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Chapter Twenty-Four: Pain

Two months had passed since Naruto had returned back to the leaf village.  Since the chunin exams, some of the villagers saw Naruto in a different light.  They realized that he isn't the nine tails only its jailor.  There were a few that still saw Naruto as the nine tails but, with the Kitsune being a chunin, they couldn't do anything to the young fox.  Things seemed to be peaceful.  But Kurama couldn't help but to  feel as if something was going to happen and soon.  Call it instinct but Kurama wasn't the only one feeling it.  Even Naruto could sense it.  Much like Kushina, Naruto was a sensor.  Naruto had many of the same abilities that his parents had developed over the years.  For Naruto, it seemed to come simply to him.  No doubt that when he had cubs, he would pass some of these same abilities to them.

*You do feel that right Naruto?* Kurama asked mentally.  

*The feeling of dread and danger?  Yeah.....  I have this sinking feeling that one of Akatsuki will strike soon.* replied Naruto.

*I fear that you maybe right.  I could feel the links that I have with my brother's and sister's being cut.*  With the information that Kurama had just told him, Naruto became worried about the village and the villagers.  No doubt the Akatsuki knew that the Kitsune would be the most troubling one to collect not only because of the host's abilities but also because of Kurama's powers.  Naruto knew that he had to act quickly.  Quickly summoning Shippo, Naruto had him go alert the hokage while he summoned the girls whom were skilled in magic that being Kuugen, Tamamo, Kongiku, and Ahri.

"Girls is it possible for you to create a protective barrier over the villagers?" Naruto asked.

"If the four of us join our magic's together, it should be possible." answered Ahri.

"Then please get started right away.  I have a strong feeling that this Akatsuki won't care about how many people they will kill or hurt to get to me." stated Naruto.  The four women nodded their heads as they left the Uchiha home to find a place to cast their spell.  Naruto told Shippo mentally to let the hokage about the protective barrier that was being created to protect the village and villagers.

Meanwhile as Kuugen, Tamamo, Kongiku, and Ahri casted their spell; six people all with orange hair and purple eyes with a ring-like pattern in them made their way to the leaf village.  They all wore the Akatsuki cloak along with black rods that were stuck in their bodies.  These six were simply known as Pain as they were puppets all controlled by a man known as Nagato Uzumaki.  Yep you read it right......  Uzumaki.  The only thing was that Nagato had no idea that he was trying to kill and capture his nephew.  Nagato was brainwashed into believing that the leaf village had attacked his home and killed his family.  When the fact was that it was all of the work of one man which was the original Madara Uchiha whom gave Nagato the kekki genkai had given Nagato his eyes without his knowing.  Now the fake Madara was using Nagato until his usefulness had ended then he would take Nagato's eyes to achieve his goals.  The six neared the boarder of the leaf village as the Pain leader, the Deva path a being once known as Yahiko now known as Tendo directed the Asura path a being once known as Shurado to fling him in the air.  Asura did as directed as Deva hovered in the air above the leaf.  

"Now you all shall know the meaning of pain!" Deva stated as he thrusted his hands  out.  "All Mighty Push!"  Air pulsed out of Deva's hands down to the village creating a destructive blast of wind.  As Deva landed with the rest of his group, the dust began to settle.  All six Pain's eyes widened considerably finding that the leaf village was still intact.

'Impossible!' Nagato thought to himself seeing everything through his puppets eyes.  Slowly the six Pain's could see two people approach the gate.  One was a male with black wings while the other a blonde with fox-like appendages.  Nagato had heard that some of the people within the leaf were actual demons but he didn't believe it until know.

Sasuke traveled with Naruto towards the gate.  He wasn't about to let his mate fight this Akatsuki member alone.  Naruto was grateful that Kuugen, Tamamo, Kongiku, and Ahri's barrier managed to prevent the village from being destroyed.  Naruto was also grateful that Sasuke chose to fight by his side knowing how dangerous this fight was going to be.  As they reached closer to towards the gate, Naruto could see six almost identical people waiting.  Naruto quickly did a duel summons calling for the two toads Fukasaku and Shima who sat on the young Kitsune's shoulders.  He also summoned Yoko Kurama, Soushi, Yukikaze, and Xiaomu to even out the odds.

"Girls.....  Don't drop the barrier, only open it enough for us to get out." Naruto told the four magic users.  Naruto had Tomoe, Shippo, and Ginji protect the village just in case something went wrong.  Naruto was taking no chances especially with the Akatsuki.  

The four Kitsune women did as directed opening up a gate to allow Naruto and the others to leave.
"I believe that you are looking and are after me.  I will not let you destroy my home or harm innocent people.  So we will take this fight elsewhere." Naruto stated.  Deva could tell that even if he tried the barrier that had been casted over the village would never budge.

"Very well." Deva replied as he lead Naruto's group away from the village to place where they could fight full out.  It was close enough to where Nagato was hiding within a tree made from Konan's paper jutsu.  The six Pain's Deva, Asura, Human once known Ningendo, Animal once known Chikushodo, Petra once known Gakido, and Naraka once known Jigokudo all stood in front of Naruto, Sasuke, Yoko Kurama, Soushi, Yukikaze, and Xiaomu along with the two toad summons Fukasaku and Shima.  

"Be careful Naruto my boy.  You have no clue what they are capable of let alone what their kekki genkai ability is." stated Fukasaku softly.  

"The Rinnegan is believed to manifest in times of disorder.  Those who wield it are believed to become the God of creation or the world's destroyer.  The Rinnegan is able to see chakra and its flow within the body." Kurama stated through Naruto.

"That could prove difficult." replied Sasuke.

"Come with us quietly nine tails and we will let your friends live.  Your power is necessary for our goals." 

"And what goal is that?" asked Soushi in a snarl.

"The destruction and rebirth of this world.  Where war is no longer necessary and we can live peacefully." replied Deva.

*That's crazy talk!* Kurama yelled out.

"Sorry but I am not about to let you kill thousands of innocent lives just to achieve your crazy dream.  If peace is going to happen, I will achieve it without innocent people to do it!" Naruto yelled out as both he and Yoko went into sage mode.  Nagato didn't like Naruto's answer as he directed the six Pain's to attack.

The first one to attack was Animal as she summoned up a giant ox and a giant rhino.  The two summons came charging towards Naruto's group.
"Don't move." Yoko stated as large plants sprouted up before him.  They looked like a demonic version of a venus fly trap.  The Ojigi Plant moved towards Pain's group eating and devouring the summons along with Animal.  Asura stepped forth before the demonic plant.

"Chakra Propulsion Cannon!" he whispered as a beam of light shot out of mechanical Pain instantly destroying Yoko's plant.  Before Deva could use Naraka to revive Animal, this Pain was a blaze in black flames which was Sasuke's Amaterasu.  Deva could feel two more Pain's both Petra and Human being killed by Naruto's summons Yukikaze and Xiaomu.  While Yoko destroyed Asura into pieces using his Super Thorn Whiplash.  Nagato whom had been monitoring everything through the Pain's was shocked.

"Incredible.......  In a matter of minutes, they had managed to destroy almost all of the Pain's!" Nagato stated.

"Are they truly that strong Nagato?" asked Konan with worry in her voice.  

"Two of the Kitsune's along with the Tengu are strong but, I have faith that they won't be able to defeat Tendo so easily." replied Nagato.

"Universal Pull!" stated Deva as he managed to pull Yukikaze, Xiaomu, and Soushi towards him.  Black rods emerged from his hands as he had dispelled three of the Kitsune summons.  "It seems that I may have under estimated you nine tails."

"Fukasaku, Shima, Yoko.......  Why don't you guys head back.  Sasuke and I can handle things from here."

"Be careful Naruto my boy." stated Fukasaku as he and his wife dispelled the summons.  Yoko nodded his head as he also vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Your friend won't be able to protect you.  As I will have the beast's power that resides within you." stated Deva.

"By trying to take the nine tails from me means killing me.  Hasn't this world seen enough death and destruction?" asked Naruto.

"It's all necessary in order to achieve true peace." 

"Why is it I find that you truly don't believe what you are saying and doing.  None of this will bring about true peace.  Destroying the world and killing thousands.  How is that achieving peace?" asked Sasuke.  Nagato didn't know how to answer the Tengu's question.  This gave Naruto the chance to attack the last Pain while he was distracted.

"Rasengan!" growled Naruto as he slammed his jutsu into the last Pain causing some of the rods to fly out as Tendo went down.  Naruto picked up one of the rods and did a reverse tracking to see where the true Pain was at.

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