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a/n: yandere seokjin is about to surface, prepare yourselves

"why would you invest in my business now?" i relax my arms at my side.

"there's a lot of potential" he casually says, i can tell by that smug look on his face he has a plan.

"come by tomorrow at 6pm, we can discuss more. don't think i'll say yes to you right now." i raise an eyebrow, i'm not buying into seokjin's offer. he's about to leave when i say, "and never bring your friends here if they plan to get drunk, this isn't a night club!" he laughs as he gets in the car that's filled with his drunk friends.


the next day...

seokjin POV

i'm in my study but i can't focus because my mind wonders to y/n. the way her brown eyes would always have a mischievous shine in them, her soft fingers every time they brushed through her hair. i've never been in love or had any important woman figure, that's jungkook's job to have woman at his beck and call.

she's 18 so does that make her legal? i'm 8 years older than her, so that means when she was 12 i was 20. the thought of a little y/n running around in middle school made me shiver but also smile, she must've been so innocent and had no worry about the future.

"Lebecca?" i page my assistant on my phone. "yes?" she replied.

"send over thirty white flowers to Moxy, and every day subtract one flower, so tomorrow would be twenty nine flowers, you know what i'm saying?"

Lebecca sighs. "yes, sir." then the page cuts off. Lebecca is an old woman at age 50 but that sure doesn't stop her from having an attitude, she's like seokjin's mother since his real one is not around anymore.

i have the gears in my head working, how do i make y/n notice me? it's 5pm, i should go see her now.


y/n POV

the restaurant is busy today, there's more people than usual having a good ol' time and i check my Hello Kitty watch i got from Mcdonald's that's behind the cashier where i'm sitting. it's 6pm meaning seokjin will be here any time soon.

thirty minutes later...

seokjin has not arrived and i hate people who are not on time, i don't know if it's an asian mom thing but i was taught to be on time because it's courtesy, but then i remember seokjin is asian! he's korean! like what did his mother teach him?

that's when the revolving door spun open quite dramatically, with seokjin stumbling out. i guess he came through the door a little too harshly. he pats his suit to make the wrinkles smooth out.

"you're late." i say over the music, it's playing Bitch Better Have My Money.

"a queen is never late, everyone else is simply early." seokjin says sassily. did he really just quote the Princess Diary 2?

i sigh and hide the second hand embarrassment that's written on my face, he had said it a little too loud earning weird looks from the people by the bean bags like who this rich guy think he is?

"just come with me to my office." i say walking to the back of the restaurant where a door labeled "Big Boss" in pink bold letters. this made seokjin let out his squeaky laugh. the sound in person could make someone mistake it as the wiping of a window. my office isn't like any other office oh no, the walls are covered by cook books and romance novels. there's my own little kitchen where i experiment my own recipes, and in the center is my desk where all the boring files lay- the expenses and such.

i sit on my leather chair behind my desk and gave seokjin a tiny stool, the scene made me want to take a picture. he didn't say anything though.

"i have brought the contract." seokjin says taking out a large packet. ugh paperwork i thought as i groan internally. i just hum in acknowledgement as i flip through the packet, i read pretty fast but tiny letters in the middle of the packet catch my eye. they're so tiny i'm surprised i didn't need a magnifying glass.

"marriage contract?" i say with wide eyes. "mr. kim, i think you are mistaken." i hand him back the contract. i'm so confused because the first page of the packet clearly stated the potential of my restaurant and the business deal with seokjin who would help advertise. was he trying to con me? i thought.

"o-oh my i-i must've s-st-stapled the wrong ones together." he stammers. i decided to believe him because there's no way someone like him would hand me a marriage contract. he takes out the page that has the marriage contract and shoves it into the inside pocket of his suit, his lips are stretched thin and he has a bead of sweat going down his cheek. i try not to laugh, i'm really not good in awkward situations which is why i usually laugh it off.

and so i laugh hard, right in his face, i hit my table gently and repeatedly. his eyes squint trying to figure out why i'm laughing but he just starts laughing with me.

"i'm sorry." i say, i can't look him in the eye. "please let's just sign." i take out my Gudetama pen and sign away the contract. seokjin stops laughing and watches me as i flip through the pages.

"you're serious?" his voice is low.

"of course." i give him an eye smile. "you're famous, you don't think i've known already? besides i've done the calculations, we will both would benefit. Moxy caters to the young people, you cater to people of all ages but not that many young people. at least not yet." i wink at him and it causes his ears to be red.


the rest of the evening seokjin and i celebrate with wine, i'm quite the drinker but i have a high tolerance but when i do get drunk, i just get sleepy. wine led to beer, then beer led to shots of vodka, and then shots led to drinking games.

i'm staring him down at the bar, the restaurant has just closed so we're the only ones here. there's six cups of beer lined in front of us on the table, and five shot glasses filled with more beer balance between the beer glasses, i knock the shots over so they made a plunk sound as it hit the bottom of the glasses. i raise my eyebrows in anticipation, we're playing a game of never have i ever, if you've never then that means you have to drink.

"never have i ever spat in a customer's food." seokjin says. i gasp.

"now just who do you think i am?" i say as i gulp down the first glass.

"never have i ever stolen money from my parents." i slur feeling the alcohol.

"you know i'm an angel." he does aegyo and gulps down his first drink.

"never have i ever... had a one night stand." seokjin says with a smirk.

"who do you think i am? i'm not a hoe!" i say downing my beer.

"never have i ever... stared at my yoga instructor's ass." i saw leaning closer. seokjin doesn't take a glass and i'm not surprised so i lean back to my seat and cross my arms with a smirk.

"never have i ever stared... at kim seokjin's shoulders." he smirks back.

"now you just referred yourself in third person." i start laughing but i don't drink. "never have i ever been in love?" i don't know why i asked but it seemed a man like seokjin surely has a woman in his life. but then he grabs a glass and my eyes widen, i suddenly feel bad for asking.

"never have i ever been in love?" he asks the same question to which i grab a glass. there's only one left and i can see seokjin getting more drunk than me.

"never have i ever wanted someone so bad." i feel myself whisper but he hears and doesn't grab the last drink.

"never have i ever wanted someone so bad." he repeats my question. to which i don't grab the last glass. i see him lean across the table quickly as his plump lips crash into mine sweetly and unmoving. i enjoy the smell of alcohol that lingers in our breath. his hands cup my face and i feel my stomach starting to churn as the kiss starts getting rough. but that churning in my stomach starts to get more prominent and i release myself from his grip quickly, i stumble to the garbage can and throw up. i immediately felt sober but have a killer headache, seokjin is looking at me in concern but also has a hurt look in his eyes. i groan, he's probably thinking i'm throwing up because of him.

"are you okay?" i manage to say even though i'm on my knees.

"y-yeah, i think i should go." he mumbles.

"you can't drive while drunk." i say, i admit, i don't want him to go yet and i don't know why.

"i'll just call jungkook." he says pulling out his phone and i clean myself up. i head to my office to get a spare shirt and pack my belongings to head home. and when i return seokjin isn't there.


seokjin POV

i ran outside to find the nearest cafe, the buzzing of my head is pounding. i drank too much, i'm such a lightweight. i texted jungkook to meet me at that cafe to which i'm walking to now. i felt like such an idiot kissing y/n like that, hopefully she doesn't remember the next day.

the darkness of the night made me scared, the way the wind made the paper rustle against the ground and the murmur of voices in buildings. i see the silhouette of a group of men who look bigger than me, like the scaredy cat i am i speed up my strides as i have to walk past them.

"OI! TWINK!" a deep voice behind me says. ME? A TWINK? HELLO NO SHISTER i thought as i whip my head around, there's five of them. "GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY." another demands. i assess the situation, i can tell they're unarmed, the way their clothes is stuck to their bodies. i know they can't afford to hurt me or even own a weapon. i approach the group and give them my wallet, watch, and my $400 dollar ring. i'll just tell Lebecca to cancel my credit cards.

"phone?" the deep voice commands.

"now you're just asking for too much." i complain. but they don't back off, is this what i get for being kind? the five men get closer to me and i dare not to hit their necks with the back of my hand because i'm outnumbered.

i hear footsteps from behind the men and i see y/n running to me but also the sound of police sirens that are coming close. the men are distracted so i take the opportunity to run past them and grab y/n with me as we ran to back toward the police sirens. the lights now visible as they spot y/n and i running.

"you called the police?" i say panting as we're running.

"of course i did!" she says sounding not afraid at all as the men are still running to get us, all this to get my phone. REALLY?

we turn the corner when the police come out of their cars and make a barrier between us and the men.

y/n POV

seokjin and i watch as they gather the men into the cars, seokjin has his wallet, watch, and ring back. i hit his arms repeatedly but gently.

"AISH. why would you give them things? you know humans are greedy!" i whack him more. but then his eyes change and he grabs my arms to make me stop. i suddenly feel bad for scolding him. he looks into my eyes and embracing me, his weight making me have to hold him. UGH. he's heavy and acts like a baby. "thank you." he whispers into my ear. i just sigh and let him hold onto me.

i hear a honk and see it's jungkook in the Cadillac. i pat seokjin's back motioning him to look up. he takes on last look in my eyes and gives me a hot and needy kiss before he lazily makes his way to the car. i hope he doesn't remember this night.

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