XXVI: Bicycle Ride

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Next dawn, I stirred up quite early. The sun had just started showering its velvety strobes. The native animals were busy wishing each other 'good morning'. I ruffled my already messed up hair strands and my feet bounced off from the mattress to the direction of the comfort station.

A warm shower helped me to boost my limbs and arms. A morning bath has an original pleasure, to be honest. Numerous droplets of water dripped down my waxy skin. I do not enjoy a tub bath greater than this feeling. I feel like it blows away all the knackering anxiety that clouds my memory centre.

Drawing out of the privy, I filled into my tracksuit as planned last night. I quietly grabbed my cycle keys to flee outside. I didn't inform anyone cause I wished to get back before breakfast. It's only 7 and there are so many people in the parks and roads hitherto.

The tree trunks looked almost bare with just a few leaves stuck on the various branches. Citizens were busy running in their jogging shoes.

I paddled the bicycle and advanced cutting through the chilly air. The wind flurried away the end of my muffler and hair, striking at the earmuffs.

The wheels of the cycle rotated smoothly and the ringing of the bell streamed through the road. I was enjoying being all by myself after so many years until the hardest barrier built upright in the middle of the path.

I lost balance and the wheels adopted a wrong route. The paddled vehicle took me to a block of wood and crash!

I toppled over to the side whereas the cycle laid flat on the grass.

It was my good fortune that my whole body was covered under fabrics so I didn't get any scratches. Some dry twigs got entangled with the strings of my white cardigan and hair. And the one who's responsible for this is that crackhead.

"Yoongi!!"  I screamed at the top of my lungs, which startled the ones who were already surrounding me. Before they could react to the situation I was on top.

Yoongi loped to me with all his five senses tensed up. I attempted to stand on my feet but I immediately drooped down. Guess what, I got an ankle twisted. That's just amazing, isn't it? It hurt me so bad that I felt my blood tubes being cramped up on the spot.

Yoongi assisted me to get up and my ankle was vigorously aching. "Ouch please be careful Yoongi I...ah...." I pursed my edges since the agony was increasing all the more.

"Please move aside people. I need to make her sit," said Yoongi as he cautiously grabbed my arm and gave me a virtual backbone to walk yet all in vain. I couldn't move more than a pair of steps.

To my conscience out of the blue, Yoongi pulled me up in his arms, carrying me in a bridal posture to a bench.

I couldn't help but fix my gaze at the metallic structure.

He looked serious and determined to heal my injury. The rest of the crowd dispersed with unsteady thoughts which had no clarity.

Placing me down on the wooden furniture, he held my right foot, and twisting and turning it with full concentration. I guess he was trying to possess the yoga treatment here. Though it was painful at the start nevertheless it disappeared in the period of a few minutes.

"There, is it okay now?" The bot enquired.

I smiled and slid my head. "Fine."

Still, one thing was me messing with my brain cells. I resolved to clarify that from the person itself.

"Yoongi, how did you end up here so early?"

Yoongi straightened on his sneakers. He ignored my question and went over to the deserted two-wheeler.

Soon he returned and perched beside after parking the cycle on his side. I cheered up my mood to ask him once again though I was a bit afraid.

"Yoongi you didn't give me an answer."

"What?" he spoke indifferently, his footgear beating on the cemented base.

"Why are you here? You are not supposed to go anywhere and everywhere without uncle's permission. What if you get kidnapped?"

"I'm cleverer than you. So no need to worry about me. You should be more careful on yourself cuz you always bring up some unnecessary tensions without yourself being aware of it." He pissed my cues so rudely.

I felt a harsh pang in my heart. Like seriously how can he insult me as if I'm some toddler?

Raehee why don't you take a recheck over your speech before talking to this damn smart computer? Geez, what luck you've got Raehee that you're being affronted by a robot.

I shook my forefront and stood on my feet.

"Let's get going," I suggested. I grabbed my cycle handles and strolled out. Yoongi followed me from behind and a little later he was marching on my right.


Arriving at home, I found my aunt on the sofa with a bowl of fruits salad and a lifestyle magazine. There's a lot of corners in that magazine called 'Healthy Life hacks'. That was aunt's pages of interest.

Aunt Yeoreum raised her eyes at me. "So you're back. Your meal is ready. Euntak will get them to your room. Go and freshen up."

"Ye aunt."

"Yoongi also had been with you? I thought it was only you who went out since I didn't see your bicycle in the garage."

"Unfortunately he did. Arasso I'll be in my corner." I dragged myself to the stairs.

Aunt was bewildered at my weird replies. She repeatedly rotated her iris and when she couldn't find any ready confirmation, she rolled her eyes and made herself back to her tasks.

Yoongi glided back to his room all casually as always. He is just so cool.

I pushed the doorknob and the water bottle dropped from my grip.




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