Chapter 28

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(Readers POV)

Everyone was on top of the train. We are fighting a type of Grimm I never seen before. They looked like lions with wings. I just chopped off the head of one.

(Y/N): That's twenty two.

I looked behind me to see Yang punches two Grimm and killed them.

Yang: Twenty two and twenty three. Looks like I'm ahead. You might as well just give up now.

(Y/N): Like I will give up.

I rushed past her and killed a Grimm that was about to attack her.

(Y/N): Looks like we are tied again. You are going to need to keep up.

Jaune: Guys! Tunnel!

I looked ahead to see the train heading to a tunnel. Everyone quickly jumped back in the train. Everyone sighed.

(Y/N): Man, I'm tired.

Yang: Looks like it was a draw.

I sat down and crossed my arms.

(Y/N): At least we got rid of the Grimm.

I yawned and my eyes started to feel heavy.

Yang: You actually are tired.

She sat down next to me. I closed my eyes and rested my head on her shoulder. I felt Yang hug me and hold me close as I fell unconscious.

(Time skip)

I woke up in a daze. I looked around and saw that I was in snow. I saw that part of the train was in the snow. I tried to get up, but I felt a terrible pain in my head.

(Y/N): I guess I hit my head in my sleep. What happened?

I was able to get up. I saw that Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Qrow, and Oscar just standing there. They weren't moving. I walked up to them. I waved my hand in front of them and got no response.

(Y/N): What the hell happened to them?

They all snapped out of it and looked around.

Yang: (Y/N)! You're awake!

She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. I returned the hug.

(Y/N): What happened?

Yang: While you were sleeping, a Grimm attacked the train and we derailed. We got separated with Jaune, Ren, and Nora. You hit your head hard.

(Y/N): Ok, then why were you all spaced out?

Yang: What do you mean?

(Y/N): All of you were just standing here not responding to me.

Yang was about to answer me, but Qrow punched Oscar in the face. Oscar was sent into a tree.

Qrow: Ozpin! I always trusted you. You trained me to defeat Salem and she can't even be killed!

(Y/N): The hell is he talking about?

Yang: You have a lot to learn.

(Time skip)

(Y/N): Let me get this straight. Salem is immortal and can't die. She made two gods mad and caused the current state of Remnant. The reason that Ozpin's soul goes from person to person is because he has a mission to gather the four Relics so the gods can return. And the Relics attract Grimm.

Yang: Basically.

I sighed and rubbed my head. I feel another headache coming. I looked down and noticed an old lady.

(Y/N): Who's granny over there?

I whispered to Yang. Yang giggled a little.

Yang: Her name is Maria. She was in the train cart that we were in. Now we have to look after her.

(Y/N): Cool.

Yang walked over and tried to get her bike out the snow.

(Y/N): You brought your bike?

Yang: Of course I did.

(Y/N): No. I'm not riding with you ever again.

Yang: You said that the last time. Now help me out here.

I sighed and walked over. I grabbed her bike and we got it out the snow.

Yang: Thanks for the help.

(Y/N): It's fine.

Yang: You deserve a reward.

She leaned in and gave me a kiss. She broke it and smiled at me. I blushed and looked away. I heard Yang giggle. I looked over to see Ruby taking pictures.

(Y/N): Yang, we talked about this. Not in front of the others.

Yang: I know you are embarrassed to show your love, but you are going to need to get used to it.

(Y/N): Whatever. We should be going now before we freeze to death.

We all headed into the nearby forest. Maria was on Yang's bike's seat while Yang pushed it. I checked my scroll and I don't have any signal. Calling for help isn't an option.

(Y/N): Today has been going great so far.

Maria: You shouldn't be such a downer.

(Y/N): Whatever you say granny.

Maria got her cane and hit me on the head with it. I looked at her with anger.

(Y/N): What was that for?!

Maria: You really should learn to respect your elders.

(Y/N): If you do that again.

Maria: Like you would attack a defenseless old lady.

I turned around and scoffed. This lady is just taunting me.

(Y/N): Any ideas on what to do?

Ruby: We continue to walk.

I sighed. We'll be lucky to find someone else out here.

(Time skip)

After walking for what felt like an hour, we found a small town. The front gate has a sign that says Brunswick farms.

Yang: Hope whoever lives here doesn't mind that they have some company.

We entered the small town. It was really quiet. Everyone is probably just inside. We found a big house and Ruby knocked on the door. We didn't get a response. Ruby tried to open the door and it was unlocked. We all entered the house.

(Y/N): This place is dusty. Do the people here just not clean?

Ruby: I guess we should look around.

Weiss went upstairs. I walked to the left and found a living room. Maria entered and looked at the shelves of books. She picked one out and started to read.

(Y/N): You are just going to read?

Maria: What else can I do?

I just turned around and saw a fire place. I got out some fire dust and lit it up.

(Y/N): At least we can be warm.

I heard some screaming from Weiss. Everyone went upstairs to see what she was screaming about.

Ruby: Weiss. What's wrong?

She just pointed in a room. We all looked in and saw two lifeless bodies in a bed.

(Y/N): The hell?

(Chapter 28 end)

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