37: D*** faces death

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Omg guys watch this video its so funny.

My innocence activates while I run towards him. When I'm close enough I swipe at his body with my claws.

My claws go right through him as his body separated as if it were liquid. He turns to me with a smirk. "I was going to show you mercy but now youve forced my hand. Before I can move a liquid type sharp tendril pierces my side. I gasp as blood fills my mouth. He looks down at me smirking before tossing me across the room as if I'm nothing more then a rag doll. Covering the wound I feel something warm but cold. Uncovering it I notice something shiny. Reaching down im stunned to realize it's one of the seven bullets that had been shot at me. They never came out.

Damn I can't worry about that now I need to save everyone.
Eyes suddenly appear on each of there stomachs.

Wait that was the eye i saw when I passed through the gate. I shudder at the thought not wanting to remember how creepy that white being and eye hate thing were. It reminded me to much of the heart.

A reddish beam shoots into the the ceiling causing a hole to form in every level then shoot into the sky. The moon turns black.

They stop screaming breathing heavily. That homunculi from before appears swiping at d*** face. A door in the sky opens up. D*** face pulls that door down into the earths door.

There's a blinding yellow light. When it dims I see d-*** face again only he's different. He's a man now and he looks exactly like my supposed father. He was holding a bright yellow orb.

"Now I'm a god, you weakling will now bow before me." He smirks. Everybody gets up glaring at him. Immediatly I run as him dodging as he uses alchemy to make the ground spike up almost impailing me. Luckily I dodge again." Everybody attack him at once" the lady says. Looking over I see the homunculi dude still fighting pride. Pride looked injured to.

I smirk turning back to d**** face. I let out all my shadows aiming them at my target. About 3 feet from him they hit some type of barrier. What? Was it a forcefeild? The good homunculi and ed switch off. Ed now fought pride and the good homunculi was now helping us fight d*** face. He just stands there smirking. Suddenly his eyes widen and he jumps out of the hole outside.

This mofo just jumped out of the hole. That's like 25 floors above us. I wish I could jump that high. " We have to drain him enough that he looses control of his power." Dad says. I nod and without looking I use crown clown to pull me to the top.

Jumping out I'm surprised to see its sunny out. People surrounded the area with guns. Some held chalk in there hands. I land in a crouch glaring at d*** face who smirks back at me. Holding my right arm out it separated turning into my sword, the sword of exorcism.

Swiftly I run towards him slicing at his body. Luckily he didn't have his forcefeild thing up so I was able to cut him a bit. But it had no effect as his cuts healed in seconds.

Jumping back ed, al, dad and that lady come from the ground. "The plans the same everybody attack him with everything you got." Dad yells using alchemy to make the area around d*** face explode.

My shadows lunge for him as I attack the forcefeild he put back up around himself. Soldiers start firing there guns and using alchemy. I'm careful not to get hit. Tanks join up and start firing at him too.

His face after a while scrunches together showing a bit of strain. This was it. He was becoming weaker.
"COUNTINUE FIRING. "I yell. I stab the field when all of a sudden there's a burst of yellow light. The same light as earlier erupts from his chest. He pushes it back down." He's losing control of the power he just gained.

I think for a second before lunging forward standing my sword unto his chest. The light seeps through before shooting towards me. Crown Clown wraps around me protecting my body.

It was so intense that it throws me back destroying my cape.

I slide against the concrete destroying my shoes. I'll need some new ones." SILVER LOOK OUT" someone yells. I don't have time to react as I'm suddenly thrown to the ground.

Looking up I see its d*** face. I slice at him but he just grabs the blade throwing it aside. I struggle to get up but he was heavy. How can a man that looks no more then 100 be this heavy.

Looking down I realize why. His hand was in my chest grabbing my stone. He wasn't pulling it out he was just draining it. It may hurt to keep the stone sometimes but I need it. Grabbing his hand i pull my sword back to my body turning it back into my arm.

I slice his arm making him let go screeching. Flipping over I scramble away from him wobbling.

He suddenly turns as al and ed shoot rock pillers at him. We both dodge. He shoots some light at them. Ed ends up pinned to a rock. His automail arm destroyed. Al lands a ways away. D*** face turns grinning at ed. So suddenly yeps some thing and sharp looking knives land where eds automail should be. Al claps his hands hands and he falls limp. His armor making a clank sound as it hits the ground. Ed now had his arm back.

Ed looked p*****. He gets up furry in his eyes. He starts attacking d*** face like no tomorrow. D*** face runs away going for the good homunculi on our side. He stabs him through the chest pulling out a red stone but his body begins to turn a soft shade of gray.

A red being floated in the air for a few seconds before disappearing. D*** faces body begins crumbling away before an eye appears on his stomach. Hands come out pulling him in. And just like that he was gone leaving me standing their thinking, what the he'll just happened.

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