XXIX: Cheeze mayonnaise and berries

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My feet tottered to the throne's resident. There he was sitting, with one leg crossed upon the other, hands joined into a double fist and eyes dancing every shift of my legs.

"First things first," I straight away sunk in for a bow, "Anneyonghasseo, sir!"

A little snigger bounced off his lips before he could secure them in his muzzle. "Why do look so gloomy today? Is everything okay at home?"

Gloomy. Dry. Shook. Dead who's barely living cuz I have to live.

"Nothing sir. It's just a minor headache."

"Arasso. What for are you so tensed? Fought with Mr Kim?"

Mr Kim? He meant Kim Tae tae? I mean Taehyung? He knows Him. But. How?

"Sir I didn't get you. Whom are you talking about?"

"Your boyfriend Taehyung I guess that's what he's called?"

My head just swirled a spin. Is he real?

"Ye bu...."

"Now don't ask me how I know him. Just know that I know him."

I halted in that position. My lips half parted, eyes still at the black and white-headed male. Shutting down my mouth from that awkward shape, I held my sunken sockets towards the floor.

Do I even have something called privacy? Hell no.

"What happened dear Raehee? What's there to hide for your grandpa?"

I shook my head."I'm just afraid that my spilling of beans might wreck your
visions at me."

"That is never possible. Is this what I taught you since your babyhood?"

Grandpa Seokwook, the best playmate of my childhood life, was now the chairman director of SNUH. He was my inspiration ever since.

I still remember those moments vividly when I used to play the role of a doctor with grandpa's stethoscope. I wonder how many times I broke them yet grandpa used to get me a new one. He and granny used to be my patients and I the best doctor in Korea, who could cure any pain, any wound and any sicknesses with just two sips of orange juice.

At times, we had moments when uncle and aunt also joined us in between their schedules.

But what hurts the most is the absence of my parents. It was like they had done a great job by allowing me to see the world with my own eyes and that's it. Next whatever would come into my way, that all needs my self-care.

I sometimes call myself to be the unluckiest of all whereas also the luckiest to have such wonderful
relationships with my uncle, aunt, grandpa, granny and Taepung who are the brightest stars in my dark shade of life. That's what my life is worth living. Rest are all just mere illusions.

"Tell me. Hey, come back." He clapped twice before my stone seeded orbits the ones who wanted to be lost forever in a land of cheese, mayonnaise and berries.

Cheese. Mayonnaise. Berries. The first tastes that delighted my young taste buds and sweet tooth.

"Min Raehee!!" Grandpa gave a slight twist to my right ear."Where do you get lost all the time? I asked you something!"

"Mianhae. I was....ah....well ..... screw it. What were you asking? Could you please repeat if possible?"

Grandpa cupped his face in his palms and he glared a bittersweet glance at me. "Do I look like your medical college lecturer? This is a hospital and no lectures are allowed here. You need to be well trained as a doctor. You....."

"Grandpa," I squeaked softly, "I know that," I spoke with my tiredness spilling out with every word.

He pushed himself back on the sofa sponges making his hands work as a pillow beneath his skull. "I know you do. It's been just way too long since we had a long conversation last."

"That's hella true though. Do we have a choice? Our lives have become so dangerously busier than before."

"How about going for a date? Want to go on a date with your grandpa sweety?"

My lips bubbled into a giggle. "You aren't old. Your limbs are just a little dead than before."

"Yeah, you're right. You know what? Ladies still don't leave a chance to flirt with me. Last Saturday your granny said that I still look as handsome as I was in my teenage."

That's a bit too good a comment for this weary sack of slow osteocytes. Still I
won't deny that his visage is beautiful even with the grey hair locks in the jungle of black ebony.

"Surely only if it's you saying these." I glistened my canines.

"So are we going or not?"

"Your call."

"Alright. Let me just get over some stuff and I'll let you know the time and place soon." He sat up and slid arms on the tabletop.

"Okay, I Shall see you then. Loads of love for you and granny!"

He gave away a flying kiss in chef's style. Smart huh? I miss him so much. I wish they could come back to our place.

It was all good till I was a mid-teen. We had a joint family with all the elders and youngers together under one roof until a day arrived that brought another tornado for a heart sink.


That was the day before Thanksgiving. 26th November 2012. The clouds were pouring down all its contents on the dried crooks of earth. The noise was too loud which made it almost impossible to distinguish between the sound of rain and the all-time cramped traffic bottlenecks.

Next part up here!! Lemme know your thoughts! Thank you! I love you!

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