Chapter 6: Celebrating

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A few days later, Jibanyan got a phone call from Micchy.

"Hey, I need help." Micchy spoke.

"How did you get my number?" Jibanyan asked.

"Your dad..." Micchy responded.

"Crap..." Jibanyan groaned in annoyance.

"Anyways, I know it's late, but I'm making a cake to give Whisper and Fubuki." Micchy stated.

"Why?" Jibanyan was puzzled.

"Because I want to celebrate their marriage and their parenthood. I'm happy for them and I want to be a good friend." Micchy said.

"I think your presence is just enough..."Jibanyan mumbled.

"Anyways, I just want one thing from you, as you're their adopted child. I thought you could pick out what the message on the cake should be." Micchy replied.

"I... could care less." Jibanyan rolled her eyes.

"What about 'congrats on being parents'?" Micchy questioned.

"That sounds too forward." Jibanyan was unamused.

"What about...'congrats on your baby'?" Micchy suggested.

"Hey! That's me you're talking about!" Jibanyan nagged.

"Oh, I know what the message should be! Thanks for the help!" Micchy hung up on Jibanyan.

"He is so full of himself." Jibanyan face palmed.

Later, Jibanyan was at her parents' house.

"It was so nice of Natsume and her friends to give us gifts." Fubuki exclaimed.

"They really didn't have to, just because we're married." Whisper replied.

"But it does remind me of our wedding." Fubuki looked at Whisper lovingly.

"Yeah, good times." Whisper kissed Fubuki on the lips.

"I'm right here!" Jibanyan yelled.

Whisper and Fubuki looked at Jibanyan in embarrassment.

"Oops, sorry..."Whisper laughed awkwardly.

The door bell rang.

"I wonder who that could be." Fubuki got up and went to the door.

She opened it to see Micchy with a cake.

"I'm here with a gift!" Micchy announced.

"Oh, that's great! Come in." Fubuki lead Micchy to Whisper and Jibanyan.

They saw Micchy and took notice of the cake.

"Oh my god, he actually made a cake!" Jibanyan was surprised.

"Hey Micchy, what are you doing here?" Whisper asked.

"You thought that I wouldn't give you a gift of your marriage and all. But have no fear! I, Micchy, made a cake for you!" Micchy presented the cake.

The cake was a basic one: white and square shaped.

Micchy gave Whisper the cake.

"Um... what does this cake say?" Whisper questioned, being a bit afraid.

"Oh, that's easy! I tried to get Jibanyan's help to come up with a message, but he gave me an idea instead. I mean, I'm the only one who congratulated you on your child." Micchy proudly replied.

"What does it say?" Fubuki asked.

"I don't want to say..." Whisper said.

"Just read the darn thing." Jibanyan demanded.

"It says 'congrats on your big ass baby'!" Micchy stated.

"Wait- WHAT?! Let me see that!" Jibanyan read the message on the cake and gave Micchy a death stare.

"What? You said that putting 'congrats on being parents' was too basic." Micchy shrugged.

Jibanyan clinched her fists and turned into her Shadowside form.

She cracked her fists and faced Micchy, "You really get on my nerves."

Hours passed as Natsume was at the agency with Keisuke and Akinori.

"Well guys, that Yo-kai was tough, huh?" Akinori said.

"Yeah, I don't want to see it ever again." Keisuke sighed.

They noticed the front door open and saw Micchy collapse to the floor.

"Micchy?!" Natsume exclaimed.

Micchy raised up and spoke, "They...didn't like the gift."

"Oh, you mean Whisper and Fubuki's gift?" Akinori responded.

"What did you give them...?" Keisuke was concerned.

"A cake...with a message on it." Micchy was out of breath.

"And it said...?" Natsume was curious.

"You don't want to know..." Micchy fell back to the ground.

"Wow, even you have better standards than Micchy." Natsume looked at Akinori.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Akinori was confused.

"Means you're not dumb." Keisuke snickered.

"No, it means Akinori is more intelligent." Natsume stated.

"I don't know if I should feel insulted or flattered..." Akinori spoke to himself.

It was a new day at the agency, as everyone awaited their next case.

"Alright gang, ready for a new mystery to solve?" Akinori asked.

"Akinori, we're not from Scooby Doo." Touma said.

"I know that! You know what I mean!" Akinori complained.

"Honestly, I don't want to spend the whole day like this." Natsume sighed.

"What do you mean?" Akinori questioned.

"Watching you two fight." Natsume said.

"We're not fighting! We're best bros! Right, Touma?" Akinori said in an awkward tone.

"Sure." Touma spoke.

The door opened, and everyone gave their attention to Jibanyan and Junior.

"Hey, someone finally decided to join us." Akinori said.

"Yeah, yeah. I have nothing better to do." Jibanyan was not in the mood to talk.

"Someone's grumpy. Why the mad face?" Akinori teased.

"Well, no one was available to watch Junior and he wanted to leave the house, and I didn't want to." Jibanyan crossed her arms.

"He's your son. So, shouldn't you at least care?" Natsume questioned.

"I guess..." Jibanyan mumbled.

"Daddy's mad because USApyon is working today." Junior stated.

They looked at Jibanyan puzzled.

"USApyon? Who's that?" Touma asked.

Jibanyan froze, " friend?"

"Does he watch Junior sometimes?" Natsume wondered.

"He lives with me and Daddy! Daddy said that their best friends and like living with each other!" Junior smiled.

"Really? That's interesting." Touma spoke.

"How long you guys known each other?" Natsume asked.

"Thirty years..." Jibanyan blushed.

"Wow! That's a long time!" Akinori exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that we...go way back. I mean...I have no one else to go to besides my parents, and he has no where else to go to, besides his house anyways..." Jibanyan was looking away from everyone, avoiding eye contact.

"I think that's sweet of him to let you and Junior live with him." Natsume smiled.

"What does he do?" Akinori questioned.

"He's a bounty hunter that captures evil Yo-kai and makes a lot of money." Jibanyan said.

"That sounds awesome! Why haven't you talked about him?!" Akinori was in awe.

"Well very reluctant and doesn't really want to make amends with just anyone. Besides, he's also very busy with his job..." Jibanyan was nervous.

"USApyon is really nice! He fights Yokai about every..." Junior counted his non-existent fingers, " or two days a week!"

"Huh, he's not that busy." Akinori said.

"Well, his missions are always at random; he may never know when a Yo-kai will cause chaos." Jibanyan laughed nervously.

"We should meet him!" Natsume cheered.

"I... don't know..." Jibanyan hesitated.

"Come on, I bet he's cool." Akinori replied.

"Yeah, he is!" Jibanyan paused and blushed, "I can meet him when he's not busy. I'll...just ask him."

"Ok, that sounds great!" Natsume grinned.

After a few hours, Jibanyan left with Junior.

"I can't wait to meet USApyon! I bet he's badass." Akinori said.

"He sounded badass." Touma added.

"But...I still wonder...why did Jibanyan sound so nervous?" Natsume questioned.

"What are you talking about?" Akinori asked.

"He sounded off, and we barely could hear him. You think USApyon is abusing him?" Natsume was worried.

"I... don't think so...? Maybe he's just scary looking." Akinori suggested.

"Or he's a criminal." Touma chimed in.

"What kind of bounty hunter would be a criminal?" Akinori was puzzled.

"There are ones that do bad deeds, and maybe Jibanyan is too afraid to admit it." Touma paused and smiled, "But he's probably a good person, and we have nothing to worry about."

"You're right. We'll just have to wait and see what kind of person he is, when Jibanyan will let us meet him..." Natsume responded.

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