Chapter 8

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Mizuki had shape shifted into her wolf form and barreled into Moonlark.

The spirit wolf cried out in surprise, and turned around to look at her in surprise, as well as everybody else.

Mizuki growled at the spirit wolf, and Mizuki was shocked that, despite the fact Moonlark was about two years older, Mizuki was bigger than her. But if she recalled, Moonlark was small for her age.

Mizuki tackled Moonlark and pushed her to the ground. Moonlark yelled and knocked Mizuki off her and staggered back up.

Moonlark glared at her, but didn't run up to attack her, which was why Mizuki attacked her again, by running up, and grabbing one of Moonlark's ears and tearing a chunk of it off.

Moonlark screamed in pain, and bit down on Mizuki, who in response, body slammed Moonlark, causing the spirit wolf to crash down onto the ground. 

Mizuki jumped down on Moonlark, pinning her down, and sank her teeth in Moonlark's neck. 

"You could have killed us! You could have killed Raiden and me!" Mizuki snarled.

"An illusion, that was an illusion," Moonlark said, softly that only Mizuki could hear her. "Besides, you couldn't die even if you wanted to."

Mizuki let go of Moonlark's neck in surprise.

"None of you can die, they forbid you. You would have died when you were eaten by that statue, Raiden could have died when he was struck by lightning, Ayame should have died when Shadousutōkā attacked her, and she probably would have, actually. But you can jump into a pit of lava and live," Moonlark explained. "I don't recommend going for a swim in a pit of lava, because while you won't die, you can still be injured. For now, it's impossible to kill you, but you all can be seriously wounded, so you should all be careful. But when you defeat Shadousutōkā, you will be able to be killed when everybody wakes up. Remember that."

"Quick question, why did you?" Mizuki trailed off.

"Make those illusions that looked so real?" Moonlark said. "So you didn't go back there a third time. I gave you a chance to confess, but you chose to not tell. I have secrets in there, and I like to keep them. And I'm sorry it's hard for me to trust others, but I can't help it, even if I give them all a chance. But those were my private information, you had no right to go in there's even though I know it was a total accident and you were curious. However, you knew it was mine, and you could have told me that you went through my things. I wouldn't be happy with you, but I wouldn't have scared you with those illusions, if you told me and asked if you could go back. However, you decided not to tell me, which was why I did that, to make sure you don't go back there again. You need to know that peeking into others personal life... not everybody likes those types of people."

"Okay, off." An old white wolf said. 

Mizuki reluctantly got off Moonlark, who staggered up, flinching.

"We're going to put you in our jail." The old wolf said, glaring at Mizuki.

"Wait, Alpha," Moonlark said. "It was just a misunderstanding, I promise. There's no need to punish her, she won't do it again, I promise."

Alpha nodded, but he still looked doubtful. "You sure?" He said.

"Positive. I'm okay, I swear!" Moonlark promised. "Minus the piece of my ear she tore off, but that's not important. The important thing is nobody died, so let's just leave it like that."

The old Alpha sighed and said. "Okay, Moonlark, if you say you're fine. Then I won't throw her into the jail."

Raiden went over, as Mizuki turned back into her human form. "I told you this would happen," Moonlark said, looking at Raiden.

"What would happen?" Mizuki asked.

"That we would fight." Moonlark sighed, before looking away. "Look, I'm not mad at you. But I don't want to talk to you, okay?"

Mizuki watched as Moonlark walked away.

Stardancer approached Mizuki and Raiden, and Mizuki decided to ask Stardancer about what Moonlark just said. 

"Moonlark said she's not mad at me, but I think she is." Mizuki said.

"Oh, she is mad at you," Stardancer told her. "She just has a hard time figuring out how she feels. She's tried not to reveal her emotions so much that it's hard for her to figure out when she's angry or happy or sad. But she clearly is mad at you."

"Huh, what does she do when she's mad?" Mizuki asked.

"Give you the silent treatment." Stardancer replied. 

Mizuki rolled her eyes. "Wow, how expressive. I guess I'll just wait to see if Moonlark ignores me for the next few days so I'll know what she's mad."

"I am not mad!" Moonlark yelled.

"How do you know? You suck at knowing when you're angry, remember?" Shadewalker yelled back.

"You don't know me!" Was the young spirit wolf's response.

"Oh, shut up, both of you!" Daybreak shouted.

Mizuki tried not to laugh but as she turned away, a flash of black fur caught her eyes.

Shadewalker? She thought, but Shadewalker was a few feet away from her, arguing with Daybreak.

Was she imagining it? She might be?

But Mizuki was sure that some wolf was sneaking out...

And she had absolutely no idea who it was.

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