part 117 // weak in the knees

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yoongis heart leaps into his throat as his sleepy eyes land on jimin, who was standing outside his window at some ungodly hour of the morning. yoongi rubbed his eyes and opened the window up, only to realize that it was drizzling. yoongi was about to ask what the hell he was doing here so early, but jimin beat him to it. "you wanna come on a walk with me? just to clear your head? i can tell theres been alot on your mind recently." was all that jimin had to say to get yoongi to come along, even if it was much too early and much too wet outside. the small rain drops hit his face as they walked, but all yoongi could focus on was the steady stream of jimins words.

yoongi and jimin always liked to go on little adventures like this together. ever since they were kids it had been a tradition of sorts, and even now jimin sometimes dragged yoongi out and about with him. but todays adventure is in the woods, much to yoongis dismay. hes always been somewhat of a clumsy person, but only due to the fact that he didnt really care enough to watch where he was going. so, when he tripped swiftly over a large tree branch only five minutes into their walk, it wasnt really much of a surprise. it was to jimin, though, because even if he knew yoongi was like this, he still worried for his safety.

the only thing yoongi remembers after tripping on that tree branch, is opening his eyes and realizing that he was laying face up on his back. he gazed at the sky through squinted eyes and heard jimins quick foot steps somewhere near him. "yoongi?" jimin yelled, worry clear in his voice as he saw yoongi just laying there on the ground. yoongi sighed and covered his eyes with his hands. "are you okay?" jimin asked frantically, kneeling down beside yoongis body. now, yoongi wasnt one to make a huge deal of anything, really. so usually he would just stand up and brush it off. but today, the pained weight wasnt on his leg, it was on his heart.

long story short, yoongi has been in love with jimin for a very, very long time. he didnt know what it was, maybe the gloomy weather, but today just felt like it was all too much. his feelings for jimin were becoming so overwhelming that he felt himself boiling over, all of them spilling out of him at once. he couldnt hold them in any longer, which was an odd thing for him. holding in emotions came easy to yoongi, it had always been a second nature to him. feel something? suppress it. want to say something? dont say it. in love with your best friend? push the feelings down and ignore them. yoongi always knew there would be a day when he just couldnt anymore. he just didnt know it would be today.

yoongi shook his head slowly without uncovering his eyes, nervousness seeping through his skin and causing him to shiver all over. "no, I-" he started, taking a shaky breath, "I think I love you." he admitted finally, tears pricking the corners of his covered up eyes. he had wanted to tell jimin for so, so long. the weight lifted from his chest slightly. jimin stayed silent for a moment, and with each second of silence between them yoongi could feel his chest fill with sadness and the pain of rejection. "good." jimin said suddenly, and yoongis breath hitched in his throat. before yoongi could think to say anything, jimin began to speak again.

"because I love you too." he said then, and yoongi immediately bolted upright, uncovering his eyes as his gaze snapped to jimin. "you- wait- you what?" yoongi practically screamed, standing up quicker than jimin. he watched carefully as the now large droplets of rain pelted jimins skin, his eyes calm and his hair matted to his forehead. yoongis footing all of a sudden felt wobbly, as if he could fall again at any minute. he wonders if maybe his clumsiness is because of the way jimin makes him weak in the knees. jimin said nothing for a moment, taking in everything happening around him. the rain hitting him, yoongi standing there, the way yoongis eyes looked at him with so much hope and love.

jimin smiled slowly, and took in a deep breath. "i love you." he said again, and yoongi wonders for a second if maybe there was a weight being lifted off of jimins chest, too. all yoongi knows, is he can finally breath again.


a/n hi guys! how are you? i feel like i havent talked to you in forever wow. (go check out all my new books, by the way! love you~)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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