Naruto goes into battle

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author notes: sorry for the long wait on this update as I haven't watched the part concerning the fourth great ninja war.  I have only read the manga concerning the fourth war.  And since it has been a while I am rereading the manga for inspiration.  I will try to update as often as possible and when I can.  

Chapter Twenty Eight: Naruto goes into battle

Meanwhile in a well hidden location Naruto, Killer Bee, and Gaara trained learning how to transform into their Biju state and to use the powers that the demons within them gave them.  Gaara learned to control his easily since he has been using sand his entire life.  Naruto was the one who changed the most when he finally undid the seal that suppressed Kurama.  Instantly Naruto gained all the rest of his tails as he now had all nine.  Secondly, Naruto's Biju form was unlike the others as he didn't transform into Kurama.  A golden cloak of chakra would surround Naruto's body.  This chakra cloak made Naruto look like the great sage of six paths.  During their training in learning how to manifest the Biju's greatest attack, the Biju bomb, Naruto and Kurama sensed something that caused a backlash on their powers.

*Kurama did you feel that?* Naruto asked the tailed beast.  Kurama didn't reply to the question as he had totally forgot about the ones who possessed his power. 

'I forgotten about the silver and gold brothers.  I don't want to worry him about this information.' Kurama thought to himself as he kept quite about the whole thing.

Naruto couldn't ignore what he felt so he headed towards the entrance ignoring Gaara and Killer Bee calling out Naruto's name.

'I have a bad feeling about this.  Clearly something is going on.  I guess I have to get answers for myself.' Naruto thought to himself.  As he neared the entrance fining several ninja standing guard one he recognized almost instantly.  "Iruka-sensei?  You are here!"

"Yes Naruto.  I was given a mission on this island.  We are mainly here just for support." 

"Then why can't I go outside?" asked Naruto.

"They have discovered a completely new species here and we need to confirm what it is." answered Iruka.

"But earlier I had felt the nine tails chakra as it seemed to be coming from outside." stated Naruto.

'This is serious.  This place is supposed to be isolated from sensing any chakra.  But he still felt Kinkaku transform.  But we can't let him out matter what.' thought an Aburame.

"Ah that......  It's some kind of creature with the nine tails chakra.  Apparently there can be animals with its chakra besides the demon fox itself.  If we let you outside, your chakra will react with the creatures and it will flip out.  That's why we need you to remain here for now." 

"Is that why Yamato-sensei isn't back?" Naruto asked as he remembered meeting the man who was able to keep Kurama's chakra in check.

"Exactly as we need his wood element abilities to keep it in check.  Now let's go inside." replied Iruka.

"Then if they are animals acting up I will take care of them.  Let me go out and take a look at this thing." stated Naruto as he went into sage mode as his eyes transformed as he rushed towards the entrance.

"Don't let him get out!" someone yelled out .  Naruto managed to dart past everyone ony loosing his leaf headband.  A Nara laid in the group as he caught Naruto in a shadow possession jutsu.  With the sage mode activated, he could see and sense everything that was going on.

"What in the world is this?  What the hell is going on?" Naruto yelled out loud.

"War Naruto......  Madara is making his move." replied Iruka.

"Iruka!" snapped out the Aburame.

"I think that its time that we stopped lying to him Gen-san.  Naruto is no fool.  Our only choice now is to explain the situation rationally." stated Iruka.

"Yeah......  Please tell me why I should sit on my ass and hide while my friends, comrades, family, and mate are out there suffering, dying, and fighting."

"Because we are fighting this war to protect you, Gaara, and Killer Bee.  Madara is hitting us with the full brunt of his forces.  He is determined to capture all of the remaining Biju.  By protecting you guys, we are protecting the future itself.  Yes, people are putting their lives on the line please wait and endure it for a little while longer." replied Iruka.

Naruto couldn't help but to remember what Nagato had said about war.

"It only brings about pointless death, bottomless hatred, and unending pain.  You are about the only one who seemed to inherit the sage of sixth paths teachings and believe in achieving true peace.  If any one can do it I believe it to be you Naruto." 

"Naruto........?  Come on let's head back inside Naruto." stated Iruka.

"Sorry but I can't.  I plan to end this war myself.  I will endure all the of the hate and pain on my own.  That is my role!  You were the first person besides Sasuke and Itachi who recognized me for me and not the holder of the tailed beast.  You acknowledged my skills and my abilities making me a ninja."

"You are the most precious student I had the honor of teaching Naruto.  You are also like the little brother that I never had.  I know full well what you are capable Naruto and just how strong become."  Iruka stated as he picked up Naruto's headband handing it to the nine tails Jinchuriki.  "Now go and save the world Naruto!" Naruto smiled brightly as he powered up the nine tails chakra as he headed towards the boarder escaping the Nara's shadow possession jutsu by powering up the nine tails chakra activing the chakra cloak.

Gaara and Killer Bee came out from the temple.

"Guess he went to the front line.  Its so like Naruto to rush head first into danger.  He is so predictable. Come on Bee-san we can't let Naruto do this alone." stated Gaara.

*Are you seriously going to follow him outside?* asked Gyuki.

*You bet.  Besides real world experience is far faster than training.* Bee replied back.  Knowing that the barrier team would raise a thirty-six layer self repairing seal to keep the Jinchuriki on the island.  A Hyuuga sensed that Naruto was heading towards them at an incredible rate of speed.

"Naruto is coming!" the Hyuuga shouted out.

"All right everyone......  It's time to do our job.  All of the blood, sweat, and tears we have shed to create this marvelous barrier.  So do not let him through!" yelled out the barrier captain.

"Yes sir!" replied the barrier ninja in unison.  Just before Naruto could reach the barrier, a Biju bomb ripped through smashing into the barrier.  Naruto turned his head to see Bee in his full Biju form.  

"They will put up the barrier to keep up contained.  But, we are going to smash through it like a window pane." stated Bee as he went into a smaller Biju form.  "We will break it by force.  Naruto push my beast bomb through." stated Bee as Naruto powered up going into his Biju form.

"You got it!" Naruto replied.  As he grabbed a hold of the Biju bomb.  Naruto began to push the bomb through the barrier.

"It's no use!  We can't repair the barriers fast enough!" replied one of the barrier members.

"Then we have no choice but to let them through." commanded the barrier captain.  The three Jinchuriki broke through allowing Zetsu to sense their presence as he moved to alert Obito.  But the man had made plans to steal substitutes in order to proceed on with his plans.


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