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Mr. Harris's POV

I'm sitting in my office when my phone vibrates on the desk. Looking at the client I say. "Do you mind if I check my phone for a second?"

She shakes her head. "You check it. I have to make sure that my kids aren't trying to get in touch with me. They usually have the worst timing when it comes to meetings."

"Thanks," picking up my phone I see it's a message from Cole. Opening I read it.

Cole: I think there's something wrong with your wife.

Me: Why would you say that?

Cole: She's not acting like herself.

Me: What's she done to raise your concerns?

Cole: She said 'Good riddance' after we told her Julia left.

Me: That doesn't sound like my wife. I'll be home soon to take her to the Doctors.

The client looks at me. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Can you give me a minute while I talk to my secretary?"


Walking out of the room I find Tammy behind her desk and she looks at me. "What can I help you with, Sir?"

"I need you to cancel my meetings for the next couple of days. I have a family emergency."

"Okay," she looks at my office. "Are you going to finish with her before you go?"

"Yes, we're nearly finished. She just needs to sign the contracts and then I'll be ready to go." I walk away from her and open my door. "Are you ready to sign your life away?"

She laughs. "Yeah, I am." Picking up the pen she signs the document. "It's good to leave my stuff in the capable hands of a Harris."

She wouldn't be saying that if my brother Kevin was out of prison.

Ten years ago my parent's vaults were the most popular. Until our clients stuff we're getting stolen and sold on the black market. It turns out that someone from my family was stealing and we had to find the culprit.

My brother Kevin was revealed as the person stealing after he took my families fortune and brought his luxurious lifestyle.

While he was living it up in my money I was trying to figure out why funds never made it to my account.

I was saving to buy a place in New York so I could visit my daughter regularly.

When it was revealed that Kevin stole our fortune from us and we were left with nothing it devastated me that I couldn't see my daughter.

I had to start the vault company from scratch and change the name, but people are still wary about placing their treasured items in the vault because of my brother.

During the court proceedings for my brother's case Dad's heart gave out and he died. The last thing my father said to Kevin before he died was. "I forgive and love you, son."

There's no way I'm going to forgive my brother for what he did to family.

Every day I look at my daughter I think about telling her about Kevin, but then I feel ashamed because I didn't tell her in the first place.

If I told her about what happened we wouldn't be as distant as we are when it comes to our relationship.

After I find out what's wrong with my wife I will sit down with Julia and tell her everything. She needs to know about the family's struggles and why we didn't see her. I know this isn't going to change anything.

Once the papers are signed I put them in the folder and the belongings are placed into the vault.

The lady shakes my hand. "Don't make me regret placing my items here."

"You won't."

She walks out of the room

I pick up the vault and carry it to the secure location.

After my brother broke all security measured moved the vaults to somewhere else and made it a lot harder for someone to for the same thing twice.

I won't allow someone else to take what doesn't belong to them and live a lavish lifestyle.

Once the vault is placed into the wall I walk back to my office and grab my things. I take the lift down to the garage.

When I get to the garage I find my car close to the lift door and walk over to it. Placing my stuff into the back seat I climb into my car.

As soon as I get home I see Julia's BMW still parked in the driveway.

When is Liam going to give her the car?

I turn the ignition off and see the front door open. Climbing out of the car I race over to Cole. "Where's my wife?"

"She's in bed."

"Thanks," I pat his shoulder before racing into the house. I take the steps two at a time until I'm standing outside my bedroom door. Opening the door to the bedroom I see my wife asleep on the bed. I walk over to her. "Honey, you need to wake up."

"GO AWAY," she shouts. She touches her head like she's in pain.

"I'm not going anywhere. I got a message from Cole and he's worried about you."

"That kid needs to mind his own business. I'm sick of all the kids trying to undermine me."

"They're not doing anything, honey." I touch her forehead and she seems to be burning up. "I'm taking you to Doctor's office and finding out what's wrong with you."

She doesn't put up a fight as I help her out of bed and down the stairs.

As soon as I leave the house I see Julia's BMW gone and Cole's car pulling out of the driveway.

My kids don't care about what's going on with their mother. They prefer to be put the door without an explanation about what's happening.

I put the seatbelt on my wife and then run to the front door and lock it. I run back to the car and then pull out of the driveway.

It doesn't take long until I pull in front of our doctor's office. I help my wife out of the car and to seat in the office.

Walking over to the desk I put my wife's name down and wait to see the doctor.

The door to doctor's office opens and a male slightly shorter than me steps out. He looks at my wife and says. "What are you doing here, Nicole? I told you to see..." he cuts himself off as he sees me. His mouth opens and closes a couple of time before he says. "Nicole, have you told your family yet?"

My wife remains quiet. Until she bursts out with. "Like they give a fuck about me. I'm nothing but shit on their shoes."

"Let's talk about this in my office."

I help Nicole up and we follow him into the office. "Can you tell me what's going on with her? I don't want to hear any of his patient doctor's confidentiality bullshit."

He laughs. "I won't do that to you because I believe you need to know what she's going through. I ran some tests with her and we found out she has a brain tumor. I've been trying to get her to see a neurologist, but it seems like she's not going to make the appointment herself."

"I'll do that when I get home. Do you have the phone number for the office?"

"Yes," he pulls a card out of his draw and gives it to me. "He's one of the best in the country. You can't go wrong with him."

Taking the card from him. "Thanks."

I'll give my kids one night to do what they want before I tell them about Nicole.

Looking back at my wife and her sweaty face I say. "Doctor, is there anything you can give my wife? She seems to have a fever."

He looks at her before taking her temperature. "You should take her to the hospital. I'll have an ambulance here in a moment."

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