VIII: Scared to Death

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I rushed over to the fallen casing, my heart pounding to break through the ribs. Finding it all intact in one piece, I heaved a peaceful sigh. The chassis was unscathed with the selfie of Taehyung's and my first date.

It's fine that the frame was undamaged otherwise my heart could have stopped responding to my calls. Ye, it matters that much and I'm really sensitive in this state of play.

I assembled it back to its right position before turning to face the egotistic halfwit.

"You aberrant ass! Do you even know what you did? The glass would have broken if it had skipped the carpet!"

"I'm sorry. But it doesn't even have a scratch. So the point of shouting and troubling my sensors?" he exposed casually.

Oh, my holy soul! How can he be so cool? I don't know why but I actually can't deny his words.

"Alright, you may leave," I coerced to keep my mood upright.

"Okay and please don't become a pain in the ass next time."

That's the time when I lost everything. Yeah, everything.

I shot back, "Yah you freaking badass! I'll kill....."

He was already gone.

It's good that he left before my cursing was complete. Gosh, why don't I judge before speaking? Cuz I can't kill him but certainly, I can break him into thousands of puzzle pieces. But I didn't want to give that much stress to the happy soul, my uncle.

Though I knew it was not that easy to crush the bot for he must be having a really powerful backup system. Uncle is not that macabre to not settle one in his first hand at robotics. And of course of the latest edition, undoubtedly.

I left an exhale. What a great start to a stunning weekend. Let's see what's waiting.


I crunched the fresh lettuce leaves, ruminating over my plans for the weekend. I'm usually free on those two days of the week for my personal views.

A few minutes later, I sat all blank. Soon I came back to my senses when my hands trailed over the empty plate. I looked down at the clear salver, still with some question marks popping in my mind out of nowhere.

Taking the tray under my custody, I went to the kitchen. However I looked out for the rest of the fellows while placing my feet down the steps, but none were to be seen at any corner.

It also amazed me that the kitchen sink was also vacant. Usually, at that time in the morning hours, aunt is to be seen scampering about the kitchen island and loads of stained utensils in the scullery. But it seemed different than the other days.

Processing the major variations in the nous, I pensively placed the apparatuses in the washbasin.

When I turned back, I met a guy holding a sharp Santoku knife, his eyes penetrating my soul, deep through.

I stumbled back over the kitchen desk as the thoughts of the guy horrified me with a remark that he could do anything now. His menacing smirk got goosebumps on my shivering membrane.

"I'm s-sorry! I promise I won't shout at you anymore. Please don't kill me for this silly reason Yoongi!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, clutching my shirt as tight as I could, such that it would get the crumbled marks on its pressed fabric. I was freaking out.

The evil smirk which he had put on turned out to break into a huge laughter. He embraced his tummy as if his roars were actually affecting it.

He behaves so much like a real human. Can he also feel the same?

Earlier, his aboriginally sounding voice notes and now his sensations. It's gonna drive me insane in no less than a month!

I felt like I was a clown who was way too funny for him to digest.

I pursed my lips, trying to grab what his actual motive was instead of protesting to his long guffaws.

Man, what's wrong with him? Or is it me who's comical?

I straightened up. "Wha-what's so funny in this huh?" I said, managing to gain some courage.

The electrical box eventually brought his howls to a pause.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. But also I must say that I never you to get shocked to that extent." He chortled sheepishly.

I cleared my throat and spat, "Startle me my foot. You scared me to death, bitch!"

"Alright. Now if you are done, please move aside. I need to cut the vegetables before Mrs Min Yeoreum appears."

Oh, so he was cutting vegetables! Ugh stupid me.

I smacked my forehead and shifted on the side, allowing him to acquire my previous position.

He grabbed an onion and started peeling its crusts. I paid my full attention to his eyes. Are his eyes sensible to syn-propanethial-S-oxide? Since he can feel his stomach aching due to laughter, his eyes should also be raining.

I was keenly determined to see him cry, his crystal orbits drooling tears until he swivelled to check on me.

"What? I know my face is too attractive for girls but never guessed of you being tempted by it."

Idiot. Total bullshit. How can he even think such perverted theories?

I rolled my eyes. "Better shut up before I crash your obtuse brain." I looked away feeling bulldozed.

"Ah fine. Do you want to chop onions?"

I shot my direct gaze at him."Why should I do that? It's your errand." I folded my arms before my bust.

He got back to his business but then I heard him say, "I knew you would deny. After all, you can't even do a single household. Useless lazy body."

My brain stormed at his notorious comments. I attacked.

"Hey don't you dare say those irrelevant remarks on me! Gimme I'll show you."

Saying so I snatched away the blade from his control.


Here's the next part. Thank you for patiently waiting for me to upload chubs. I love you. Stay tuned.^^

A quote for you^^

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