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Your pov:

I glance at the love of my life in disbelief and despair.

I found my voice and it trembled as I spoke.

"Zeno please tell me that's not true"

He gazed at me coldly. He looked like the sunshine I knew. "But it is y/n and it's funny how stupid you were to not see it"

"Why would you sell members of our tribe?!"

He ignored me as he knelt down. I was still in pain from the last time he tortured me. I badly wanted for this to be a dream.

I passed out screaming as he broke my bones again.

It continued for days and I was losing hope at this point.

I was a sobbing, dirty and sickly mess.

I missed everyone terribly.

I woke up parched, hungry and angry. And I realized I was in a different location.

I was pn high alert and what would happen this tine.

I'd have been able to bear the torture if it weren't zeno that was doing it.

As soon as I saw him cone out if the darkness I growled.

"Calm down y/n let me explain"

"Like hell I will!" "What if you had killed our child?!"

I clamped my mouth shut upon realizing my mistake.

Zeno was quiet and I knew that he was surprised, despite the lack of light in the cave.

"You're... pregnant?"

I nodded.

He knelt down and hugged me tightly as I sobbed.

He kissed me before letting go. "I'm so so sorry y/n" "you have to understand that, before I joined our tribe I was part of another one" "people of that tribe had a crazy side and one day they all went crazy and killed each other"

I covered my mouth, feeling shocked.

"Oh Zeno..." I said as I held his hands.

"I escaped and I'd been doing good in controlling my crazy side until lately"

"I want nothing more than to be with you and our child, but I'd have to conquer that side of mine and find away to communicate with our tribe and beg for forgiveness so they may move on and stop haunting me"

I nodded as he released me. He then began to heal me and we spent the rest of the day washing up and eating.

I actually got o know more about him, because even before all this, despite how close we were, he still seemed tense.

I gave Jim a goodbye hug and wished him luck.

We kept in touch through letters and I updated him on our daughter who had been born.

It took 4 full years before he came back and both of us received him with joy.

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