Chapter 31

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(Readers POV)

We all were just sitting around the trailer. I checked my scroll and it still didn't have signal. I sighed and I put my scroll away.

(Y/N): This has been so great so far.

I thought about what happened down in the well.

(Y/N): Hey Ruby. What was that light that came from you?

Ruby: It was my silver eyes.

(Y/N): I think I'm missing a lot right now.

Ruby looked over at Maria.

Ruby: How did you know what to say to me to activate my eyes?

Maria: Isn't it obvious? I had silver eyes. I was the Grim Reaper.

Qrow: The Grim Reaper?

I looked over at Qrow. He had a look of surprise on his face. Am I suppose to know who she is?

Qrow: You were my inspiration to become a huntsman.

Maria: I am flattered.

Qrow: What happened to you?

Maria went on to tell a story on how she lost her eyes. She was attacked by some people, or something like that. I just zoned her out for most of her story.

Maria: The silver eyes can be dangerous because there are people that want that power gone.

People with silver eyes are being hunted down. It's probably Salem that's hunting them down. I looked around and it looked like everyone else made it to the same conclusion. A sudden noise started. Ruby reached for her pocket and pulled out her scroll. She answered it on speaker.

Jaune: Ruby?! You finally picked up! Is everything ok?

Ruby: Jaune. Where are you guys?

Jaune: We are in Argus. You guys must be close if we can call.

I looked ahead and saw the town of Argus.

Ruby: We are on our way.

She hanged up her scroll and putted it away. I sighed. At least there won't be Grimm trying to kill us at Argus. Maria was looking at me.

(Y/N): What?

Maria: You're carrying me.

(Y/N): Like hell I am!

(Time skip)

We are walking down the streets of Argus. Maria was on my shoulders. I wasn't the happiest person right now.

Yang: Why did you agree to carrying her?

(Y/N): She wouldn't stop hitting me with her cane.

Ruby: I totally didn't record it.

She recorded it?! At least she learned sarcasm. I sighed.

(Y/N): Where are the others?

Nora: There you are!

I turned around to see Jaune, Ren, and Nora. They were across the street. Nora rushed over to us.

Nora: What took you guys so long? It's been forever since we were last together.

(Y/N): We almost died.

Nora started to laugh, I guess she thinks I'm joking. She noticed that I wasn't joking.

Nora: Sorry. What happened?

Yang: There were these Grimm that wouldn't let us move.

Nora: That sounds dangerous.., and cool!

Jaune and Ren walked up to us.

Jaune: Who is the woman on (Y/N)'s shoulders?

Maria: I'm Maria.

(Y/N): She forced herself on my shoulders.

Qrow: We should be going.

Ruby: Where?

Qrow: There should be a place with a bunch of bullheads. I'm sure we can catch a ride on one to get to Atlas.

(Time skip)

Guard 1: We can not let you pass!

(Y/N): This was a great idea Qrow.

Qrow: It was a great idea.

We are at the place Qrow was talking about. However, we got denied to getting a ride to Atlas.

Qrow: Come on. General Ironwood needs us for something.

Guard 1: General Ironwood?

Guard 2: We will be right back with our boss.

They walked away.

Qrow: See? It was a great idea.

Maria: I just remembered something.

(Y/N): What?

Maria: We aren't going to get anywhere with their boss. She is a she devil.

The two guards came back.

Guard 1: We have returned.

Guard 2: With our boss, Caroline Cordovin.

I was waiting for someone to walk up. After a bit of waiting I looked down and there was a short woman with white hair. She is about the same height as Maria.

Caroline: You say that Ironwood needs you?

Qrow: That's right. We need to use a bullhead to get to Atlas.

Caroline: I have sent a message to Ironwood and haven't heard from him back. Until I get confirmation that he does need you, I can't let you pass.

Caroline looked past us and noticed Jaune, Ren, and Nora.

Caroline: You three again?! I thought I told you to not come back!

Ruby: What did you three do?

Jaune: It wasn't us. It was Nora.

Ren: She tried you climb the gate and they tried tasing her.

Yang: I can only imagine that went well.

Caroline: We had to use a cannon just for her to get off the gate. It is definitely is a no now for you using a bullhead.

Maria: I told you she was a she devil.

Caroline: Who said that?

Maria: How is the weather down there, shorty.

Caroline looked at me then up and saw Maria on my shoulders.

Caroline: You! What are you doing here!?

Maria: I was being a nice old lady and helping these people out, unlike you.

Caroline: I am not old.

Maria: Then I'm not short.

Hearing them argue is like two young siblings bickering at each other.

Maria: You are just jealous that you will never be this tall in your life.

Caroline: Like I would ever be jealous about something like that.

They kept going back and forth. I fell like I'm about to pop a blood vein.

(Y/N): Alright guys! We're leaving!

I turned around and started to walk away.

Caroline: You better leave Maria!

I sighed in relief. Now I don't have to hear two old ladies fighting like children. I felt something whack on my head.

(Y/N): What was that for!?

Maria: I wasn't done fighting with the she devil.

(Y/N): They say you get wiser with age.

Everyone caught up to me.

Yang: Did you have to walk away?

(Y/N): Did you not see the old child on my shoulders? We were not getting anywhere anyway.

Maria: I'm not a child.

(Y/N): You act like one.

Ruby: You encourage her.

(Y/N): Tell me how.

Ruby: You are the one carrying her.

(Y/N): I need to lay down. Where are we staying?

Jaune: At my sister's. She lives here at Argus. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Finally, I can get rid of this monster on me.

(Chapter 31 end)

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