part 101 // lost and found

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the sharp, screeching noise of train breaks fill his ears, making him want to physically flinch at the sound. he shifted in his place, pulling up the zipper on his sweatshirt a little more, trying to cover up the dark brown coffee stain he had gotten on his shirt this morning. the train car shifts suddenly as it comes to a full halt and yoongi reaches forward desperately, hands quickly grabbing to the vertical iron rod in from on him to stay steady. as he stood, watching the people get off at their stops, he wondered, like he always did, how jimin was doing.

"next stop will be; station 101, busan" the crackly voice over the intercom told all of the passengers, including yoongi. yoongi sighed lightly, relieved that he didnt have to stand uncomfortably on this train any longer. he didnt know why he had all of a sudden decided to visit busan, he didnt know if jimin was there or if he even wanted to see him at all. jimin had always talked fondly of his home town, and yoongi always talked fondly of jimin, so it seemed fitting. he wasnt even sure if jimin had even come back here at all, but that didnt stop the thumping of his heart in his chest as he walked off of the train.

the light clicking of yoongis boots against the ground was the only noise around him, the station otherwise empty except for an older lady and mother and child, all sitting quietly on the benches awaiting what he assumed was the arrival of their train. the air smelt like sea salt, just like jimin always had. somehow, even while living in seoul, jimin still smelled faintly of the beaches in busan. it made it feel like jimin was walking beside him again.

yoongi hastily adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder, pushing it upwards so it wouldnt fall. he walked his way to the outside of the station, from there he then called a taxi. "where to?" the driver said, appearing to be a rather young boy, much to yoongis surprise. yoongi coughed awkwardly and quickly told him to take him to jimins neighborhood without thinking, not knowing where else to go. the young driver nodded and all of a sudden sped up, only to hit the brakes so quickly, it had yoongi almost slamming forward in his seat.

the driver chuckled lightly, "ah, sorry about that, its my first day." he smiled uneasily to yoongi. yoongi just nodded, sucking in a sharp breath. the boys name-tag read jungkook, and his hair was a dark, raven like color. he was cute, yoongi thought, so he would cut him some slack. eventually, they made their way to their destination, though jungkook had swerved and almost crashed enough times for yoongi to question if he was going to make it out of this alive. nonetheless he thanked jungkook genuinely and payed him extra, which earned him a shy, but pretty smile before they were both on their way.

the moment he saw the bushel of houses lining the street he was on, a sudden wave of longing hit him right in the chest. it reminded him so much of jimin, his heart ached. then, his chest physically hurt as he collided with someone else, running into them fully. "ah- shit- im sorry." yoongi rushed his words, nervously licking his bottom lip. the moment he lifted his head again, his eyes were met with a familiar pair of deep brown ones, ones that he had missed for so long.

"yoongi?" jimins voice shakily whispered, disbelief clear in his eyes and on his face. yoongi stuttered backwards, taken aback by the sudden encounter. before yoongi could even get a single word in, jimin grabbed a handful of his sweatshirt and brought him into a rib crushing hug. "mom wouldnt let me see you, you know? said you were too much of a bad influence." jimin said quietly to him, words coming out breathy and unsteady. yoongi laughed hollowly, "she was probably right." 

jimin pulled away and shook his head slowly, "no, she wasnt. if anything, you made me a better person, min yoongi." jimin looked him in the eye, and yoongi knew that he meant what he said. "i love you." jimin then told him. when yoongi didnt respond, he tilted his head forward to land it on yoongis shoulder. yoongi exhaled and picked at the skin on his thumb, "i know you do." he whispered, a single tear dropping from his eye to the ground, darkening the tiny spot where it landed on the pavement. 

"dont." jimin suddenly said, still in the position with his head on yoongis shoulder but his voice was sterner now. "dont what?" yoongi asked, his head tilted upwards towards the gloomy sky. "dont cry. it makes me feel like the world is crumbling when you cry." jimin said in a tone just as serious as the last, and it had yoongi heart bursting in his chest. a small smile erupted on his lips.


a/n what even was this oh my god this was trASH. i miss you guys, though. are you well? doing okay? hows school? how're you doing? eating well? you can rant to me if you would like to, i cant guarantee i can help but i'll try giving some advice, yeah?

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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