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"jungkook! are you coming or what?"

"coming, coming! don't leave without me, please!"

the sound of two little feet stumbled their way down the carpeted steps then stomped onto the wooden floor, making their way over to the calling woman. a big smile then reflected off a child's face, staring brightly up at the older woman.

"alright, mommy, i'm ready to go outside! onward!"

"wait, wait, jungkook. you're always forgetting your raincoat.", the mother laughs heartedly, stepping over to the closet near the kitchen to retrieve a small, kid-friendly raincoat that was yellow and tattooed with small bunny faces, carrots in their mouths. she went back to her child, wrapping the raincoat around him and sliding his arms into the once empty sleeves; she even made her own personal touch to it by adding two bunny ears at the top of his hoodie.

right then, she smiled at down at him and got up from her crouched position.

jungkook looked around over his shoulders before returning his expression back to his mother. "isn't daddy coming outside to play with us?", he asked softly .

"your dad has had a.. tiring and saddened day at work. i let him sleep in his man cave downstairs."

"oh, that's okay - he needs a break. now, come on! before the rain stops!"

his mother scoffed playfully, feeling a tiny hand wrap tightly around her's only to be gently tugged towards the door. before jeongguk knew it, he was off the porch and basking happily within the rain. this type of rain was perfect for anyone - it wasn't pouring down nor was it drizzling, it was perfect. his little feet were jumping within the mud puddles, spinning themselves around on the soaked soil as he gazed up at the cloudy sky in wonder.

his mother slid off her sandles, placing them right next to her son's that was sitting on the porch near the door. she stepped carefully onto the steps of the porch and placed her feet into the saturated soil. she watched as his two bunny ears flailed around, following kookie as he ran, jumped and played in the rain. it always made her smile to see her beloved sun in such a happy mood - not only her sun, but her husband as well.

"mommy, i-i did it! i found a four leaf clover flower!", his voice squealed at the top of his lungs, holding the plant close like his life depended on it. he nearly tripped over a small rock that was clung to the ground while making his way over to his mother.

her eyes widened in amazement, seeing how jungkook's little hands protected the four leaf, their heads moving in close to see if it truly was one. "one, two, three, four! you did find one!", she gasped, her fingertips gently grazing over the plants texture.

"what happens now, mommy? will a rainbow come out?!"

a soft laugh sounded from her lips, those adoring brown eyes glancing between the clover and her son. "you'll get very good luck in your future. something great will happen to you!", she informed resulting in an eye sparkle from her child.

"r-really?! no lies?"

"only if you're good, then you shall receive good luck."

the boy's grin only began to widen, his eyes moving down towards the clover. he really was a good boy; he had his times where he would cry and fit, but otherwise, he was just too happy to care; he was truly awaiting the moment of good luck. suddenly, the sound of moving wheels pulled themselves up to their household then, parking on the side of the curb that was next to the driveway.

jungkook fluttered in confusion, his eyes locking to the black Mercedes with shaded windows. no one had gotten out of the car yet the engine was still humming lowly. "mommy, who are they?", he asked, his tone hushed. unfortunately, there was no reply as the boy looked up to his mother, who had a surprised yet terrified expression. jungkook noticed this and his brows furrowed, reaching his tiny, little hand over to her raincoated sleeve as he gently tugged on it to gain her attention. 


at that, the woman closed her eyes tightly then slowly dragged them open again, her orbs moving down to her worried son.

"why are you looking like that?"

with a sharp and deep inhale, she lowered herself down to her son, her knees planted in the dirt as steadied her hands on the shoulders of her young son. "jungkook, go hide in the shed behind the house. i'll handle this the best way i know how. do not come out until i say so.", she claims with a small smile while placing a small kiss on her forehead. "mommy loves you, okay? don't forget that."

with a gentle though worried grin came onto the child's face, giving his precious bunny smile then stepping away from his mother so he could retreat to the shed. he walked through the rain and wet grass bare-feet, arriving at the shed. jeongguk stood on his tippy-toes, pressing his chest and stomach against the shed's door in order to successfully keep his balance and undo the latch on the door. he did so in just short time, slipping his tiny body into the darkness of the compacted space in the backyard. inside the shed, he felt reassurance rush over him thanks to the continuing shower of rain sounding beautifully against the roof. he huddled his body in the corner, the hoodie still draped over his head along with his little bunny ears poking up as he gazed in wonder at the clover in his hands.

seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour and jeongguk was just now starting to move from his spot. he slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open to peak outside, seeing that the backyard door's windows had been fractured to the point of breaking. jungkook swallowed nervously, fully opening the shed door then traveling to the front side of the house to see if his mother was still there.


there was nobody on the lawn of the household and the front door was wide open. jungkook pouts, making his way near the door to see his mother's shoes weren't by his anymore. he whimpers in deep fear as he walked inside the house, inhaling a small breath.

"daddy! mommy! are you in here?! a-anywhere..?"

searching the whole house, he was left with no avail to finding his parents - although, he did find a note that gave him some clue on what had happened. 

[ jeongguk, im sorry we worried you about everything and that we have to leave you so soon, but to be honest, we don't really have much of a choice. we should say through here now that we've been keeping things from you, but it was only because we loved you so much and we didn't want you to be a part of our 'lifestyle'.

jungkook, im sorry.. i wish things were different for me and your mother. but there is still a chance for you. you can make it, without us. from now on, don't be afraid.. of of anything, of me, of your mother, not even the devil himself. so, stay away and stay alive, please.

we really do love you, we really do. ]

-your father

the child stared down at the letter before his gaze shifted onto the clover he still had before he smiled weakly.

"i guess i wasn't a good boy after all."

not edited!

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