part 70 // memories

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"jimin would've loved this." yoongi mumbled to himself as he looked out his window, peering at the many different hues of purple painting the sky. he pressed his frigid hands to his face, in an attempt to remove the sleepy haze fogging his mind. his pale feet padded across the floor, the only sound echoing in the apartment. a loud sigh escaped his chapped lips as his nimble fingers moved to press the buttons on his coffee machine, placing his mug under only moments later.

when min yoongi fell in love with park jimin, many things changed. he remembers in his AP english course, they were given the writing prompt "if you could fly, where would you go?" before he met park jimin, yoongis immediate answer would be everywhere. or as many places as he possibly could. but after he met him, his answer was "i wouldnt." because the thought of leaving jimin was close to unbearable. he remembers walking behind him and staring at his back, at the way his jeans fit his legs and his shirt hung off of his shoulders and how his fluttery little laugh would play in yoongis mind on repeat.

jimin made flowers grow all over yoongis body, tangled yet beautiful, colors just as bright as jimin himself. but these flowers had thornes, the kind that are nice to look at, but when touched drew blood from the tips of your gentle fingertips making you flinch back in pain. before jimin, yoongi had been sad for a long time. not depressed sad, but more like lonely and unexplained sadness. now, after jimin, hes sad once again.

even though he should be, hes not mad at him. not at all, actually. because he blames himself, he always does. as yoongi settled back down on top of the messy pile of sheets on his bed, he gazes out the window again, hues of purple now turning grey, leading to a rainy day here in daegu. its days like these, when he misses him the most. he misses jimin all the time, really. but on days when the weather outside is gloomy and the tiles of the floor are cold and desolate, making you feel lonely, thats when he misses jimin the most.

"i know im not very charming, im clumsy and sarcastic with a slightly ill temper that i've been trying to work on," yoongi had said to jimin once, "but i will give you everything i have." jimin had hugged him then, cuddling into his neck like he always would. "i love you." jimin said to him. and yoongi had believed him.

yoongi always had trouble letting go. as he looked around his incredibly organized room, he started to notice just how pathetic he really was. "aish.." he muttered to himself, eyes locking with each and every picture of jimin or of them together that was placed carefully on his walls, filling them up. when he looked back towards the window, he realized that his prediction for rain today was wrong. instead, soft snow flakes fluttered to the ground, starting to pile up into heaps of snow.

so instead of wallowing on jimin like he always would, he made some hot chocolate, snuggled up in his blankets with a thick black sweatshirt and track pants, laptop on resting on his thighs. "hm.." he hummed to himself in thought as he browsed through the movies he had on there. and even though he decided on one of the movies him and jimin had watched together countless times, today he didnt feel so sad.


a/n this is short and lame and maybe a little angsty but i hope you enjoy ((: im snowed in my home for the next couple of days so expect some more one shots very soon!

lots of lovee, namjoon1994 !

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