XXXV: Procession

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The hotel to which grandpa called us for looked quite luxurious. A vintage designed hall loaded with modern pieces of furniture. Even a specially a framed corner bar on which varieties of drinks bottles were arranged.

Shots, burgundy, cabernet, Bordeaux and various other glasses assembled
on the shelves, counters, etc.

Huge chandeliers from which crystals hung in the shape of tender teardrops. Glass topped tables and cushioned seats on the marbled mosaic floor. Overall it was a five star dine in for sure.

Taehyung and I were seated on the table that was reserved by grandpa for the memorable eve. Taehyung was hooked into his phone so as I, looking for grandpa's number.

I found it and dialled.

Nothing more than just the ringing vibration attracted my nerves for the first few seconds. But he picked it then.

"Hello darling. I'm on my way. Almost there," he raised from the other side. Probably he was using his Bluetooth and that is what we prefer in order to keep our hands on the steering.

"Oh sorry. I was just..."

"I know Don't worry. I'm gonna be right in front of your eyes soon. Now cut this out."

"Fine. I miss you. Please come fast."

I was about to take down the speaker from my ears but I heard something harsh instead.

Crash! Smash!

My eyes scattered at what I perceived from the call.

"Grandpa. Grandpa! Are you okay? Answer me!"

There was no reply. Just a crackling sound that broke through the silence.

Taehyung was already flustered. His perfect broad brows met when he offered his sockets at my devastated visage.

I gave it another try, "Grandpa, please. Speak up! What are you..." My voice quivered and cracked.

Taehyung grabbed my shoulder. "What-what happened? Why are you- crying?" He was all vexed up to touch my shaky body.

"This can't be happening! Tae tell me it's a dream. Please!" My sobs increased to double.

Taehyung became quite certain by noting my conditions what might have happened. He pulled me into his chest as I poured my heart out. His warm embrace gave me a safe spot to cry upon.

"Don't. Be patient. He'll be okay." He caressed my hair and I vibrated under his touch.

My ears became deaf dumb to listen to his words anymore. Tears rolled through my eyes making Taehyung's inner T-shirt all wet. I clutched his jacket tight as the warm liquid found its way down on his chest, leaving some circular oval stains on the shirt material.


"May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace."

We all prayed with our heads all bowed, palms upon one another. I stood among the lump of women in white hanbok whereas Taehyung in the other crowd among the men, besides uncle.

My heart was stained with pain, regret and sorrow. It thronged among the ribs to emit out the ache that was too dangerous to resist. The lacrimal glands kept on drooling the tears in agony.

It was a misfortune to see one's own most loved soul lying inside a rosewood coffin like a gentleman. A blood-stained bandage wrapped on the forehead like a headband and body as cold and pale as ice.

The handsome cuts which still existed in his visage reminded me of the moments when he used to pamper me at times of great delusions. That makes my core suffer a long-lasting dull pain.

Could it be anything even worse than my grandpa is no more with me? And the promise that I made to myself of introducing Taehyung to the dearest soul also remained incomplete for the rest of my life.

Whenever I look back at my past, the moment when I was too enthusiastic that I will make the two males meet and talk on compared to the present, it leaves me with the worst saddened heart ever.

Whatever it might be but grandpa Seokwook always acquired the most expensive part of my heart and will always be my favourite.

Within the next few hours, the procession was over and I was back to the house. Neither did I touch a piece of food nor drink a drop of liquid after spending an entirely sleepless night.

I just didn't feel like doing anything. Or should I say there was no energy left into left in me?

Scampering into my room, I let myself down on the soft bed. Holding back the tears has always been an attempt at which I failed. It worked involuntarily in me. So I sob and snivel till my eyes don't start hurting.


Later that evening, I flipped open my lids. Somehow I managed to push up my upper to sit was on the billet. My hair was a mess. Strings of ebony curled down on my crown and temples. I checked myself on the dresser mirror.

I looked no good than a living ghost you see. Dark circular patches ringed around eyeballs. The skin of my lips was dry. Eyes puffy and reddish due to immense shedding of tears. The cheek muscles seemed flattened and skinny. The facial zygomatic bone pumped up in between.

Never thought that no food for a day could bring my profile into this misery.


Next part is here. Hope you're liking it. Keep supporting meh and take love.

Love from KimG💜

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