part 95 // d-boy

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jimin was ready to pull his hair from his head. he had been up all night, his mind reeling in an attempt to come up with a worthy way to celebrate his boyfriends birthday. and all he had come up with was spend the day together and give him lots of gifts and love. he felt sick with worry that he wouldnt enjoy it, that it wouldnt be enough. to him, yoongis birthday was an extremely special occasion. without his birth, he wouldnt be here, right by jimins side. where he belonged.

since it was yoongis birthday, jimin allowed him to sleep as much as he wanted. that resulted in him not waking until one in the afternoon. but if it was what he wanted, jimin would let it happen. when yoongi finally walked out of their bedroom, hair a mess and clothes disheveled, jimin practically leaped at him. "happy birthday!" jimin smiled widely, kissing his startled looking boyfriend on the cheek. he then pulled the older boy into a hug, "you're truly my favorite person in the universe." he whispered into their embrace. yoongi tried to pretend it didnt make him weak in the knees.

they spent the day exactly as yoongi wished, sprawled out together on the couch, watching their favorite movies and ordering take-out. it was simple, but yoongi loved it more than anything. at the end of their third movie, jimin pushed himself up and off of the couch. "hold on." was all that he said before scurrying into the other room. when he came back, he held a medium sized package with a note attached to it.

yoongi took it with loving and gentle hands, smiling softly up at jimin as he slowly unwrapped the paper. jimin sat beside him, biting his nails as he worried about how yoongi would react to his gift. when yoongi finally opened it all the way, he saw that inside the box was a new pair of ripped light blue jeans and another smaller box tucked inside. yoongi smiled and thanked jimin genuinely, "god- ah- its perfect, sunshine." he told him, watching jimins face light up with his megawatt smile.

"theres more." jimin laughed as he pointed to the smaller box, watching as yoongi picked it up. jimin was glad he liked the jeans, he had been complaining about how the rips in his old ones were starting to fall apart. yoongi opened the smaller box and another wide smile erupted on his pale face, as he pulled out a set of six silver earrings, three for each side. "thank you, jiminie, its perfect. its all perfect, really. i couldnt ask for more." jimin kissed him again, before pointing to the note.

"its really dumb- ah- i mean- yeah, its stupid." jimin nervously explained as yoongi unfolded the piece of paper in his hands. before he started reading, he looked at jimin. "jimin, stop. you could literally write a whole essay on why you like apples and i would still read that shit probably more than once."

to my love,

happy birthday, baby! each year that goes by, makes me happier and happier that i got to spend another with you. it doesnt matter how old you are, i loved you when you were 16, i love you now, and i will love you when you're 80. i just wish i could give you more. i hope one day i'll be able to give you what you deserve, even thought that'll be hard because you deserve the world and all the stars. you were born on this day, in daegu, and i was born a couple years later, in busan, but somehow we found each other and for that, i am forever grateful. you have my heart, min yoongi. happy birthday.

love, jimin

and yeah, maybe yoongi did start crying half way through and didnt stop through the rest but that was just because jimin was quite possibly the sweetest person in the world and yoongi didnt know if he even deserved an angel like him. "happy birthday, baby." jimin smiled, yoongis favorite smile in the world, and yoongi couldnt ask for anymore than this on his special day.


a/n HAPPY BIRTHDAY, D-BOY. YOU TRULY DESERVE THE WORLD, MIN YOONGI. WE ALL LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK, AND PROBABLY EVEN MORE. also this was a shitty chapter and i feel bad bc i wanted to write a good one for this marshmallows bday :((

lots of love, (to you guys and yoongi), namjoon1994 !

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