Chapter 9: Feeling Down

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! Warning, this chapter is borderline M. You've been warned.!

The next following day, Jibanyan and USApyon were waiting for the guests to arrive at their home.

When the time came, there was a knock at the door.

Jibanyan opened it to reveal Natsume, Keisuke, Touma, Akinori, and Ayame.

They were carrying bags with supplies they needed to stay over for the night.

She led the five guests in, but she was a bit nervous as they followed her through the house.

They made it to the living room with USApyon and Junior waiting on them.

The guests sat their bags on the floor and greeted them.

They were astounded by USApyon's appearance without his suit.

Keisuke blurted out, "I thought you were a rabbit!"

"No, I'm not." USApyon spoke.

Akinori was puzzled, "What are you...?"

"I'm an otter." USApyon responded.

Touma pondered a bit, "Then why do you dress up like a rabbit?"

USApyon sighed as he explained, "Well, I can't remember much of my past. The only thing I remember was that... when I was alive, I somehow ended up being raised with rabbits. I guess I wanted to fit in. I couldn't recall anything after that."

"That's amazing, and kind of sad..." Ayame replied.

USApyon shrugged it off, "Eh, I wouldn't worry about doesn't bother me."

He looked at Jibanyan and smiled, "Jibanyan thinks I look better without my suit, wouldn't ya, Jibanyan?"

Everyone looked at Jibanyan, waiting for an answer.

Jibanyan got flustered, "'s not that you look bad with your look... You still don't look good-I mean...with or without your suit, you look great!"

Natsume looked back at USApyon, "Either way, USApyon is pretty cool."

"Yeah, he's the coolest!" Akinori butted in.

"Thanks, but I can't take all the credit." USApyon glanced at Jibanyan, "I mean, Jibanyan is a pretty cool guy. Just wait until you see him in PJs."

Jibanyan took notice that everyone was wearing pajamas.

"Of course, it is... I'll be right back." Jibanyan left and went to her bedroom.

She opened the drawers of her dresser and browsed around.

"Come on...I got to have something besides nightgowns....!"

Jibanyan didn't want anyone to raise questions about her attire and wanted to avoid anything feminine for the time being.

She picked up some slippers that were pink and had rabbit ears attached to them.

"My god... I remember how my parents got this for me as a Christmas gift..."

She shoved the pajamas back in the drawer and groaned in disbelief, "Only if they realized that I'm not a kid anymore."

Jibanyan searched for a few minutes and grew furious, "This is the one time that I wish I had pants!"

This gave Jibanyan an idea as she opened drawers from USApyon's dresser.

She picked up one of his T-shirts and slipped it on; it was oversized on her, but she just dealt with it.

"He'll get me for this, but at least my secret will be safe..."

Jibanyan went back to the living room as everyone stared at her with an awkward silence.

USApyon went to her and protested, "Why are you wearing my shi-"

He paused as he noticed the weird looks everyone gave him.

"I favorite shirt! Why are you wearing my favorite shirt that I gave you?!" USApyon patted Jibanyan on the back while exchanging fake smiles to each other.

" thought you would like it...?" Jibanyan shrugged.

Touma studied Jibanyan's attire, "Hmm...that's an interesting choice of clothing."

"I wasn't expecting you to wear something like that..." Akinori stated.

Ayame grinned and added, "But you look so cute!"

"I just like being comfortable...that's all..." Jibanyan blushed and looked away.

Junior interrupted them, "Everyone is here! Let's start the sleepover!"

"Ok...what do kids do these days?" Jibanyan paused.

Keisuke looked at her in disbelief, "I can't believe you didn't know about this kind of stuff. I thought you would be cooler than that..."

"I haven't kept up with stuff these days!" Jibanyan complained.

Keisuke backed away and hid behind Natsume, "Sorry!"

Natsume sighed, "I'm sorry about my brother."

"It's about you guys take charge and show us what to do?" USApyon suggested.

"Alright! Finally! We get to be in charge and do whatever we want!" Akinori exclaimed with excitement.

Jibanyan crossed her arms, "Just don't do anything illegal."

Akinori proudly planned out all of the activities, but he wanted Junior to pick out what he desired, since it was his sleepover.

Time passed by quickly as everyone took part in various activities, such as playing Spin the Bottle, and telling each other stories.

Eventually, Jibanyan grew tired and took a break on the couch.

She watched as USApyon played Twister with their son and the other guests.

Jibanyan noticed something was off as she saw Natsume standing in the corner alone.

She tried to get her attention, "Psst!"

Natsume noticed Jibanyan was signaling for her.

Jibanyan gestured for her to sit with her on the couch.

"Psst! Come here!" Jibanyan quietly demanded.

Natsume pointed at herself, "Me?"

"Yes, you! Come here!" Jibanyan waited, while staring at Natsume.

She decided to approach Jibanyan and sat next to her.

Natsume looked at Jibanyan, "What is it?"

"Why were you over there...standing alone? Did someone die?" Jibanyan was confused, but yet concerned.

" It's parents have been fighting lately." Natsume looked down at the floor.

"So? My parents fight sometimes." Jibanyan noticed Natsume was unusually quiet.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean that..." Jibanyan went silent and twiddled her paws.

Natsume took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh, "It's's just...not only they've been fighting lately...they've been doing this...for years."

She looked at Jibanyan, who looked back with a shocked expression, "Really...? My parents just fight once every often. What's going on with your parents?"

Natsume tried to explain her situation, "I think...they're planning on a divorce. I mean...I heard them talk about it when I was younger, but I didn't know what it meant. Now they're mentioning it again and... they didn't say they're divorcing exactly...but...I heard them talking, and in one point, Mom always mentioned that she'll leave dad."

Jibanyan was speechless and thought for a second, "Dang...I think your mom's been planning on leaving your dad...for years!"

"You might be right. I tried to tell Keisuke, but he refused to believe in me...even if he witnessed them fighting. I've had multiple tries to pretend to be happy, seems off and so's unnatural." Natsume was worried as Jibanyan tried to comfort her.

She touched Natsume on the shoulder, "Hey, if your parents do get a divorce, think of all the good times... two Christmases and double the allowance! I'll have to go back and forth to see your parents, but at least you would get more stuff!"

Natsume formed a fake grin, "Thanks Jibanyan...but it just wouldn't be the same, you know?"

Jibanyan sighed in frustration, "I tried...I'm terrible with kids and a horrible parent."

"That's not true. It's just that you don't spend time with Junior, but I noticed you've been trying to be a better parent, and that's something to be proud of. At least you and Junior get along...right?" Natsume seemed a bit happier and reassured Jibanyan.

"Yeah...I hope you're right...Let's just go and enjoy the night. What do you say?"

"That sounds great." Natsume smiled and lead Jibanyan to join the others.

Sometime later, Jibanyan and USApyon decided to get some rest.

Jibanyan gathered everyone and announced, "USApyon and I are going to bed."

"Aw...why?" Junior was saddened to hear this.

"We're a bit tired, that's all." USApyon added.

Keisuke decided to interrupt, "But what should we do?"

"Do whatever you want. Just don't stay up all night." USApyon told them.

Akinori showed off a DVD case in his hand, "That means we can watch a movie!"

Jibanyan glared at him, "As long as it's suitable for Junior, then it's fine."

"Of course! That's all we're doing and then we'll go to sleep." Akinori looked back nervously.

"Ok, we're going to bed-I mean...our beds, in our different rooms!" Jibanyan laughed in a loud and awkward tone.

Akinori shoved Jibanyan and USApyon towards another room, "Ok, you two should go. See ya later!"

They headed to their room as the others waited for them to leave.

After they were settled down, Akinori turned to face the others, "Guess which movie we're watching."

"Is it stupid?" Keisuke mocked.

Akinori exclaimed, "Uh-no! Look at it!"

He presented the DVD in front of everyone.

Natsume was surprised, "A horror movie? I'm impressed."

"Akinori, I don't think this is a good idea." Ayame didn't want him to get in trouble.

Akinori ignored her statement, "Come on, it'll be fun."

"I've been wanting to watch this movie." Touma observed the DVD.

Keisuke grabbed Junior and presented him in front of them, "What about Junior?! If he screams, we'll be in trouble!"

"Bro, I don't think this movie will scare Junior that much. What do you think, Junior?" Natsume faced Junior.

He pondered for a bit, "I can be brave! I want to watch a scary movie!"

"Alright, that's the spirit!" Akinori cheered with glee.

He went towards the tv and placed the DVD in the player.

Akinori turned and looked at everyone with a sneaky grin, "Are you guys ready to get scared?"

Everyone cheered in response as the movie started.

They were on the edge, being fearful and excited as the movie progressed.

When it got to the climax, an unexpected jumpscare popped up, which caused everyone to gasp.

Junior started to scream and ran away.

"Hey, Junior! Come back!" Akinori shouted.

Touma stopped him from leaving, "Just let him go."

Junior rushed through the halls and opened the door to his parents' room.

He screamed and hid under the covers of their bed.

USApyon shot wide awake, "Junior, what's wrong?!"

Jibanyan rubbed her eyes and yawned, "What's going on...?"

Junior peeked out from the covers, "Mommy! Daddy! There's a monster out there and it's going to eat me!"

In the living room, the guests heard loud stomping.

"Oh my god...they're going to kill us!" Keisuke shrieked.

From a distance, they saw Jibanyan and USApyon in their Shadowside forms respectively.

"Ok, I want to know which one of you punks is trying to harm my son?!" Jibanyan formed a fist and punched it into her other paw.

USApyon threatened them by pointing his gun in their direction.

They screamed and backed away in response.

"We're so sorry!" Ayame stated.

"Please don't hurt us!" Keisuke pleaded in fear.

Akinori showed them the DVD case, "We were just watching a horror movie!"

Jibanyan placed her paws on her hips, "I knew it. I knew you punks wouldn't listen to me."

"We apologize for breaking the rules." Natsume sighed, feeling guilty.

"But the movie was worth it." Touma chimed in.

"Touma!" The others nagged at him.

Jibanyan turned in the opposite direction and looked back at them, "Just go to sleep or something. I can't have my kid being scared out of his mind."

She left to attend to Junior.

Before USApyon took his leave, he made a quick speech, "Junior will be with you. If you need anything, just get it yourself, or wait until we get it. He doesn't like being disturbed, alright?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and prepared for bed as USApyon left.

In the human world, Fumi was on her way back home.

"When the kids said they were going to have a stay over with their friends, I didn't agree with Keita having the house all to himself! Ugh, the nerve of him!" Fumi complained.

She finally made it home and unlocked the door.

"Keita, are you home?" Fumi waited for an answer, but there was no reply.

"Keita...?" Fumi called out again.

Fumi groaned in annoyance, "I don't have time for these stupid games."

She heard a sound that came from upstairs.

As she got closer to the source, she froze.

All she heard was squeaking from a bed and moaning noises.

"I swear, if he invited her before I left him for good..." Fumi mumbled in anger.

When Fumi opened the door of her and Keita's room, she saw the bedsheets moving.

Fumi clinched her fists and shouted, "Keita!"

Keita removed the covers to reveal himself and a familiar purple haired woman.

"'s not what it looks like!" Keita panicked as Fumi got closer.

"I thought I told you that you couldn't bring her here until I left you!" Fumi was ticked off.

"I'm's my fault. I called Keita and-" The woman got cut off by Fumi, "I don't want to hear it from you! If you miss each other so badly, then I'll move out as soon as possible!"

"Fumi please-" Keita got slapped in the face by Fumi, "And we don't even have to divorce! Want to know why...? Because we're not married!"

Before Fumi left the room, she looked at Keita as if she wanted to kill him, "I hope your pretend marriage with me was worth something. I would've never done this if I had somewhere else to go, but I wasn't given a choice."

Fumi slammed the door.

"Inaho...I'm sorry-" Keita was interrupted by Fumi, who opened the door, "And by the way, I hope your kids can handle the truth. I love them, but they're not my kids."

Fumi looked at Inaho, "You gave birth to them, so they're yours."

She slammed the door again.

"I... better go." Inaho finally spoke.

Keita grabbed Inaho by the hand, "I'm sorry about's been so long... we're married and... I want us to be together to prove it."

"I know...I miss you, and... I finally achieved my dream by going to space, but now...I feel empty inside. I should've never left..." Inaho felt very depressed.

Keita sighed, "No... I should've told the truth to our kids that their mom was extremely busy, and I wish I never made Fumi pretend to be my wife. I used her and let her into my home when she needed somewhere to live. I ended up using her...You must have seemed to hate me..."

"I don't hate you. I love you. I feel it's also my fault. I couldn't wait to see you. I could've waited longer but...I had an urge know..." Inaho went silent.

Keita laughed weakly, "I know what you mean. I never did it with Fumi,'s been years, and it was worth the wait."

Inaho went towards the door.

Before she left, Keita said, "I can't wait until you move back in soon."

"I hope the kids can handle this." Inaho replied back.

Keita whispered, "I hope so too..."

It was a new day, as the guests started to wake up.

They woke up one by one, until Keisuke was last.

"What time is it?" Keisuke yawned.

Touma looked at his phone, "It's eleven in the morning..."

"Are Jibanyan and USApyon awake?" Keisuke questioned.

Akinori was looking around, "Not yet. I haven't seen either of them."

"I was awake for that long?! Gosh, they can't sleep for that long, can they?" Natsume was concerned.

Ayame spoke up, "Should we check on them? I mean...I hope they're ok."

"What if they get really mad at us?" Keisuke shook with fear.

Akinori stood up in a bold fashion, "Come on, Ayame's right! We should be brave enough to check on them, and it's my job to..." He patted Touma on the back, " tell Touma that he should go."

"Really, Akinori?" Keisuke looked at him in disbelief.

Natsume was unamused, "That's Akinori for ya..."

"Alright, I'll go." Touma offered to take the task.

Everyone watched as Touma headed down towards the hall.

He examined the multiple doors as he walked through the halls.

"Which one is Jibanyan's room...?" Touma thought for a while and spoke to himself, "I hate doing this, but...I feel like the only way I'll find him is to open all of these doors."

Touma hesitated as he opened all of the doors, as he passed by each one of them.

He opened a door to a room that looked like it was for a younger kid.

"This must be Junior's room. I wonder if he's with his dad..."

Touma continued until he got to the last door.

"This has to be it..."

He opened the door carefully, in a cautious matter.

It revealed to be another bedroom, but more elegant, to Touma's surprise.

He barely had the door open but was able to see the bed.

Peeking from one side, he was able to see USApyon sleeping with Junior.

He wondered why and opened the door some more.

The door squeaked, which awoke USApyon took notice of Touma.

"Um...can I help you?"

Touma backed away, "I'm sorry if I bothered you... I just wanted to make sure you guys were ok."

"It's fine..." USApyon was interrupted by Junior, who just woke up.

He saw Touma and cheered, "Touma!"

This made Touma smile slightly.

Touma was startled as the covers started to move around.

The covers folded forward to reveal Jibanyan.

"Aw man...I think I overslept..."

Jibanyan looked at USApyon, then noticed Touma staring at her.

She blushed bright red.

"Jibanyan...why are you..." Touma paused and couldn't process the current image in his head of what he's seeing in front of him.

"I'm his boyfriend. Jibanyan was so scared that he wanted both of us to sleep with him." USApyon apologized to Touma.

"Oh...I see. I wouldn't think that neither of you would be the type know..." Touma was still stunned.

Jibanyan got choked up, "C-can't two f-friends sleep t-together?! We did it for the kid!"

"Ok...I understand." Touma finally spoke in a calm voice.

Junior hugged both Jibanyan and USApyon, "It's fun sleeping with USApyon and daddy! It's like another sleepover!"

"That's nice of you both to do that for Junior." Touma grinned.

Before he headed out, Touma added, "I guess I can tell everyone that you guys are ok. I'll see you guys in the living room."

After he left the bedroom, Jibanyan petted Junior on his head, "Nice save, Junior."

"I'll do anything for you mommy!" Junior was pleased with Jibanyan's response.

Jibanyan shushed Junior, "Not so loud! It's a secret, remember?"

"I remember!" Junior floated up and left the room.

Jibanyan covered her face with her paws and groaned in agony.

USApyon copied Jibanyan's earlier motion and started to pet her on the head.

"There, it'll be alright...angel." USApyon kissed Jibanyan on the head and started to leave.

Jibanyan uncovered her face and blushed madly, "You can't just leave me when you just gave me a new nickname! What's wrong with you?!"

USApyon turned to Jibanyan and smirked, "Get up or you'll miss out on breakfast, doll face."

After USApyon made his leave, Jibanyan buried her face on a pillow, "I can't believe he's giving me nicknames, and now it's been years...he better cut that out, or I'll go soft... Then everyone would know that I'm weak."

Jibanyan got up and headed out of her room.

After a while, the guests said their goodbyes and left.

Jibanyan looked at USApyon in annoyance, "We're never inviting people over, ever again."

USApyon squished Jibanyan's cheeks, "You're so cute when you're angry."

"I'm not angry!" Jibanyan pouted as USApyon showered her with attention.

She was so afraid that if she got all lovey-dovey with USApyon, it wouldshow her weaknesses and the possibility of her secret coming out.    

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