IV: Adult Kid

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"What? What's wrong with your eyes?" I thundered at him, almost choking my pharynx.

His eyes were in shock. He shooed me down, "Nothing, I'm just fine!"

"Then why did you appoint that fucking girl!?"

Taehyung frowned his brows at my already raged face. He divided his edges to commune but the elevator doors slid sideways.


Taehyung heaved a sigh with a mark of depreciation. He clenched my wrist, wrenching me along behind his stiff structure.

I didn't show any sign of demurral as I realised we were heading to my ward itself. So I dragged my feet promptly in his adopted direction.

He paused right in front of the ward door and let go of my hand. I swiftly unclasped the door, leaving it open for him to join in.

The presentation of the inner atmosphere was just as I needed it to be.

The glittering shiny plated floor had no marks of dirty shoe soles. The table was properly cleaned and aligned. The patients' bed on the side was nicely made up. The sheets were cleansed and lastly, my medical coat also was washed up, neatly folded and kept inside the little closet. Besides the scent diffuser was also turned on, releasing the mesmerizing floral fragrance. I loved it all hygienic and polished.

I took a deep breath into my lungs' content, realising the sweet aroma. I guess Taehyung was also lost in luxuriating the odour.

I chuckled at his dangerously addicted face as his attention was grabbed by my grin.

Anyways I took my seat, uncovering my writing pad on which I usually pen down my daily stresses beforehand. Taehyung made himself comfortable on the opposite, right across my position.

I pretended to be serious with the schedule today. I twirled a pen on the notepad, scribbling a few words in it.

Taehyung rested his chin on his palm gaping at my running fingers. I could sense his gaze getting more and more intense with every second.

I cleared my throat making him startle a bit at the sudden gargling sound.

"So you haven't told me yet. Why you allotted Dr S. Park even when you said that your visions are absolutely fine."

The intense look vanished from his face in a snap of the fingers and from the very next moment he drew a blank glance at me.

I tapped the tip of the pen on the table wood for which he shook his skull once, displaying his full attention at me.

Thank God. He finally spoke up. Otherwise, I was about to strike his head.

"It's for my halmeoni. She has been facing trouble spotting objects for the past few days. So I brought her for a checkup."

"So she's all alone there at the second..."

"No, she's with eomma. Don't worry. I was just feeling a little bored so I resolved to have a walk outside. But look how awesome my fortune is that I met you." He glimmered his rectangular smile at me.

I inclined my head on one side, flashing a disapproving countenance. Soon his lips mirrored an 'O'.

I couldn't help at my restraint anymore. I creased up followed by his tittering. Our roars filled the room until a nurse barged in.

"Madam, you..." she adjourned in-between.

I understand she felt a little weirdo finding my boyfriend escorting me in my chamber. Reposing to her I said, "Yeah you were saying something Ara."

She displaced her stare to me." You've got surgery in 15 minutes."

I gave her a thumbs up. She gestured and left.

I heaved an exhale, keeping away my vanity.

I looked at Taehyung. He was slightly smiling. I smiled back.

"Time to say goodbye? You heard it all right?"

"Yeah," said he, standing up on his feet, removing his butt from the chair."I think so. See ya then!"

I motioned for sanction and turned to grab my uniform. I didn't realise when he slipped behind me. He rotated me back to face him by holding onto my waist. His eyes drooling his victory as he pecked my lips.

Mmm, his warm lips felt so good. Urgh but I'm running out of time!

I pulled away and groaned "Tae!!" Before I could gush out my wrath at him, he sprinted outside, giving me a final wave before vanishing.

Oh, this adult kid needs more warmth. I realised.

Anyways I've gotta hurry now.

Pushing my arms into the sleeves of the white jacket, I took a quick glare at the notepad and rushed to the operation theatre.


Ninety minutes later, I walked out of the OT, removing the blood-stained gloves. I hopped to the washroom to sanitize my palms. Well, the operation wasn't that serious but it was the age of the patient that triggered me.

It was a nine-year-old toddler, just a few years younger than Taepung. He had a hole in his arterioventricular septum which is somewhat similar to the foramen of Panizza in a crocodile's heart. He isn't a reptile. So that depression needed to be healed.

I ambled back to my space. Settling myself at the table, I was busy brooding over the thoughts of my uncle. He had been locking himself up inside his lab since dawn. I wish Yoongi gets back to normal.

Yoongi's icy white flawless face appeared before my sockets. His crystal clear eyeballs were so pure.

As I was busy with his notions, my phone buzzed.



So here's the next part. Hopefully, you all are doing well. Stay safe.^^ And always remember I love you INFINITE!

"People are fantastic by robots because they are machines that can mimic life."

~Colin Angel

Poster by DeniraP

Thank you very much for the covers.^^ gamsahabnida!!

Quote for today.^^


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