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Antwon and Liam made it hard for Veronica and I to leave the house. So, I had to give up and let them come with us to the nightclub.

Liam told me that he and Antwon were able to get us into the new club without lining up. When we got to the club I saw how wrong they were about getting us into the club. I tried to flirt with the guy, but he didn't want to have any of it. Even Veronica tried, but he still wouldn't budge when it came to us.

Antwon tries one more time to get the security guy to let us in. "Why aren't you letting us in? You've seen me here a bunch of times and you can't open that door for me."
He shakes his head. "The boss hasn't put your name down as a VIP. So, I won't be letting you in. Now, join the line or get lost."

If that's the way the owner of the bar gets his team to treat guests I no longer want to go to the club I've heard so much about.

I touch Antwon arm. "Let's go. We can find another place to drink."

All of a sudden I hear the deep voice of Cole. "Hey, Lee."

So, that's the name of the guy that won't let us in.

Lee looks at Cole and says. "Are they with you again?"

"Of course." He looks at my siblings, Veronica and I. "Can you put Antwon Harris, Liam Harris, Julia Harris and Veronica..." he cuts himself off as he doesn't know my best friends last name.

"Veronica Cross." She supplies and then smiles at him. "Thanks for getting is into the club, Cole."

How can she be so nice to the one guy that hurt me the most?

Lee opens the door and we walk into the bar. I hear him say to Cole. "Have a nice night, Mr. Mason."

Since, when did he get respect from other people in town?

The door closes and Cole leads the way to the bar. He stops all of a sudden and I crash into his back.

Great. The last thing I want is to have physical contact with this asshole.

I glare at him. "Just because you got us in doesn't mean I'm any closer to forgiving you." I grab Veronica's hand and pull her through the crowd.

When we get to the bar I order two Sex on Beach and a Screaming Orgasm. They are two of my favorite drinks when I go out clubbing.

A couple minutes later, our drinks are place on the bar in front of us. I pay the bartender and then Veronica and I throw the drinks back.

Looking into the crowd I see my brother's making their way over to us.

My eyes search out Cole and I see him talking to a girl.

He says something to her and then she walks away with her friends following closely behind.

Antwon stops next to me and he says. "It's weird being here with my little sister. Normally, I would be in the VIP area choosing the girl I was going to spend the night with."

"Go then." I push him away from me. "Just because I'm back in town doesn't mean I need you protecting me. I did all that for myself when I was living in New York." I turn towards Veronica and see my brother Liam his hands on the small of my best friends back.

He whispers something to her and she laughs.

Damn, my best friend is falling for my brother's charms.

I order a couple more drinks.

Veronica looks at me. "Do you want to dance soon?"

"Sure, but first I need two more drinks."

"Me, too." She bounces up and down.

Antwon and Liam say 'bye' to us and they head over to the VIP section.

A group of guys move into the spots Liam and Antwon left.

A surfer guy holds his hand out and says. "I'm Dwayne. Who are you beautiful?"

"Julia," I place my hand on his and shake it. We talk for a bit until our drinks are placed in front of us.

Veronica and I throw our drinks back and then head to the dance floor.

While dancing I feel eyes boring into my back and I look at the balcony and see Cole talking to some guy. His eyes are on me and then he turns away. I continue to dance with my best friend while a Justin Timberlake song is playing in the background.

Hands wrap around my body and I pushed into a hard chest. I try to turn around, but a deep voice says. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Just enjoy the feeling of me against you."

I need to know who's holding me.

I struggle against the grip of the man holding me and my heart begins to race as the guy tightens his grip on me.

"Stop struggling." He yells.

Veronica is having the same problem as I am. She throws her head back and it connects with the guy's nose. Blood starts pouring out of it. "I'm going to get help." She runs through the crowd heading to the VIP area.

"LET ME GO." I yell.

He doesn't. "I'm going to have fun with you tonight, little one." He starts to pull me through the crowd and I start struggling more.

Looking around the room I try to find my brothers or Cole, but I don't see anyone.

If I'm taken out of here it's not going to end well for me.

I slam my heels against his foot and his grip on me loosens. I step away from.

Cole rips the guy away from me and punches him in the face. "You shouldn't be manhandling girls. Especially, someone like her. She's got a lot of people that cares about her." He keeps punching the guy and his anger grows by the minute.

Veronica, Liam and Antwon rush over to me. I turn into my brother's arms and say. "Can you get me out of here?"

They don't hesitate with helping me get out of the club.

When I get to the car I start crying and Veronica wraps her arms around me. "I'm sorry I left you. I needed to get someone that could help you. I didn't know he was going to take you out of the club. If it wasn't for you're smart move and Cole showing up is hate to think what would happen."

I look out the window as we drive towards the house.

Antwon's phone goes off and he looks at it before passing it to me. "It's Cole."

I take the phone from him and look at the message.

Cole: How is she?

Me: Thank you.

Cole: Is this you Julia?

Me: Yes,

Cole: ...

Cole: Can we talk tomorrow?

Me: No,

I give the phone back to my brother. "You could have told him I was fine. Then I wouldn't have to deal with him wanting to talk to me tomorrow."

"Are you going to talk to him?" Liam asks.

"No, he doesn't deserve my time of day. Just because he did two nice things doesn't mean he's changed."

Antwon takes his eyes off the road for a moment. "He lost both of his parents, Julia. That can change someone's life."

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