Haruka Kobayashi

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Name: Haruka Kobayashi

Age: 15

Species: Human

Birthday: April 25


Haruka is a kind girl but cries a lot for a few reasons. When Haruka is in a place where her older sister is, she gets jealous and angry at the same time because of her past with her sister. She also gets really moody and angry when Yoon is with Yona.


Haruka was born as the second daughter of the Emperor of the Heaven Flowers. When she and her sister was told that one of them is going to be the next emperor of the Heaven Flowers, Haruka wanted to do her best to be the next emperor. Years passed, but her parents seem to be more impressed on her older sister than her. At the age of 13 (her Haruka of course), she and her sister were going to be voted on who's the next emperor of Heaven Flowers. And the next emperor was going to be her older sister. Haruka was shocked that she thought that she wasn't loved. When her sister noticed, her sister let her be the emperor with her, but Haruka justed ran away from home after that and started a new life with anyone on her side.


Gardening - Since she is the previous emperor's daughter, her main hobby is gardening. During battles, she plants a special seed on the ground and uses the book (from the ref above) to sat some magical words for the plant to grow.

Heavenly Melody - Similar to Yurei, Haru plays the flute (which is her main weapon). The songs she plays are sweet melody and sometimes she can make plants grow by laying a special melody. 


Yoon - Yoon is the boyfriend of Haruka. Their first kiss (and the time when they become a couple) was when it was winter night and they cuddle with each other. 

Yuka - Yuka is Haruka's older sister. Haruka always gets angry and jealous when Yuka is around.

Yurei - Yurei is like a partner to Haruka. They sometimes play the flute together during battles or in their free time.

Lix Tetrax - Lix always like Haruka. The reason is that Haruka always conferred Lix when she is upset or when she's crying.

Yona - Yona is like a rival to Haruka. The reason why is because Yoon likes to hang out with Yona, making Haruka really jeaouls. The good thing is that Yona dosen't really know.



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