part 67 // eyeliner

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park jimin didnt know what compelled him to do it. maybe it was the fact that he had seen so many pretty girls in magazines wearing it, or maybe just the sheer adrenaline of being different. either way, that morning right before rushing his ass to high school, park jimin drew a thick black line across his eye lids with his mothers eyeliner. he then threw his hoodie over his head and waltzed out of his two story home. 

it was cold that morning and the frigid air seeped through the rips in his jeans and he felt the chill on every part of his body. when he slowly made his way down the aisle on the bus, his eyes caught those of a green haired boy from a year above. he shoved his hoodie off of his head and ran a quick hand through his frazzled hair before sitting down in an empty seat. "wh- who is that?" yoongis wide eyes dragged themselves over to hoseok, looking for any sort of answer. hoseok shrugged lightly, "i think his name is park ji...jimin! thats it! park jimin. hes a sophomore or something. taehyung told me about him."

yoongi nodded slightly to himself, eyes settling on the back of park jimins head. hoseok elbowed him in the side suggestively, "whats wrong, yoongi? you got a crush or something?" he giggled, slapping yoongi on the upper arm playfully. "no, but hes hot, thats for sure." yoongi shrugged, never being one to not tell the truth. hoseok said nothing, just wiggled his eyebrows at yoongi before pulling out his phone. suddenly, hoseok pressed his phone to his ear. "hey taehyung! guess what?" hoseok paused for a moment before speaking again, this time unnecessarily loud, "yoongis got a thing for that park jimin kid!"

and all of a sudden, jimins eyes were on them, and yoongis ears were burning in embarrassment. and oh god, yoongi thought to himself as he peered back at jimin, hes got fucking eyeliner on. hoseok laughed some more before hanging up, and staring at an embarrassed yoongi with a confused look on his face. "yo-" but hoseoks words were cut off by yoongis own, "what the fuck, hobi? you just- ah" he leaned his head on the back of the seat ahead of them, burying his head in his hands. hoseok just turned back to his phone screen, leaving yoongi to sit there looking like a damn tomato.

"is that- is that eyeliner, park jimin?" taehyung screeched as his eyes landed on his best friend. jimin looked back at him and rolled his eyes, nodding slightly. taehyung said nothing for a moment, studying jimins face. "hm, i like it. it suits you." he said to jimin, making jimin smile and thank him graciously. "i heard that a certain junior likes it too.." taehyung cheered with a slight sing-song tone in his voice. jimin questioned him about this, only to get the answer; "oh, you'll find out later." before taehyung sprinted off in the direction of his first class.

throughout the entire day, jimin would hear remarks about his makeup. things like, "oh look, its park jimin! isnt she pretty?" and "god, isnt that park jimin? hes so gay." and usually jimin didnt let the scum of the earth that attended his school get to him with their stupid comments, but it did hurt him sometimes. so at the end of the day, as he sulked to his locker, discouraged and upset, his eye liner clad eyes landed on a note attached to his locker.

im sure those idiots are giving you shit, so, i thought i'd just let you know that eyeliner makes you look hot as fuck. not that you werent before hand, though.

-m. yoongi

and though yoongi couldnt possibly have known that jimin was feeling down, his heart practically leaped out of his chest. "maybe i'll make this a daily thing." he muttered to himself. because it didnt matter if those boys thought he looked like a girl. yoongi thought he looked hot as fuck, and thats what mattered.


a/n this was short but i like the concept that yoongi makes jimin more confident in himself soooo yeah.

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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