Chapter 11

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(Yang's POV)

I was lying down in my sleeping bag. I was trying to sleep, but couldn't. I just kept thinking about (Y/N). He is being more nice to me as of late and I want to know why.

Yang: (Y/N). Are you awake?

(Y/N): Sadly yes.

Yang: There is something on my mind.

(Y/N): What is it?

He rolled over in his sleeping bag to face me.

Yang: I have been wondering, why have you been nice to me lately?

He stayed silent for a bit.

(Y/N): I haven't been nice.

Yang: You asked me to dance and you saved me from a Grimm. I would say that is being nice.

He blushed a little and turned around.

(Y/N): Do you want me to be rude?

Yang: No. I like you being nice. You really should do it more.

(Y/N): Don't think I will be nice to you from now on.

I just smiled. It's good to see that he is starting to change. I set an alarm on my scroll. I am supposed to take night watch after Ruby. I was able to fall asleep kinda quickly.

(Time skip)

I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and got up. I stretched and walked over to where Ruby is.

Yang: Alright Ruby. It's my turn to take night watch.

I didn't get a response. I looked over to see Ruby wasn't there. I was confused.

Yang: Maybe she just went to use the restroom.

I heard barking. I looked down to see Zwei. I knelt down and started to pet him.

Yang: Hey Zwei.

He barked at me more and started to run out the building. I followed him outside. He ran to a hole in the ground and started barking. I looked down the hole. It looked really deep. I noticed Ruby's scythe next to the hole.

Yang: Did Ruby fall down there?

Zwei barked at me. I quickly ran back the building everyone else was in.

Yang: Wake up! Ruby is in trouble!

(Y/N) and Weiss shot up from there sleeping bags. They looked around frantically. Oobleck rushed in and looked at me.

Oobleck: Did you say Ruby is in trouble?

I gave him a nod. He adjusted his glass.

Oobleck: Come on students. We have to rescue your leader.

(Readers POV)

Me and Weiss got up and got our weapons. We rushed outside and followed Yang. We made it to a huge hole in the road. Yang grabbed Ruby's scythe and we all jumped down the hole. We landed and I looked around.

(Y/N): What is this place?

Weiss: It looks like a subway.

Oobleck: Correct. This town had made a subway to easily get to Vale. However, the city was overwhelmed by Grimm, so they couldn't finish the subway.

I noticed a trail of train tracks.

(Y/N): We should follow these tracks.

Everyone gave me a nod. We started to run. We made to an open area. There was a train and White Fang members loading crates onto the train. I looked forward to see Roman holding Ruby.

Ruby: Guys!

Roman: Oh great.

Ruby got out of Romans hands and ran over to us. Yang gave Ruby her scythe back.

Roman: Get the train going.

He jumped on the train and it started to move. We jumped on the train.

Oobleck: Ok me, Ruby, and Zwei will stay on the roof. (Y/N), Weiss, and Yang will go inside the carts.

We nodded at Oobleck. I opened the roof door and looked inside.

(Y/N): So what do we do if there is a bomb inside?

Weiss: A bomb?!

We all ran to the next cart. The first cart decoupled from the train and blew up.

(Y/N): Second times the charm.

I opened the roof door and there was another bomb.

(Y/N): Well crap.

Oobleck ran to the next cart and looked inside.

Oobleck: They all have bombs!

We all ran past all the carts. They decoupled also and blew up. I was about to open the roof door.

(Y/N): Fourth times an omen.

I opened it and there was no bomb. I had a sigh of relief.

(Y/N): We are safe from bombs.

Me, Weiss, and Yang jumped down into the train. We started to run and that pink and brown haired girl walked in.

Yang: You two go on ahead. I'll take this one.

(Y/N): You better not lose.

Me and Weiss ran ahead of Yang. Yang attacked the girl so we could get away. We entered the next cart. The door ahead opened and another girl walked in.

(Y/N): Go ahead Weiss. I will take care of her.

Weiss ran past the girl. The girl just let Weiss run into the next cart. The girl was a White Fang member. She has long, black hair. She has cat ears on top of her head. She wore a Grimm mask that covered her eyes and nose.

(Y/N): So whats your name, kitty cat?

Blake: Blake.

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N). I'm the one who is going to beat you into a pulp.

Blake: Come and try.

I rushed over to her. I punched her in the face. She disappeared as my punch connected. I quickly looked around and I felt a kick to the back of my head. I fell to the floor and Blake put her foot on my head, keeping me down.

Blake: That was for calling me kitty cat. I thought you were going to beat me to a pulp.

I quickly rolled to my left. I grabbed her leg and dragged her to the ground. I got up and jumped back to gain some distance.

(Y/N): I swear, all you White Fang members are the same.

Blake got up and looked at me.

Blake: What is that supposed to mean?

(Y/N): You White Fang think you are doing something right, but all you are doing is killing innocent people.

Blake: We are doing something right. We are fighting for the Faunus.

(Y/N): And tell me, do you think that all Faunus think it's ok to kill the innocent?

Blake: They might not, but we will open there eyes and we will make humans our slaves.

(Y/N): Man, you really are animals.

Blake: What was that?!

I can tell that she is getting really mad. Good.

(Y/N): Only animals would make another race their slaves.

Blake: The humans enslaved us Faunus a long time ago!

(Y/N): That's in the past. What did humans do to the Faunus now?

Blake got out a gun with a blade attached to it.

Blake: We still get mocked and are denied simple rights!

(Y/N): Well, not my fault you were born a Faunus.

She got really mad and rushed at me. She was now blinded by rage. Just according to plan. I dodged her attack and knocked her down to the floor. I pinned her down and made sure she couldn't move.

(Y/N): You really get anger easily. You should work on that short temper of yours.

Blake: So you said all that just so I would attack without a plan?

(Y/N): Basically. Listen, I'm sorry for what the humans did to your kind back then. But don't associate me with my ancestors. Just because they were bad people, doesn't make everyone else bad people.

I found some rope next to Blake. I grabbed it and tied her up. I made sure that the rope was tight and I got up. I rushed to the cart Yang was in. I wanted to make sure that she got things under control. I walked in and saw Yang on the ground.

(Y/N): Yang!

I ran towards her. Her aura was fine and she was breathing. That girl was gone and no where to be seen. Yang woke up and I helped her up.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

Yang: I'm fine.

(Y/N): What happened?

Yang: That girl knocked me down and I was dizzy. She has some sort of illusion semblance.

(Y/N): We should be going before she returns.

Yang: Right.

(Y/N): Can you walk by yourself?

Yang: Look at you. Worrying about me.

She smiled at me and I looked away.

(Y/N): You are my teammate. I have to make sure you are ok.

Me and Yang ran to the next cart.

(Y/N): Hi.

I said to Blake. She was still on the ground tied up. We ran past her and opened the door to the next cart.

(Y/N): Bye.

I closed the door and Weiss was in there. Roman was on the floor passed out.

Weiss: Hey guys. Good to see that you two are ok.

(Y/N): We should meet back up with Ruby and Oobleck.

They nodded at me and we went to the roof. Ruby, Zwei, and Oobleck was on the cart we were on.

Oobleck: Hello there. How did it go?

Yang: Pretty good.

(Y/N): Guys! We are heading start for a wall!

Weiss quickly surrounded us all in ice to protect us. I felt the impact and the force knocked us all out.

(Chapter 11 end)

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