Chapter 45

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(Ying's POV)

Me, Ruby, and Weiss are waiting for (Y/N) and Yang to return. I looked around the dorm room.

Ruby: Hey, Ying.

I looked over at Ruby.

Ruby: Do you know why Yang and (Y/N) took so long to get back here last night?

Weiss: They didn't show up until midnight.

Ying: Oh, um... I don't know. I left the dance club without them. I guess they just lost track of time.

Ruby: I guess that makes sense.

I noticed Weiss giving me a skeptical look. I hope she doesn't ask more questions. I heard a knock on the door.

(Y/N): I'm coming in.

I heard him through the door. The door opened and (Y/N), Yang, and who I assume is Blake walked in.

(Y/N): Did more Ying's from different futures show up while I was gone?

Ying: Nope. I'm still the only Ying here.

Yang: We got Blake.

I looked at Blake and my eyes are drawn to her cat ears. They're so cute.

Blake: It's nice to meet you all.

Ruby: Looks like we got another temporary member for team RWBY.

(Y/N): Anyone have anyone else in mind for another addition?

Ying: I know. Grandma Raven.

After I said that, I kinda regret it. (Y/N) and Yang looked at me. I can tell they don't like the idea.

Yang: That's going to be a hard no.

Ying: What?! But she'll be a great help to us! She is the Spring Maiden after all!

(Y/N): Listen. Raven isn't your loving granny like from your time.

Yang: She won't help us. She would rather have us die than fight against Salem.

I looked down at the ground. The Grandma Raven I know is here.

(Y/N): Plus. How are we supposed to get her here? She's probably on the other side of Remnant.

Ying: I have my semblance.

Weiss: What is it?

Ying: Well, it's a bit complicated. I call it Family Bond. I can use the semblances of people in my family tree.

Ruby: That's so cool! So you can use my semblance?!

Ying: Yeah, basically.

Yang: So you are going to use my mom's semblance to get to her?

Ying: Potentially. I had a connection with Grandma Raven in the future. I'm not sure if connections go through time though.

(Y/N): So Raven isn't showing up? So sad.

Ying: I'm still going to try!

I raised my hand up. I chopped the air and a red portal opened.

Ruby: It's a start.

(Y/N): You'll only be wasting time.

I ignored him and walked through the portal. I stepped out to the other side and looked around.

Ying: This is Grandma Raven's tent. I'm at her tribe.

I don't see her anywhere. I heard someone walk in. I turned around and saw Grandma Raven.

Raven: Who are you?

She grabbed the hilt of her sword. She looked past me and saw the portal I opened up.

Raven: That's... My semblance.

She drew her sword and pointed it at me. I put my hands up.

Ying: I'll explain everything soon! Just come with me!

Grandma Raven slashed at me. I quickly activated (Y/N)'s semblance and blocked the blade with my arm.

Raven: Huh?

I used Ruby's semblance and went behind Grandma Raven. I kicked her through the portal and quickly went through the portal too.

Ying: I got her!

(Y/N) and Yang: Dammit!

Grandma Raven is on the ground. I helped her up.

Raven: Where am I?

She looked at Yang and (Y/N).

Raven: It's you two.

Ying: We need your help!

Raven: And why should I help?

Ying: Because the future is doomed if you don't!

Raven: That's a funny story.

Ying: It's true. Your Maiden powers will help us!

Raven: ...How do you know?

Ying: I'll explain.

(Time Skip)

I just finished telling Grandma Raven everything about the future and who I am.

Raven: I see. You think because you're my granddaughter, I'll help you.

Ying: Hopefully.

(Y/N): Hopefully not.

Ying: Are always so childish, dad?!

Yang: I mean-

(Y/N) elbowed Yang's arm.

Ying: Please Grandma Raven. Help us.

Raven: I don't know if I should. Maybe if my daughter and her boyfriend ask nicely.

(Y/N) and Yang: You can't be serious!

I went up next to them.

Ying: Cmon. Do it for me. Please?

I gave them puppy eyes.

(Y/N): If you weren't technically my daughter. Fine.

Yang: Might as well.

I fist bumped the air. (Y/N) and Yang took deep breaths.

Yang: Help us.

(Y/N): Please bless us with your help.

Raven: Bless? I thought you said I could take my blessing and shove it up my ass.

Ying: You said what?! Apologize to Grandma Raven now!

(Y/N): ...I'm sorry.

He mumbled. He crossed his arms and looked away.

Raven: I can get used to this. Fine, I'll help.

Ying: Thanks Grandma-

Raven: Enough with the grandma title. I'm not old.

Ying: Alright. I'll go tell my other grandma that you're going to help.

I ran out the room.

(Readers POV)

This day can't get any worse. Raven walked to the door and was about to leave. She stopped and looked at me, giving me a smirk. She gave me the middle finger and left the room. I grunted and gritted my teeth.

Ruby: Hey. We got another person to help, right?

(Y/N): I would rather have Zwei's help than her's.

Weiss: You just need to suck it up. I don't like her either, but it's to save Remnant.

Yang: Weiss is right. We need to do this. Even if we hate it.

This sucks. Why can't the future just be all happy? Then none of this would be happening.

(Y/N): Whatever. We need to start training.

I looked over at Blake, who is sitting down on a chair.

(Y/N): We're going to the training grounds. I'm going to make sure you're up for everything coming up.

Blake: Alright. I'm still going to beat you.

(Y/N): Bet, Kitty Cat!

I went out the dorm room. I looked back and Blake is following me. Time to show this girl just who is the best in team RWBY.

(Chapter 45 end)

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