part 34 // going to be okay

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(a/n part 2 to 'college' ! read that first !)

its been almost a year since yoongi had last seen jimin. and man, was it hard. it had only been 9 months, but for them it felt like 9 years. in the beginning, both of them were worried that they would fall apart somehow like how everyone in the movies say long distance relationships do. and sure, they had some times where they didnt have enough time to speak to each other more than once or twice over the span of a whole week, but as a whole, they were fine.

yoongi had planned to go visit jimin around his birthday in October, but jimin had mentioned to him that his parents had been getting bad again. so he decided to have jimin fly out to him. sure, it took months of yoongi attending school while working two part time jobs to save up enough money, but it was well worth it. because he got to see jimin again, and he couldnt even begin to explain how excited he is.

from: my jiminie

guess who just landed?? come pick me up, loser!

yoongi quickly read the text on his phone, before rushing out to his car. most people would already be at the airport, waiting. but yoongi had to attend classes this morning, go in to work to ask for a couple days off, and still have time to work on a couple songs for his music class the next day. so as expected, yoongi was running a bit late. not that it bothered jimin, he liked to walk around the airport and look at magazines.

yoongi ran through one of the sliding doors and stopped for a moment. he was out of breath, his beanie had fallen half way off of his head, and his keys that were in his jacket pocket were hitting his thigh and causing slight pain. so one yoongi had gotten himself together, and checked the time once, he began to search for jimin. but it didnt take very long, because jimin spotted him first.

"yoongi!" jimin shrieked from a couple feet away from him. yoongi snapped his head in that direction, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. usually, yoongi would be a little embarrassed at the stares they were getting because of jimins loud scream. but right now, he couldnt care less. when jimin started to jog over to him, he didnt crush yoongi in a hug like yoongi had expected him to. instead, he stood in front of him, just staring.

jimin slowly bought his shaky hands up to gently cup yoongis face with them, and just touched him. "i- i missed you." he whispered quietly, eyes still fixed on to yoongis perfect pale skin. yoongi watched as jimin just caressed his face, eyes filling up with tears. a few seconds of silence followed before yoongi couldnt take it anymore. he gently brought jimins hands down from his face and pulled him forward quickly, arms immediately wrapping tightly around him.

as the familiar scent of jimin filled his nose, yoongi did something that neither of them expected him to do. he started sobbing. it was normal for yoongi to occasionally let a few tears slip from his eyes, but never had he full on sobbed. but here he was now, violently shaking in his boyfriends arms, choked sobs coming from him. "hey, hey. whats wrong?" jimin said as he rubbed yoongis back soothingly, his own tears falling slowly from his eyes.

yoongi cried for a little longer, before jimin felt his breath finally starting to even out again. "i dont- i dont know. you just- you make me so happy." yoongi mumbled, hands lifting to wipe under his eyes. jimin nodded, saying nothing more. when they finally got back to yoongis dorm, they found a note from his room mate.

'heard that your boyfriend was coming to visit, decided to let you guys have some time to catch up! i'll be back later to meet him though! but after, i'll spend the night at my friends place, alright?

oh, and dont have sex on my bed! thanks!

love, namjoon.'

yoongis face burned from embarrassment as they both read the note. jimin giggled, hand coming up to cover his mouth as he did. "your room mate seems really cool." he said when he finally calmed down. yoongi rolled his eyes, "hes a pain in my ass, thats what he is." jimin laughed at this, making yoongi smile. "but yeah, for the most part hes pretty chill." yoongi finished, a couple seconds later.

after that they sat down on the couch, both of them naturally just falling in to place. jimin tucked in to the side of yoongis arm, yoongis hand that was around him, coming up to gently stroke his hair. "so, how is it at home?" yoongi said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

jimin sucked in a sharp breath, thinking about what words he should use to describe it. "they...they have had better days." he said, deciding to start with that. he then started again, "they havent hit me recently, which is good. i didnt want to come here bruised." jimin jokes, but yoongi didnt find it very funny. he knew that jimin had been hurt before, and it made him sick to his stomach.

"im sorry." yoongi said bluntly, never knowing what to say at times like these. "i wish i could be there to help." he said after, trying to explain how he felt to jimin. "its alright. im fine, i just missed you. i can deal with the yelling." jimin said after a few seconds, sighing.

"i know. i missed you too. so, so much. college has been good, i like my music classes the most. how are your grades going, mister?" yoongi smiles slightly, looking down to jimin who was still snuggled in his arms. "im proud of you. i knew you would do well. im doing fine too, there have been some ups and downs in my grade average but for the most part all good." jimin chuckled lowly, in response.

yoongi only nodded, letting a silence fall between them again. "i- i saw your mom." jimin said slowly, as if he was trying to find the right words to say. jimin felt yoongis body stiffen up, at the mention of his mother. he then took a deep breath, looking up. "how- uh- how is she?" yoongi said, sounding like he didnt really want to hear the answer.

jimin paused for a moment, smiling slightly to himself. he then craned his neck to look up at yoongi. "i spoke to her shortly, on the way to the market, three days after you left. she looked- she looked really good, yoongi. healthy. i asked her how she was doing and she said that she was on her way to check herself in to rehab." jimins lips moved upwards, revealing a half smile. yoongi suddenly released a breath that he hadnt realized he was holding in. he was still looking up to the ceiling as tears started to fill his eyes. "shes- shes gonna be okay?" yoongi shakily whispered, tears now falling freely down the side of his face.

jimin smiled and brushed yoongis hair from his face. "yeah. yeah, shes going to be just fine. she also told me that she wants you to know how much she loves and misses you. and how proud she is. and she also said something like when she is released from rehab she'll save enough money to come visit you." jimin told him, hands still running softly through yoongi hair.

yoongi laughed airily, laughter almost coming out as sighs. "she- she said that? shes p-proud of me? shes going to get help and come see me?" yoongi said, a smile painting itself across his tear stained face. he thought back to all the times his mother had yelled that she didnt love him, and all the nights he would wait by the door for her to come home only to find out she had spent the night passed out at a bar. and suddenly, the memories didnt hurt so much anymore.

yoongi sat up and pulled jimin into another tight hug. "thank you. i love you so fucking much, jimine. i really do. i dont know where i would be without you." yoongi mumbled into the crook of jimins neck. "and i dont know where i would be without you either." jimin said back to him. and he honestly didnt know where he would be, without yoongi to help guide him in the right direction. and yoongi silently thanked god, for giving him a light in the dark. and his light is, and always will be, jimin.


a/n so some people asked me to right a part two to the last one, so here ya go! do i talk to much about their home lives?? im sorry if i make you bored with my writing ugh..

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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