part 74 // fallen petals

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(a/n so this is an au where yoongi is some sort of uh nature sorcerer/wizard/fairy thingy and he takes care of his forest and such and blah blah blah just read and you'll find out what else happens im sorry if this is confusing for you~)

"stop." yoongi whispered harshly to himself as a shiver moved up his spine at the sound of the the boy with the tangerine colored hairs voice. yoongi didnt look up at him like usual, and continued to tend to the bushels of over grown flowers, moving his nimble fingers over the plants and summoning water to come out of his finger tips. the boys singing grew louder, but yoongi still refused to look. because he was a sorcerer of sorts. and they arent supposed to love, not like this.

the boy with the tangerine colored hair came to his forest everyday at the same time, laying down in the emerald green grass and singing a soft melody. then, when he felt up to it, he would sit up taller and admire the vibrantly colored blossoms as he really practiced his vocals like he needed to. for months now yoongi would pause his watering and planting to listen to the boy sing from afar, hiding behind a cherry blossom tree so he wouldnt be seen. and unlike others, the boy would never dare to cut or tear any of his plants. yoongi appreciated that very much.

one day, the tangerine boy came, but he didnt sing a single note. he just cried. he cried and cried until he was gulping for air, his eyes red and stinging. yoongi watched him as tears poured endlessly from the eyes of the usually cheerful boy, making yoongis heart ache immensely. "hm." yoongi hummed to himself, thinking. after not even a moments thought, he walked out from behind the tree. "are you.. are you okay?" yoongi said gently, his voice as beautiful as the fallen petals from his trees. the boy looked at him then, curiosity filling his features. "who are you?" he then asked yoongi, not one hint of rudeness in his voice.

yoongi walked cautiously over to where the boy sat in the middle of his grove, and carefully took a seat beside him. the boy looked yoongi up and down, from his white skinny jeans and plain loose white shirt all the way to his angelic looking face and at the various blossoms he had sitting in his light hair that almost fell over his eyes. the boy stared at yoongis pointed ears, but looked away, not wanting to be rude. "im yoongi. this is my- uhm- well- my forest." yoongi explained to him the best that he possible could, hands coming down to fiddle nervously with a string on his pants. jimin nodded slowly, "im jimin. its nice to meet you!" his tone suddenly perked up. yoongi looked back up at him and gave him a smile.

"so, you're- this is your- your forest?" jimin asked him, trying his best to understand. yoongi nodded quickly before bringing his hand up in between their faces. "watch." yoongi said gently to jimin, nodding to his milky white palm. once jimins eyes were on his hand, he shut his eyes and mustered up just enough magic to make a single sunflower grow on his open palm. jimins eyes widened at the sight of the flower, mouth hanging open. "oh my- oh my god! that was amazing!" jimin marveled, making yoongi laugh. yoongi said nothing, and plucked the flower from his hand, promptly placing it in jimins. "it reminds me of you." yoongi muttered as jimin clutched the flower yoongi had given him.

"you're really pretty." the words tumbled out of jimins open mouth before he had the time to catch them. he hadnt meant to say them out loud, but there was really no going back now. yoongi blushed deeply, red spreading across his pale cheekbones. "tha- thank you." he sputtered out in response. when they both had calmed down from jimins little mishap, yoongi decided to ask him something that had been on his mind the whole time. "jimin.. why were you crying?" jimin froze momentarily, before looking to the blades of grass underneath them. "my.. my best friend is ill." he mumbled, holding in his tears.

yoongi nodded slowly, sympathy filling his body. he too, had lost people that he loved. "im so sorry, jimin. and if im being honest here, theres not much i can do. unfortunately i dont harbor that type of magic." yoongi said to him, "but take these." he said before creating a bouquet of tulips to hand to jimin for his ill friend. jimin smiled widely as a thank you. "come back tomorrow. i think i know someone who could help." yoongi then told him sternly, earning a nod from jimin. "thank you, yoongi. i'll be sure to give taehyung these. he'll love them." jimin smiled before standing up to go. "i'll see you tomorrow." he then said, before jogging off.

the next day, jimin walked into the forest to be greeted by not only yoongi, but by another boy as well. "jimin!" yoongi smiled at him. jimin bowed respectfully at the two older boys, before smiling in return. "this is seokjin, one of my good friends! hes a sorcerer of life, meaning he is one of the many people who regulate the living and the dead." yoongi explained, "he said he can help you." yoongi told jimin. jimin shifted his eyes from yoongi to seokjin then, smiling at the boy. "hi, im seokjin!" the boy greeted sweetly, smile bright and pretty. "since you're a friend of yoongis, i've agreed to help you." seokjin gently told jimin.

"okay, im not really supposed to do this," seokjin said as he pulled a cloth out of his pocket, "but this is a health stone. it can heal anyone or anything. give it to your friend, and make sure to come back here in two days to return it to me. and do not lose it." seokjin explained to a wide eyed jimin, gently placing the cloth covered stone in the boys hands. "ah, thank you so much seokjin hyung!" jimin said, hugging the tall boy. he then turned to yoongi and placed a soft kiss to yoongis cheek, "thank you, yoongi." he whispered to him before leaving quickly, stone in hand.

seokjin looked to yoongi suggestively, elbowing him in the side playfully before vanishing into thin air. the minute he was alone, yoongi melted into a love-struck puddle of goo in the presence of only all of his blossoms. "he.. he kissed me." yoongi mumbled to himself dreamily, fingers coming up to brush the place that jimins lips had touched.

exactly two days later, jimin returned to the forest. once he returned the stone to seokjin and they bid their goodbyes, jimin and yoongi were all alone once again. as silence fell over them, yoongi fiddled with his fingers nervously. "jimin?" he said quietly, making the boy with the faded tangerine colored hair look at him and hum in response. "you wont.. you wont leave me, right? you'll still come here?" he asked sadly, looking up at jimin. jimin smiled gently, "of course i'll still come. everyday, just like always. and if i dont, i'll be sure to let you know beforehand."

and for once in his life, yoongis only companion wasnt the plants he was obligated to attend to. it was a beautiful boy with tangerine colored hair, who laughed a little too loud and smiled a little too brightly, but yoongi didnt mind. and even though he had always been surrounded by vibrant colors, his life only  truly became colorful, when park jimin stepped into it.




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