part 120 // drunk texting

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(a/n hey babes! add me on the app SNOW, so we can all chat and stuff! my user is taengerines !)

park jimin doesnt drink very often. between dance practice and university, he doesnt even have the time to do so. but, when his best friend taehyung invites him out for drinks one night, how could he possibly say no? he was free, and his boyfriend was out for the evening, so it worked out perfectly. four tequila shots in, and jimin was, for lack of a better word, wasted. taehyung drank much more frequently, so the alcohol wasnt taking as much of an effect of on him just yet. but jimin was already beginning to drunk text a few people, one of those people being his boyfriend, yoongi.

from: jiminie

hye yoOng i mis s yoU

yoongi laughed lightly as he read over the message, assuming that jimin was already drunk from the looks of it. namjoon cranes his neck over to look at yoongis phone screen, before beginning to laugh as well. "is he drunk?" namjoon asks, and yoongi nods in response. "i told taehyung to not let him drink too much." yoongi muttered under his breath, although he was happy that jimin was letting loose for once, he just hoped he was being safe. before yoongi even got a chance to respond, jimin had already sent him another text message.

from: jiminie

yOongi i lo ve yOu so MuVh

yoongis heart swelled at the broken looking words. because even though he didnt need jimin to be drunk to tell him this, it was still nice knowing he thought about him even while he was drunk. namjoon had fallen asleep in the time after they had last spoke, and yoongi wondered briefly about how he could fall asleep so damn quickly. yoongi hoped taehyung was with jimin, just to make sure he wasnt getting into any trouble.

to: jiminie

i love you too, jimin. dont stay up too late.

from: jiminie

i lOve Y ou so mUch yoong itS cRaz y

yoongi smiled to himself and sighed lightly, wondering if jimin was home yet. he hoped so, he wouldnt want jimin to be late to dance tomorrow, even if it didnt start until late in the afternoon. yoongi had to get up early in the morning the next day, but he stayed up late most nights anyway so it wasnt much of a big deal for him. he was about to call jimin instead of responding thought text, but he received a one before he got a chance.

from: jiminie

Yoou'rE so prett y yoongI yoU mak e mE smile

to: jiminie

thank you, baby. get some rest.

right after he sent it, he went to call jimin. "yes?" jimin said slowly, and yoongi almost laughed at the way he sounded. "baby? its yoongi." he responded, and waited for jimin to answer. after a couple seconds, jimin finally did. "oh! hi baby, i miss you so much!" he slurred, going off into a fit of loud laughter right afterwards. yoongi chuckled and asked if he was home yet. "yeah! tae took me home, dont worry!" jimin said brokenly, as if he kept forgetting what he was going to say next. yoongi sighed in relief.

"no tae! i dont want any water!" jimin yelled to taehyung while still on the phone, and yoongi had to fight the urge to just go over there himself and force jimin to drink some water. "jimin, drink the water." he said slightly sternly into the phone. "okaaay, yoongi said so, so i will." jimin finally gave in, after whining multiple times about the matter. yoongi was glad that taehyung had stuck around to watch after jimin for a little while, because he was probably capable of doing some dumb things in his current state.

yoongi could hear jimin gulping water through the phone, and relief immediately flowed through his body. "get some sleep, okay?" he said to jimin. "okay!" jimin giggled, and he could hear taehyung telling him to get to bed. "i love you yoong!" jimin exclaimed suddenly. "i love you too, sunshine." yoongi chuckled, and waited until jimin hung up to turn off his phone. he decided that he would go over to jimins first thing in the morning, to see just how bad his hangover is. right before bed, he received one last text.

from: jiminie

yOonGi ccA n we ge t a pupPy??!?


a/n this is so lame but i miss you all so much!! how are you guys?

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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