part 55 // tangled webs

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(a/n this one tells two stories, so basically its sorta half yoonmin half vkook! i hope you enjoy~)

right now, everything is just a big mess. it all started when the seven boys met. it was four years ago, in seoul. they were all "thugs" of some sort, though they never really called themselves that. yoongi was the center of it all. he had just stole something dumb from a convenience store, when he spotted a rather small orange haired boy standing by himself in an alley way. yoongis alleyway, that is. after that it all just fell into place. jimin started following yoongi around, helping him out with crimes and some deals here and there. each boy landed in their path somehow, and just started following along the way. and now, they were like brothers. well, sort of.

the problem is this; taehyung is in love with jungkook, who thinks that hes in love with jimin, who knows that hes in love with yoongi, and yoongi doesnt love anyone. namjoon and seokjin are together, though their relationship is all ups and downs. and hoseok claims that hes single, but everyone suspects that hes secretly seeing someone, they like to tease him for this. this is the story of yoongi and jimin, and also taehyung and jungkook..

"yo! jimin ah, you coming?" yoongi hollered from the front door, as he was tying his boots up. jimin scrambled his way over, heart thumping in his chest as he threw his thick green bomber jacket on. "what're we doing today, hyung?" jimin said as he watched yoongi slip into his own leather coat, throwing on a thin black scarf as well. yoongi hummed lowly before speaking, "into town. no deals today, just grocery shopping for the house." jimin nodded, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. usually seokjin did all the grocery shopping. as if he was reading jimins mind, yoongi spoke up again, "seokjins out with namjoon doing something probably stupid. they literally stole a car tire just for the fun of it the other day!" yoongi rolled his eyes as he clicked open the door to the warehouse that they all currently lived.

the moment they left, jeongguk came tumbling into the room, startling a sleepy taehyung who was sat leaning on the wall. "did jimin hyung just leave?" he panted, desperately asking taehyung. taehyung mentally slapped jungkook as he felt his heart drop to his stomach, "yeah," he whispered, voice hoarse, "they just left." jeongguk groaned loudly and flopped down, taking a seat next to taehyung. "what are you up to, tae?" jungkook curiously asked, disregarding the use of the word 'hyung'. taehyung just eyed jungkook lazily before angling his phone so he could look, "texting yoongi hyung? ooo tae do you have a crush?" jeongguk teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. taehyung just rolled his eyes 'yeah i do,' he said in his mind, 'on you, you idiot.'

jimin walked alongside a silent yoongi, watching as his nose slowly started to become red from the cold. he didnt know what it was, but something made him feel that this was the right time to finally tell him. "hyung?" jimin shakily said, his voice coming out in puffs of cold air. yoongi grunted and looked over, eyeing jimin until he went on. "i- i- well- uh-" jimin stuttered out, not knowing exactly how to say what he wanted to. "what is it, jiminie? go on.." yoongi chuckled lightly as jimins face turned bright red. "i just wanted to say- or tell you that- that i- im in love you." he finally got out. 

the words made yoongi froze in place, surprising jimin and making his steps come to a sudden hault as well. jimin watched carefully as yoongis breath became quicker, fear taking over the elders body. "okay." yoongi finally breathed out. jimin snapped up to look at him, confusion filling him. "okay? thats it?" he said, rather upset that was all yoongi had said. "yes. okay." yoongi answered him bluntly, staring straight ahead as he started up his walking once again. jimin just trailed behind him, not wanting yoongi to see the tears welling up in his eyes. jimin should've known. yoongi didnt love him, yoongi didnt love anyone. or at least, he pretends that he doesnt.

as they continue to walk, jimin sniffles a little. and yoongi doesnt know why, or how, but that small little sound changes something in him. he knows jimin is crying even before he looks, so he simply keeps walking, face straight ahead, and reaches one hand back to grasp jimins. jimin rubs his red nose, watery eyes coming up to look at the back of yoongis head. his eyes soften as they land on their hands, jimins heart filling back up at the sight. and even without him saying anything, jimin knows yoongi feels the same about him.

the next time taehyung sees jeongguk, its not a pretty sight. he had just walked inside their shared room, eyes going straight to jungkooks curled up body. the closer he gets, the easier it is to tell that hes crying. "oh, jeonggukie." taehyung says gently as he sits next to the others body, hand instinctively going to stroke his hair. jungkook weakly looks up, cheeks tear stained and eyes sad. taehyung didnt even need to ask to know the reason he was crying, he too had seen jimin and yoongi walk inside hand-in-hand. taehyung silently guides jungkook to rest his head on his lap, trying to comfort him in anyway possible. he should be happy that now jungkook would now never end up with jimin, but it broke his heart more than anything to see jeongguk cry.

hours later, when jungkook had finally stopped bawling and taehyung had drifted to sleep, something in jungkooks heart went off. he had never felt it before, or maybe he had just chosen to ignore it in the past, but as he lay there in taehyungs arms, he felt at home. like he had always belonged there, and it just took him a while to make it. he had been so caught up in jimin, that he failed to see that the one person truly made for him, was right there all along.


a/n soooo this was supposed to be a thug au but i fail at life sooo it just kinda became a yoonmin/vkook thingy. i hope you guys liked it anyway~

lots of love, namjoon1994 ! (sorry this took so long omL)

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