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Our town was like a little village. Some of the stores had huts because they were poor to buy a beaten up building. Others were in a strip mall. Jai and I got many groceries from the best hut. It was a old woman who owns a farm with cows and likes to grow all sorts of fruits and veggies. The old woman love to greet us and already have our order ready. Sometimes she'll give our groceries for free. "Remember to always pay a visit! I'm almost into the grave~" She jokes, me and Jai just looked at one another and nervously chuckle. "Don't worry we will," I reply with a smile. "You kids be safe!" She yells behind us as we walked more into town. "YOKO! CHI CHI!" Yumi, somewhere in the crowd was screeching. "Thought only Haga called you Chi Chi," Jai looks at me weird. "He does, Yumi caught on," I roll my eyes. "Hey Yoko!" Yumi bear hugs me to the ground. "Well hi," I huff. She gets off of me and I stood up. "Yoko you got a note!" Yumi hands me a horribly folded scrap of paper. "Mmm I bet it's a love note~" Yumi teases. "Ahahah, probably not," I started to unfold the note. "Ah? What does it say Ko?" Jai tries to read over my shoulder.

I ignore my brother and read on.

"Meet me at the spawning grounds~

"Some lameo wants to see me," blush started showing on my cheeks. "Ahhh see? A love letter!" Yumi squeals. "Hahah very funny," I shove the note into my pocket. "Well I think father wants us back now," Jai changes the subject. "Yes, thank you Jai. I was so forgetful, bet they're worried, see you at school Yumi," me and Jai turned our backs and headed home. "Awww bye!" Yumi's voice started fading out. "A note eh? You gonna meet them?" Jai questions. "You know me, it's just probably a stupid prank," I lied, it's suspicious that I would get a note. "I would of met up with them if I were you, I'm pretty curious myself," Jai sighed. "Well maybe I will," I chuckle. "I'll come with you," Jai insists. "But whoever wrote this note obviously sent for only me," My hand snaked into my pocket and I grab the note. "I'll stay and wait in the water, scream if you're in danger," Jai pleads. "Alright, but promise me you will not listen in and just jump into the conversation." "Promise, I won't," Jai grand my wrist and links his pinky to mine to secure the promise.

Me and Jai first stop at home to drop off the groceries, we told our fathers we will be taking a nice stroll. We swam to the Spawning Grounds, it was peaceful and quiet. "Oh good, that boat isn't here," I thought with a smile. "Okay I'll stay right here inside the water, make smart choices," Jai tells me. I gave him a thumbs up and walked around the Spawning Grounds. This place is where greedy inklings and octolings gather and try to take away our grounds. They take the golden eggs who would of been children and who knows what that greedy bastard they work for does with innocent eggs. "Ah, Yoko... my dear," a voice cackles behind me, I whip around to see a blue Octoling boy. He was wearing his gear, I smiled. "Hello Kazue," I blush. Kazue is not with the other Octoling a in that horrible uniform. He's just, different. "You got my note~" he grins. "Who knew that it would be you," I chuckle. "So... Yoko," Kazue's arm latches onto my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "How's life?" "It's good..." I squirm out of his embrace. "Aww, why are you being so shy?" Kazue pouts. "Sorry to break this short... have to get somewhere pretty soon," which was true. "And where would that be?" Kazue assumed that I was lying. "School, duh," I growl. "You guys have school in the after noon? Weird, but lucky," Kazue asks. "Well it's more than that. First all the chums, smallfries, and cohoks all go in the morning while most salmonoids are preparing for battle. Then in the after noon chums, smallfries, and cohoks go home or help with our boss while salmonoids go to school," I explain.

"Wow, that's kinda cool. But do you really have to go so soon?" Kazue pouts. "School is important to me Kazu, I hope you understand," I grin at him. "You're one of those smart girls huh. Well you're in luck because I like smart girls," Kazue rambles on. "That's why we're dating right?" "Yep..." I shrug. "Bye babe~" Kazue brought me into his embrace and kisses my forehead. I was shorter than him. I walked down to where Jai was waiting. "Aye my sister is back," Jai was happy to see me. "Who was it?" "It was the guy who ships our weapon supplies just telling me they are at HQ." I explain. "Cool! Well sorry to cut things short but we need to head to school," Jai starts to leave. "Yeah I know I'm coming," I dive into the water and we swam home.

I hurried to my room and put on my uniform, a white short sleeved sailor top, and a long black skirt that comes down to my ankles. It was one of the nicest things anyone could wear for salmonlings. I slid on my white socks and loafers, making sure my ponytail was still tight on my head. Jai waited for me in front of the door to my room, tapping his foot. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's go now," I barge out my room.

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