finals of the chunin exam

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Author Notes: hey there readers. Just wanted to let you guys know that this story had won first place in the @NarutoWA2019 for Yaoi! As always please don't forget to leave your comments and reviews!

Chapter Twenty: finals of the chunin exams

The day before the finals, Itachi and Sasuke spent working getting used to their newfound power increase.  Sasuke much like Itachi had gained the Mangekyou Sharingan thanks to his recent mating with Naruto during their rut.  Itachi had to teach his little brother how to use the abilities that the Mangekyou Sharingan gave them.  Naruto worked with Kurama on using the nine tails chakra and abilities that he possessed.  Finally the day of the finals for the chunin exam had arrived.  Naruto stood in the center of the arena along with the other participants.  The arena stands were filled with onlookers from civilians to clans and fellow ninja.  Naruto could see Itachi talking with Angel as they stood with Kakashi.  Naruto could hear Kurama gasp in the back of his mind.

*Kurama?!  What's wrong?* Naruto asked mentally.

*One of my other brothers is here.* Kurama replied.

*I sense him as he is near the hokage.* stated a voice that Naruto had never heard before.

*Who was that?* Naruto asked.

*Naruto......  Is that you?* asked the familiar voice of Gaara.  Both Jinchuriki looked at each other in confusion.  

*Both Shukaku and I opened up the mental connection that all Biju possess with each other which means you will be able to speak with each other mentally.* replied Kurama.

*This only works with other Biju and Jinchuriki.  As you can also enter into each other mindscapes.  Its far deeper than the one you possess with your mates.* added Shukaku.

*You could have both warned us or told us before now!* both Naruto and Gaara yelled at the two Biju mentally.  A deep voice laughed in the back of both Naruto's and Gaara's mind.

*And they usually call me the absent minded one.  It seems that you guys get along well with your hosts.  But I have to ask what happened to them as they bear similarities to you both.*

*Something happened during our sealing ceremony which caused our hosts to become half demons.  Naruto......  Gaara......  I want to introduce you both to the three tailed turtle, Isobu.* stated Kurama.

*My Jinchuriki host is the former Mizukage ......  Yagura.* replied Isobu.

*You do realize that the Akatsuki could attack during the finals.* stated Shukaku.

*I hope that they do.   My host and I want to pay them back for putting us under that genjustu.* snarled Isobu.

The Hokage welcomed everyone to the finals matches of the chunin exams as he wished all participants luck and to give it there all.  A young man chewing on a senbon stepped forward.

"I am your proctor for this part of the exam Shiranui Genma.  Remember much like in the preliminaries any thing goes as killing is allowed.  You are not allowed to use any of your demonic powers or abilities as this is a ninja exam.  Will Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga remain in the arena while the rest of you go up to the observation and waiting area." stated Genma as he pointed to the area that the contestants could watch from until they were called down.  The remaining participating ninja proceeded to leave the area leaving Naruto and Neji in the arena while they headed up to the stands.

"Win this!" Sasuke whispered as Naruto nodded his head causing Sasuke to open up his wings to fly up to the stands.  Before Genma could begin the match, many voices clearly wanted Neji to win.  Naruto paid no attention to them as he already knew that he wasn't well liked.

"The match between Neji Hyuga of the leaf vs. Naruto Uzamaki of the leaf...... begin!" stated Genma.  Naruto leapt away from Neji knowing that the Hyuga were close range fighters.  Neji activated his Byakugan watching Naruto closely.  If his fight with Kiba was any indication, Neji knew that his fight with Naruto wasn't going to be easy.  Naruto made several shadow clones as they circled around Neji.  Even with his Byakugan on, the Kirin had a hard time figuring out which one was the true Naruto.  All of the clones ran their hands through a series of hand signs before breathing deep. 

"Fire Release: Fireball!" roared out the Naruto's in unsion.  Neji cursed slightly as he had to defend himself.

"Eight Trigrams: Rotation!" hissed Neji as he quickly spun creating a dome of charka which repelled Naruto's attacks.

*This isn't going to be easy with that defense.  You are going to have to get in close.* advised Kurama.  Once Neji stopped spinning, Naruto and his clones rushed in.  Some of the Naruto clones held the Rasengan in their hands.  Neji engaged in taijustu destroying the clones and preventing the Rasengan from hitting him.  

"Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms." Neji roared out once he felt his hands actually hit Naruto.  Neji succeeded in shutting off about half of Naruto's chakra as Naruto performed a close range fire attack to break free.  "Give it up Naruto there is no way that you are going to win." stated Neji.

"You might be surprised as I still have a few tricks up my sleeve." replied Naruto with a fox-like grin before he vanished in a puff of smoke.  Neji's eyes widened considering that he thought that this was the real Naruto and not a clone.  Neji looked everywhere not being able to see Naruto anywhere.  Suddenly the ground underneath Neji began to rumble as Naruto broke through the ground with chakra surrounding his fist.  Naruto punched Neji with a super powered upper cut to the chin causing the Kirin to go flying before he landed out cold.

"Neji Hyuga has been knocked unconscious.  The winner is Naruto Uzumaki!" 

Mixed of cheers and boos rung out as Naruto made his way to help Neji back up to his feet.

"Enough!" commanded a voice as it came from the Hokage.  "Naruto won his match fair and square." roared out Sarutobi as he was carefully watching the matches.  Genma lightly coughed bringing attention to the arena floor as Sarutobi sat back down.  

"The next match Kankuro of the sand vs. Shino Aburame of the leaf." called out Genma.

"Proctor......  I forfeit." called out Kankuro raising his hand.  The puppet user knew that their was no way that he could win against bugs that ate chakra and possibly wood.

"Winner of the match by forfit is Shino Aburame.  The next match is Temari of the sand vs. Shikamaru Nara of the leaf." replied Genma.  Temari appeared down on the arena floor in a swirl of wind.  Shikamaru sighed to himself as he made his way down to the arena.  He already established that the human beta was his destined mate.  Shikamaru knew didn't have a good enough reason to resign as the female beta seemed eager to fight and prove herself.   "Let the match between Temari and Shikamaru Nara begin!" stated Genma as he got out of the way after Shikamaru was in the arena. Temari opened up her fan unleashing a large blast of wind.  The wind jutsu kicked up a bunch of dirt and dust blinding everyone.  When the dust and dirt settled, Shikamaru was no where to be seen.  Suddenly a shadow darted out trying to catch Temari in its grasp.  Temari quickly back flipped out of the way avoiding being caught by Shikamaru's jutsu.

"Give it up as you aren't going to win." stated Temari.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." replied Shikamaru as he allowed his shadow to stretch out.  Temari stayed in place thinking she was safe but when the shadow proceeded to reach beyond the line.  Temari jumped back flipping out of the way.  Just when she thought she was safe, she noticed a dot suddenly appear.  She looked up to see Shikamaru used his shirt, head plate, and kunai to make a parachute which gave him more reach for his jutsu.  Temari dodged and weaved out of way until she was right where Shikamaru wanted her.  He withdrew his shadow.  A bright smile crossed Temari's face as she thought that she had already won.  As she went to attack the Hakutaku, she found herself paralyzed.  She looked to see down to see that she was caught in Shikamaru's  shadow from behind.  "Shadow Imitation Justu complete." he stated as he forced Temari to walk closer to him.  Both ninja raised their hands as the human beta was cursing to herself internally.  "I surrender." sighed Shikamaru forcing Temari to open her eyes in shock.

"Why?!" asked Temari.

"I don't like seeing my mate upset at herself because she was out matched in wits.  Besides, I don't possess enough chakra or any other jutsu to continue on." replied Shikamaru with a shrug.

"Winner of the match by forfeit.......  Temari of the sand!" 

Gaara appeared down in the arena in a swirl of sand.  As Shikamaru and Temari headed up to the observation and waiting area, Sasuke flew down to the arena.  Once on the ground, Sasuke tucked his wings behind his back as he nodded his head towards Gaara whom returned the gesture.

"The final match of the first rounds Gaara of the sand vs. Sasuke Uchiha of the leaf......  begin!" yelled out Genma as he moved out of the way.  Sasuke made the first move throwing kunai at Gaara.  The sand that was within Gaara's gourde burst out creating a sand clone that caught the kunai.  Sasuke smirked as he activated his Sharingan before holding up a single finger.

"Explode!" he stated causing the paper that was on the kunai to erupt in sparks destroying Gaara's sand clone.  Sasuke moved into attack Gaara.  Gaara's sand quickly moved reforming trying to catch the Tengu.  Sasuke quickly flipped and jumped out of harms way.  Sasuke then moved running in circles around Gaara picking up speed.  Not only did Gaara's eyes widened but also Rock Lee's and Guy-sensei. 

"Kakashi.......  Don't tell me that you taught Sasuke that move!" stated Guy.  Kakashi just grinned underneath his mask.

"Sasuke has seen me use that jutsu before as he possess the same lightning affinity that I do.  Plus he was able to keep track and copy Lee's movements during the preliminaries." replied Kakashi.  With Sasuke's speed, Gaara's sand couldn't keep up as the Tengu moved in quick delivering some taijutsu moves before Gaara's sand tried to capture Sasuke.  Sasuke quickly avoided the sand as it swirled around the Jinchuriki creating a orb of sand.  Sasuke tried to strike at the orb as spikes formed to protect the Tanuki causing Sasuke to retreat back when the spikes transformed into a giant clawed hand.  Sasuke leapt back landing on the arena wall as he used his chakra to stay on the wall.  Sasuke's wings fluttered a bit behind him as he ran his hands through a series of hand signs. Lightning began to spark beneath the palm of his hand.  Once the lightning chakra was in the Tengu's hand, it sounded like a lot like birds chirping.  Sasuke then ran down the wall at top speeds towards the sand orb that held Gaara.

"Chidori!" yelled out Sasuke as he thrusted his hand into the sand orb causing the lightning to penetrate the orb.  Gaara screamed out in pain as Sasuke withdrew his injured hand.  The sand orb broke like glass revealing Gaara holding an injured shoulder.  Nobody not even the Anbu noticed a large bird flying above the arena.  There seemed to be two people standing on the bird.  

"Alright....... Let's enter with a bang!" stated a man with long blonde hair as he caused something to drop from his hand.  The object dropped down as it began to glow.  "Art is an explosion!" he stated holding up a single finger.

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