8. The flavor of your name

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Every day, every minute and every moment I fought to see you.

The last time I saw you, you were occupying my room. You were gazing outside while standing next to the window. Your eyes seemed always white and directed towards the sky, but at the same time, they were not.

On that particular day, I asked you to give me your name. Over time, I did that on a regular basis. But every time you told me that it would be easier if I did not know it at all. I was aware that you would say that.

Usually, you would disappear after telling me the words, like you used to

Even on that day, as your name was lingering in my throat, it was like a memory that was hidden deep within me.

It seemed like you had a sense of what I was going to say to you. As you widened your eyes, the sky was cleared by the cloud. Before I could even say your name, you were gone. Just like your name.

I didn't see you again after that. I kept you in my memory.

Even though I couldn't see you anymore, I knew that you would be near. I could still smell your scent. Lavender. Warmth. At times, I experienced the sensation of your hand on my shoulder. When it was cold, you leaned toward me.

My senses were directed towards you.

That was the thought I always knew.

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