Magical Connections

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Jibanyan ran,desperately looking for her. The love of his life was missing,nowhere in sights,and  she wasn't answering her phone.

"MAGINYAN!!!!" He called out, searching the cursed forest.

The forest which yo Kai can never enter,or they will be captured by the crazed shogun, Goku Shogunyan. The deadly samurai of the Goku group. Jibanyan hopes that his lovely Magi wasn't a victim of the cursed blade of that demon.

Maginyan was in trouble,Goku Shogunyan had her at his mercy and she had no magic left. Her golden yellow fur was stained in her own blood,cuts everywhere and her adorable hat in tips and tears.

"Prey for my blade...delicious prey..." He licked his katana, approaching her body slowly

Was this the end? Would she never see her lovely Jibanyan again? She closed her eyes awaiting her end.

"Paws of Fury!!" A familiar voice clashed with the katana

That voice could it be?

"Jibanyan?" she asked,weak from her wounds

Jibanyan attacked the cursed samurai,boiled fury in his eyes. No one,no one is to ever hurt his cuddle cutie!

After a while,the samurai retreated. Now the two kitties had a moment alone.

"How did you find me?" She asked, Jibanyan wraps her wounds and licked every one

"No matter where you are,our love connection will only lead me to you,my precious golden witchnyan" He kissed her lips

" Jibanyan kun" she kisses back,happy to have a boy friend like him that shares such a powerful connection with her.

The love of the fighter and Witch. A connection completely about their love

Panini x Darkyubi


Lisa x Carniboy

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