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(Readers POV)

I flipped through the channels on the tv. I'm not finding anything that looks good. I leaned back onto the couch and sighed.

(Y/N): This is boring.

Ruby: Hey (Y/N).

I looked over and saw Ruby sit down next to me.

(Y/N): Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Can I have the remote? There is a show coming on that I want to watch.

I handed her the tv remote.

(Y/N): Knock yourself out.

Ruby: Thanks (Y/N).

Ruby changed the channel to people making many different kinds of weapons. I looked around.

(Y/N): Where's Yang?

Ruby: I saw her go into the bathroom, but she hasn't come out yet.

I got concerned. I got up and went to the bathroom door. I knocked on it.

(Y/N): Yang? Are you alright?

Yang: Y-Yeah.

I heard Yang walk up to the door and it opened. Yang wrapped her arms around me and shows no sign of letting go. I wrapped my arms around Yang.

(Y/N): Are you sure you're alright?

Yang: ...I love you.

I can smell puke in her breath.

(Y/N): Oh... You're pregnant, aren't you?

Yang just nodded her head. I already know I was going to be a dad, but I'm still excited.

(Y/N): That's great news!

I looked over and saw Ruby rushing over to us.

Ruby: It's happening?!

Yang: Yeah sis.

Ruby gained stars in her eyes and she started to jump in excitement. She took out her scroll and took a picture of me and Yang.

Ruby: I'm going to be an aunt! What are you going to name the kid?

I looked at Ruby and sighed.

(Y/N): Stop being dumb.

Ruby: I'm not dumb.

I looked down at Yang. She's still hugging me tightly. I heard rumors that women are hard to handle when they're pregnant, but it's probably nothing I can't handle.

(Five Months Later)

Yang: (Y/N)!

I walked into the living room. I saw Yang sitting on the couch, holding a tub of ice cream.

(Y/N): Yeah?

Yang: I want more ice cream.

More?! She can't be serious.

(Y/N): Isn't that your second tub?

Yang: Just get me more!

(Y/N): Alright, got it.

I walked into the kitchen and walked to the freezer. I opened it and grabbed the last tub of ice cream. I went back into the living room and sat down next to Yang on the couch.

Yang: Thank you so much.

She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and took the tub of ice cream from my hands. I looked at the tv. I heard my scroll start to ring.

Yang: Who's that?

(Y/N): Let me check to find out.

I took my scroll out of my pocket and see that Blake is calling me. I answered the call.

(Y/N): Hello.

Blake: Hey (Y/N). I was wondering if you could help me with somethings with the White Wing.

(Y/N): Um... Sure.

Blake: Thanks. See you soon.

I ended the call. I sighed and stood up.

Yang: Where are you going?

(Y/N): I'm going to help Blake with some things. I'll be back in a few hours.

I tried to walk away, but Yang grabbed my arm.

Yang: You can't leave.

(Y/N): I can't?

Yang: I want you to stay here.

(Y/N): You make it sound like I'm going to be gone for a week.

Yang: Oh, I get it now.

Get what now? I looked back and saw Yang start to cry.

Yang: You don't love me anymore!

(Y/N): W-What?!

Yang: You want to be with Blake now!

(Y/N): It's not like that!

Yang: Yeah, it is! You think I'm ugly and fat now!

Yang kept going on and on about me apparently leaving her. I grabbed the tub of ice cream. I took a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it in Yang's mouth, causing her to stop talking.

(Y/N): I'm never going to leave you. Stop overreacting.

I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her on the cheek.

(Y/N): I love you. Do you really think I'd leave you for someone else? Why would I leave the perfect person for me?

Yang shedded more tears and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a back crushing hug.

(Y/N): What am I going to do with you?

I looked to my left and saw Ruby taking a picture. Ruby noticed me looking at her and waved at me.

(Four Months Later)

Me, Tai, Ruby, and Yang are walking back home, with me carrying Yang and her holding a new member of the family.

Ruby: Ying is so cute.

Tai: It feels like only yesterday that Yang was born. I still can't believe I'm a grandpa now.

I looked down at Ying. She looked up at me and smiled. It feels like my heart is about to melt. I smiled back at her.

Ruby: Picture time!

Ruby took out her scroll and took at least a dozen pictures.

(Y/N): Stop it Ruby.

I looked forward and saw the house. We're finally here. I went up to the front door and opened it.

Yang: What do you want to do first?

(Y/N): ...Sleep.

Yang: Lazy bones.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. I let out a sigh of relief. I heard the front door slam open. I looked back to see my mom.

Dye: Where's my little boy's littler girl?!

She ran over to me and Yang. Her eyes lit up after she saw Ying.

Dye: She's so cute! Can I please hold her?

Yang: Yeah, sure.

Yang handed Ying to mom. My mom looked at Ying and started to talk to her.

Dye: It's so nice to see you again. You're such a cute baby. You remind me when (Y/N) was my special little boy.

(Y/N): Mom.

She looked at me.

Dye: I'm sorry. You're still my special little boy.

I took a deep breath. I really need to go to sleep.

(Yang's POV) (One Year Later)

I've been looking around the house for (Y/N), but I can't find him. I checked the time and it's getting pretty late.

Yang: Where could he have gone?

Ruby: Hey Yang. Are you looking for (Y/N)?

Yang: Yeah. I can't find him.

Ruby: I did see him walk out into the forest.

Yang: Thanks Ruby. If Ying wakes up, could you watch her for a bit?

Ruby: Of course.

Yang: Thanks.

I walked outside and looked around. I entered the nearby forest and started to run. After a bit of running, I saw (Y/N) laying down in an opening. He's staring up at the night sky. I slowly walked up to him and laid down next to him.

(Y/N): Hey Yang.

Yang: You should really tell me before you leave out of nowhere.

(Y/N): My bad.

I looked up at the stars and broken moon.

Yang: Why are you out here?

(Y/N): I've been thinking... About everything, really. Just... I don't really know if I deserve all this.

I looked at him. I saw him shed a single tear.

(Y/N): I have a great family, a loving girlfriend and I just think... If I was still a stupid idiot like how I was back at Beacon, I wouldn't be here now. You wouldn't love me.

I put my hand over his hand. He turned his head to look at me.

Yang: You shouldn't let those thoughts get to your head. Stop thinking about what if, and just think about the now. I think you deserved everything that you got after everything you've been through. Plus, I've always loved you.

I intertwined mine and (Y/N)'s fingers. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

(Y/N): I guess you're right.

We both sat up. (Y/N) reached into his pocket and pulled out a box.

(Y/N): I think this is long overdue.

He opened the box, revealing a ring with a crystal clear gem on top.

(Y/N): Will you marry me?

Instead of answering him, I tackled him to the ground and smashed my lips on him. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. We kept the kissing going until the need for air caused us to separate our lips.

Yang: Does that answer your question?

(Y/N): Yeah, it does.

He grabbed my hand and put the ring on my ring finger. I've waited a long time for this day.

Yang: I think we should celebrate. I think you know what I'm thinking.~

(Y/N): Just don't use your semblance this time.

Yang: Just use your semblance. Problem solved.

(Y/N) just sighed at me.

(Y/N): Let's just get this over with.

(Four Years Later)

Yang: Ying! Your snack is ready!

Ying ran into the kitchen and got really excited.

Ying: Is it apple slices?

Yang: Of course it is.

Ying: Yay! You're the best, mommy!

I handed Ying the plate of apple slices. She was about to leave, but I stopped her.

Yang: Hey. Do you want to see a magic trick?

Ying: Yes! I'd love to see one!

I grabbed my robot arm and took it off. Ying just stood there in silence. She stared at my nub and dropped her plate. Ying started to tear up and she ran out of the kitchen. I don't think my joke landed the way I wanted it to.

Ying: Daddy! Mommy is hurt!

I walked out the kitchen. I saw Ying trying to get (Y/N) off the couch by pulling on his arm.

(Y/N): Ying. What's wrong?

Ying: Mommy doesn't have her arm anymore!

He looked up at me and saw me holding my robot arm. (Y/N) sighed and picked up Ying. He walked up to me.

(Y/N): Your jokes haven't improved in the slightest. Ying, look.

Ying looked at me and I put my arm back on.

Yang: See? I'm fine. You don't have to worry.

Ying sniffed and wiped her tears away. Ying jumped out of (Y/N)'s arms and onto me. She wrapped her arms me tightly. I rubbed her back to help her calm down. I noticed (Y/N) giving me an annoyed look and he crossed his arms.

Yang: I'm sorry. Ok?

(Y/N): Geez. Whatever.

He walked back to the couch and sat down.

Ying: Mommy. Can you make me some more apple slices?

Yang: Anything for you. Go and watch tv with your dad.

I put Ying down and she ran over to (Y/N). I went back into the kitchen and saw Zwei eating the slices on the floor. I petted him on the head.

Yang: Good boy. Cleaning the mess for me.

I quickly made some more apple slices and walked over to Ying and sat down next to her. She grabbed the plate out of my hand.

(Y/N): Ying. Manners.

Ying looked at me and smiled.

Ying: Thank you.

She really is a sweet heart. I heard someone walking down the stairs. I looked back and saw Ruby.

Ruby: How's everyone's day going?

(Y/N): Yang scared Ying half to death.

Yang: It wasn't on purpose.

Ruby: Yikes. Not a good start I see.

Ruby reached over and picked up Ying.

Ying: Hello Aunt Ruby.

Ruby: Do you want to hang out with me and Aunt Weiss for today?

(Y/N): You're going to see Weiss?

Ruby: Yep. Is it alright if I take Ying?

Yang: Go ahead.

Ying: Yay! I get to see Aunt Weiss!

Ruby: We'll be back after awhile.

Ruby handed a present to (Y/N).

Ruby: Happy four year anniversary you two.

Her and Ying left the house.

(Y/N): It's nice for Ruby to give us a gift.

Yang: Open it!

(Y/N) opened the present and its a binder. He opened the binder and it's filled with a bunch of different pictures of me and (Y/N).

Yang: Hey. It's all the pictures Ruby took of us throughout the years.

I saw one from the dance at Beacon, another one of (Y/N) tucking me in bed, one of me and (Y/N)'s first kiss, and a lot more.

(Y/N): All these memories...

I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and held it tightly.

(Y/N): ...I'm glad we can make so much more together.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine.

Yang: I guess we just complete each other.

(Y/N): Like the Yin and Yang.

(The End)

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