Learning How to Love

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Shadow Venoct and Damona,both had trouble expressing emotions. Love,was here the largest emotion neither could feel.

Shadow Venoct could not show any love for anyone,especially his brothers. Yet he longed to care for them instead of being a freak with no heart. He was only a shadow to most,and possible to himself.

Damona,the one princess,the girl who sacrifice her emotions to gain unbelievable power. The cost of emotions took a toll on her,she felt nothing,not even caring about her father and sisters. She truly was the heartless girl of the demons.

Today the two met in a cafe. Both curious of the other,they seem to get along well. Since both couldn't express emotions,they decided to each other. Everyday,they would meet at the cafe till they had successful mastered and felt every emotions.


Sadness,an emotion that causes the heart to ache,leads the brain to feel confused,and leads the brain to feel confused,and leads the eyes to leak tears. This would be the first emotion they would master. Sadden was the closest to emotionless,so it was the perfect start.

"So how do we start?" She asked

" We inflict pain on each other " Shadow recommend

"Ok. I'll go first" she came close to him

Shadow braces himself for the pain

"You are nothing. You are worthless. No wonder your "his" shadow" she tried to get a reaction from him

"True" he wasn't affected

"No reaction" Damona sighed

"No" she sighs,unable to feel frustrated

"Maybe another emotion would be better" she began think of a feeling that would benefit them

"Anger? We both are skilled fighters and from what my brothers tell me,its fighting that promotes anger" he thought how he felt about his brothers,still he felt nothing

"Anger it is. You are quite clever" She said, thinking about her sisters,how they made her feel,still nothing

Day 4:

Anger,the feeling to pummel your friends and enemies into the ground. The feeling should come easily to two S ranks like them

"Ready?" He asked

Damona nodded

Shadow Venoct threw several punches at her,but all his strikes missed. He never missed before,so why did he missed?

"Problem?" she asked

"N-no" he lied

"If you will not attack,then I will be the one who attacks you!" She charged to him, ready to freeze them

For some strange reason,she couldn't. Like something in her mind prevented her from attacking him. She stopped before hitting him. What is happening? Her powers never failed her before,so why now? Was it him? Did Shadow Venoct had something to do with this?

"Problem?" He asked

" Yes. I think I felt something" she asked

"Really? What was it?" He asked a bit curious

" I don't know. It's a warm surge of energy" she blushed,what was this feeling

"I love you too" he said,holding her hand

"You say it? !" Her face bright red

" There's no doubt I have feelings for you. And I can feel emotions whenever you are around " he looked away,not wanting her to see him blush

Love is everywhere,even in those who have no emotions.

Shade Democt x Kynoct


Bloom x Corren

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