sage training

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Chapter Twenty-Two: sage training

Finally it seemed to be over as the four Akatsuki that came to capture the three Jinchruki had been killed off. The three Jinchuriki seemed to breathe a sigh of relief but, they knew that it wasn't over yet as there were more members of the Akatsuki out there and that they could come and strike at any time. The three Jinchuriki knew that they had to be ready for when the Akatsuki came again. The chunin exams never got completed as both the Hokage and Kazekage had a feeling of whom they would like to promote to the ranks of chunin. Thanks to Tsunade's expert healing skills, she managed to cure Rasa of Sasori's poison and create an antidote in case either Sarutobi or Yagura needed it. Isobu transformed back into Yagura as the young Jinchuriki wanted and felt like the mist and leaf needed to become allies. Rasa seemed to feel the same way as it seemed that these Akatsuki where a threat to all of the various ninja villages whether or not they held Jinchuriki within them. Sarutobi agreed to the alliance as he and the other two kages drew up a contract before they left Konoha.

During that time, Neji spent what time he could with his newfound mate Gaara not caring about how his family saw or thought about the Tanuki. If he learned anything from his cousin's Hinata and Angel, that there was no stopping how your body reacted to your true mate. The Hyuga clan needed to adjust to the fact that the clan will and no longer be pure breeds. Neji wasn't the only one spending time with his new mate, Shikamaru was doing the same. Angel spent time with some of her extended family and getting to know Naruto. When she learned that the blonde Kitsune held the nine tailed fox within him, she couldn't blame the young Kitsune for the death of her family. She learned from Itachi that Naruto didn't lead a very easy life until he came to live the two Tengu. Angel seemed to like the blonde Kitsune as he had this vibe to him that made her like Naruto and want to protect him. She found it hard to believe that the villagers would make his life miserable all because of what he has sealed within him. Naruto was not the nine tailed fox, only its jailor and holder.

After the ninja who had come to participate in the chunin exams left to return back home, Sarutobi made an announcement at who the fifth Hokage was going to be. He had chosen Tsundae Senju to succeed him as the old bear demon knew that he could no longer continue to protect the village. It was time for someone younger to take charge. The Komainu was a logical choice. The lion dog demon accepted the position as she told everyone that she will do her best to protect the village that her grandfather built and founded. Over the next several days things returned back to normal in the leaf village. Tsunade and Sarutobi called Shikamaru, Naruto, and Sasuke to the Hokage office. The three demons knocked before they were told to enter. The three demons entered the office to find Tsunade sitting behind the desk with Sarutobi by her side going over paper work.

"Ahh...... thank you all for coming. I know that you three are wondering why I had called you here. The three of you showed the most promise during the chunin exams as you also played an important part in helping defeat the Akatsuki that attacked the village. There for you three have been selected to become chunin." stated Tsunade as she had brought out three chunin flat vests putting them on the desk. One specially altered for Sasuke because of his wings. The three demons took the chunin vests from the Hokage nodding their heads slightly. "I hope that you three will continue to protect the village and those within it."

"We shall do our best!" exclaimed Naruto causing Sasuke to nod his head. Shikamaru sighed softly stating how troublesome this promotion was. The demons in the room knew that Shikamaru meant no offense by his words. It was just the way that the young Nara was.

Suddenly the door to the hokage office burst open as Jiraiya entered the office. This caused everyone to turn to the toad sage wondering what he was doing there.

"Hey pervy sage. What's going on?" Naruto was the first to ask. Sasuke, Sarutobi, and Tsunade tried not to laugh at the nickname Naruto gave the toad sage. A tick mark appeared on Jiraiya's face when he heard the nickname.

"I told you not to call me that gaki!" growled Jiraiya. Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders as he left the hokage office without saying a word. Tsunade lightly coughed bringing attention to her.

"Why are you here Jiraiya? I trust that you have a good reason for barging in here."

"Yeah...... Sorry about that. But the great elder toad sage revealed to me a prophecy involving two children whom will hold the fate of the world in their hands. One of these children is going to be a student of mine that will bring a great revolution to the world of the ninja." Jiraiya replied. "I believe that Naruto could be the one that the toad sage is talking about."

"I see......"

"Naruto....... I need you to pack and get ready for a three year journey. As I am going to make you stronger by teaching you the sage arts."

"Three years!?" Naruto and Sasuke stated in shock. The two demons especially a marked and mated pair knew that was a long time to spend away from your mate.

"I know....... It's a lot to ask of you considering but, it will prepare you for the next time the Akatsuki come for you." Jiraiya stated in complete honesty. The toad sage knew that his actions would determine this revolution or its destruction.

"You should go Naruto." Sasuke stated causing the Kitsune to look at him with wide eyes. Naruto understand why Sasuke felt that way. Naruto knew that his alpha didn't want to worry about the omega regardless even if he had the most powerful Biju sealed within him.

"When do we leave pervy sage?" Naruto asked Jiraiya.

"As soon as you get ready gaki." replied Jiraiya. Sasuke and Naruto nodded their heads before they left the hokage office. The two headed to their home to prepare for the trip and to tell Itachi what was going on. Even though Itachi and Kurama had just mated, the older demons could also experience the same withdrawals. But since they were connected mentally, it may ease some of the with drawals. The two Tengu helped Naruto pack before walking the Kitsune to the main gate. Naruto bid farewell to the two Tengu as he and Jiraiya left for their journey.

Jiraiya took Naruto to Mount Myoboku home of the toad summons. Naruto had to use a genjutsu to hide his ears and tails as he didn't want to frighten the toads. Jiraiya told the young Kitsune that he didn't have too worry about frightening the toads. When Naruto got to Mount Myoboku, he could see why Jiraiya told him not to worry about doing the genjutsu. Some of the toads where as big as horses and houses while others were as large as Kurama. Jiraiya took Naruto to see the great toad sage first in order to see if Naruto was the one he spoke about.

"Jiraiya my boy......... I see that you brought the one you have been telling me about. Step forth child." the great toad sage stated. Naruto stepped forth as the old toad looked down at him. "No need to hide yourself." the old toad added. Naruto allowed the genjutsu to disappate revealing his fox ears and four tails. The old toad sage leaned closer taking a good look at Naruto whom just looked back with a soft smile on his face. The great toad sage smiled back at Naruto. "Introduce him to Fukasaku to begin his sage training. I can sense that this Kitsune is destined for great things." Jiraiya nodded his head that he understood. "One more thing....... What is your name Kitsune?"

"Naruto Uzumaki sir." Naruto replied.

"Naruto....... Don't hide your true self while you are here. If anyone give you a hard time, let me know."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Naruto stated bowing his head before he and Jiraiya left to find Fukasaku.

Fukasaku or pop as he was known was no larger than a small dog.

"So you are Minato's boy. I can see the resemblance despite the fox ears and tails. So you have come to learn the sage arts."

"Yes sir. Pervy sage said it had to do with a prophecy and to help me get stronger in order not to worry my Tengu mate Sasuke and to fight against the Akatsuki who want what I hold within me." Naruto replied. Jiraiya growled at the nickname while Fukasaku laughed.

"I never heard a more proper name for Jiraiya boy. What they call you Kitsune?" asked Fukasaku while wiping the tears from his eyes because he was laughing hard.

"Naruto Uzumaki sir."

"Well then Kit...... There is no need for formalities here just call me pop. I am going to be the one training you in the sage arts. I hope that you are ready for this. But first, we are going to need you to sign the toad contract."

"But I already have a fox summons because of the nine tails within me." replied Naruto.

"That doesn't mean you can't have more than one summons. Besides only the toads that exist here can bring you here and back home. Besides that the toads here are skilled to help sages in their fights." stated Fukasaku.

Naruto signed the toad contract right next to his father's name. Fukasaku took Naruto to his home introducing the young Kitsune to his wife Shima or mom as she insisted to be called. Fukasaku described what they would be doing which was meditating and gathering nature energy. Too much would result in Naruto turning into a petrified frog. Fukasaku took Naruto to the two places where he would meditate. The first was a rock spikes where Naruto would sit and balance on a rock slab to collect energy. The other was a waterfall area. Naruto would also be training in fights with some of the toads to learn Frog Kata.

"Any questions before we begin?" Fukasaku asked.

"Would it be alright it I do this with one of my fox summons? He is skilled in fighting and using plants as weapons." asked Naruto.

*That's a good idea Kit. Yoko Kurama is quite gifted when it comes to plants and nature.* stated Kurama.

Fukasaku scratched his chin deep in thought. He honestly didn't see a problem with Naruto training with one of his fox summons. But it's a first time that he had ever heard of a summon let alone of a fox being able to use plants to fight with. Fukasaku was interested in meeting this fox.

"I see no problem with it." stated Fukasaku. Naruto smiled as he bit into his fingers drawing blood. Naruto ran his hands through the summoning signs.

"Summoning Yoko Kurama." called out Naruto as he slammed his hands down on the ground. Yoko Kurama appeared in a puff of smoke.

"You called for me Naruto?" asked Yoko. Naruto nodded his head yes before he explained his idea.

"I see....... That does sound like a good idea Naruto. Considering we are a bit more studier than normal summons. All right, I will train with you. Shall I do it in my human form or remain as I am?" he asked.

"Wait......?! You can transform into a human?" Fukasaku asked in shock.

"Only a few of us can. Besides myself, Tomoe, Soushi, and Ginji can fully take on human forms." replied Yoko as he transformed into a young red head with green eyes.

"In my human form my name is Shuichi Minamino. But most know me as Kurama. So not to get confused with my father while in this realm, I usually go by Yoko." replied Shuichi.

"Interesting. In your human form, can you still control plants?" asked Fukasaku. Shuichi nodded his head as he pulled out a rose transforming it into a whip. Naruto tried not to laugh when Fukasaku's jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "Well whatever form you are most comfortable in as you don't have to be in your human form since everyone here has seen Naruto as he appears to be. We will begin training in the morning." Shuichi nodded his head as he transformed back into his true demonic form.

During the three years, Naruto and Yoko trained with Fukasaku and the other toads. Since being a martial arts fighter, Yoko adapted the Frog Kata creating his own style with traces of Frog Karate. Being adapt and more in tune with nature, Yoko had an easier time achieving sage mode. But Naruto learned quickly when Yoko helped him out with his training. Fukasaku asked Yoko why he didn't do the sage training in his human form.

"It's because I stopped being human after the human family that raised me died. Since then I have lived in the demon realm until I had heard from my father again and was summoned to this realm." answered Yoko. The two watched as Naruto sat on top of a stone slab perfectly still on top of rock spikes. Birds had perched themselves on his shoulders. Naruto also had some shadow clones meditating nearby on the rock spikes as others were under the nearby waterfall. All of them had the same sage eyes. Naruto had discovered that using the shadow clones helped him go into sage mode quicker during fights once the clone was destroyed or vanished transferring the nature chakra to Naruto. Tomorrow Naruto would return back home after being away from his mate for three years.

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