don't know what caused him to suddenly just pass out and fall into a coma. But they also don't know if he'll ever wake again.

Sighing , I'm startled when Allen's heart monitor starts going crazy and Allen starts jerking around. Quickly I run out of the room screaming." SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR, ITS ALLEN SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH HIM." I yell before running back into the room. No less then 30 seconds three doctors run into the room over to him." S*** he's having a seizure. Someone het leenale out of here." I'm pushed from the room before I can ask any questions.

Tears form in my eyes as I slump against the wall and start crying. I just couldn't handle it at that moment. Allen's in there fighting for his life for an unknown reason and silvers god knows where. This was just to much handle.

I could feel the power coming from her body. I was surprised this girl was a homunculi. She sure didn't act like one. She acted as if she were mortal. But she not and that what's confusing. O well I'll worry about it later, if I even have to worry about her anyways.

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