XII: Incoming Annoyance

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"Get out of my way!" I screeched.


Nevertheless, that was too late. Perhaps a much too delay for Yoongi to perceive. I crashed into him. He plopped back straight onto the carpet yet I sprang to the other side, to the showcase. The edge of a cut-glass piece nicked a slit through my left elbow. A little bit of the skin ripped apart making blood ooze out of the slash.

I fell to the floor, seeking to bear with the extreme pain which it caused. Uncle ran to me. Aunt came after. Taepung stood beside the robot. The two shared clueless glances at each other.

"Ouch! It feels terrible hmph!" Tears filled the edges of my eyeballs, gradually starting to overflow.

Uncle scrutinized the scratch."Shh Yeoreum-ssi get some cotton, lukewarm water and the first aid quick!"

Aunt headed to the respective area and soon got back with the artefacts. She slowly wiped off the wound and cleaned it to check if there were any glass particles stuck inside.

After that, she applied a band-aid on the injured part and it was done. But it does take some time for a sting to demolish so I was still sensitive to that impulse.

"Are you okay? Is it hurting that much?" enquired the bot.

I gave a sour glance to Yoongi as I said, "That's none of your concerns."

"Raehee calm down gurl. He has no guilt in it in fact it's all your fault. Why didn't you take a break when you saw him arriving?" asked uncle for issues of relevance.

I couldn't answer him. Inside I felt really ashamed and also contrite to some extent. Cuz this time it was actually my mistake. He was above reproach.

I sighed and parted my lips to speak."Alright. I'm sorry Yoongi for being rough at you this time." I cooed in a soft voice. Then I got up to my feet and headed to my room.

"Geez Yoongi hyung don't be sad. She's been like this only ever since childhood. A bit too much short-tempered. You don't worry, she'll be okay after all she's a medic herself." saying so, Taepung grabbed the boy's arm and guided him to his territory.

"We'll play K2OZ together okay? And I'll be your trainer so no need to be worried about it. I'm a pro in this field." declared Taepung while crossing the stairway.

Monday morning...


Mmhmm, I'm up quiet now. I tapped it silently. Woosh, it was getting so parky in the morning because of the emergence of winter. I wished to go on hibernation-like most animals but my luck wasn't that considerable. I changed positions inside the warm blanket until aunt drummed on the door. I removed the shroud from my face.

"Raehee get up! The weekend is over!" aunt announced from the outside. I smacked my lips.

"Aah I'm awake already! I'll be down in a moment," I stated slothfully.

The clacking of her heels dissolved soon after. I heaved a deep exhale feeling disgusted. I felt inclined that I was a bear or some other such hibernating mammals or even snake! They too go for winter sleep right? I won't mind taking birth as one except for when I've to hunt for food.

I sat up on the billet and shrugged. My hair was a cringy mess. Indolently I contracted down from the bed, slowly advancing to the lavatory at a snail's pace with eyes partly responding partly asleep.

Taking a warm shower, I walked out of the W.C., yawning cataclysmically. Probably the mellow exciting flurry also came unstuck to my idle wits. However, I braced up and hot feet down the stairs.

As I approached the lobby, I observed Yoongi and Taepung hooked to a mobile phone. Uncle was busy with his daily newspaper and cup of herbal tea.

I made my way to the dining, dragging my work-shy feet along. Seizing a seat at the table, I put my head down, pretending to close my windows for a little peace. Aunt arrived with my meals and she clanked a spoon with the ceramic bowl to notify me. I straightened up as she served the vessel of Kimchi before my drowsy eyes.

I shook my head and got hold of the chopsticks. Aunt's dubious eyes examined me thoroughly.

"Could you sleep well last night?" she aired.

I nodded, slurping a mouthful of noodles into the muzzle. Finishing the bite, I raised, "Not really, I kept twisting and turning till almost 3. I couldn't sleep so I ended up putting on my earphones."

Aunt pressed her lips flat and I sniggered at her bored look while filling my mouth with another bunch of Kimchi. She pulled a chair beside me and sat while resting her chin on her palms.

"I think it's for the sudden change of weather you see though it was quite expected. I hope you'll get to it soon," she explained.

I hummed in consensus. A few minutes flew by. Finally, I was over with my breakfast and kept back the chopsticks in the empty crucible.

"Thank you! I'll see you in the eve!" I gave her a slight hug and hurried off to the drawing-room.

As I was crossing the sitting area, uncle was yet not done with his paper. Taepung and that metal soul were a bit too on the hop for the smart devices. Now Yoongi had a tablet in his hands and the two were jostling like wild monkeys, shouting and screaming at each and everything with their eyes fixed at the bright screens.

I proclaimed, "Hello guys! See you in the eve."

"Raehee hold on. I've something for you."

Uncle called out for me, his eyes were still dedicated to the printed sheets.

I halted at my current position to hear him out."Yes uncle?"

He folded his newspaper to turn around and look at me.

"You've to handle Yoongi for the day."

My brows cocked into a frown giving a half-smiling half protesting expression."But uncle you already...."

"I know you have you have your duty and I'm not asking you to stay back," he said cutting me off.

His puzzling words made me even dumber at thoughts."Then how will I look into him?"

He nodded his head before exposing, "You'll have to take him to the hospital with you."



So wassup guys? I hope you all are liking the track. Thank you for your concern. Love you infinite.

Vote for clear skin^^

Mannayo! I purple you!

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