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After talking to Cole for a little while in my room he asks. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure," I walk over to the door. "That was the whole point of tonight. We were all supposed to have dinner and watch a movie, but I ruined by want to know what was going on with my family."

Cole steps behind me. "You didn't ruin anything, Julia. You deserve to know the truth. Even if it was supposed to hurt you."

I sigh. "Uncle Kevin brought a place close to mine in New York. He visited me all the time and didn't say anything about hurting my family to get the fortune he had. I thought his business picked up."

Cole frowns. "What business? If he had one I'm sure your family would have known."

I run my hand through my hair. "He told me it was an export company. What was the name of it?" Tugging at my hair I say. "It was midnight exports."

"I've never heard of it, but I'll have Jesse Hanson look into it for us."

A smile spreads across my face. "Jesse Hanson? The one we went to high school with?"

"The one and only. He's a private detective. I've used him on a number of cases and he always finds his man."

"Was he the one that found Uncle Kevin?"

"Yes, do you want to know where we found him?"


Cole grabs my hand and we walk down the stairs to the living room. "He followed you to Nova Island. It looks like he didn't want you out of his sight."

Why would Uncle Kevin do that?

Looking at Cole I say. "Oh, no." I sit on the couch and place my head in my hands.

Cole sits next to me. "What?"

I look at him. "A couple years ago I went to Uncle Kevin's place to see him and he was with a girl. He dressed her up like me, had sex with her and beat her."

He knew I saw something and he came after me. He threatened my life and told me that I should keep my mouth shut.

A number of girls reported what happened to them, but the Police didn't have enough evidence to arrest him.

"Do you think he followed you out there to do something else?"

I shrug. "I have no idea what that man was thinking. After I turned 21 things between him and I changed. He became obsessed with me and sent lots of things to me. I just threw them in the bin."

"Why haven't you told anyone about this?"

"I wanted to protect the man I grew up with. He was one of the men that I trusted with my life until he changed and by that time I didn't have any family to turn to."

"What about you're Grandparents?"

"They died before my sixteenth birthday. Do you remember that bushfire that wiped out an entire small town in California?"


"My Grandparents lived there and they didn't have enough time to get out. Losing all of them was hard for the family. We had to bury the four of them on the same day. My parents didn't handle it well."

"I'm so sorry."

"Thanks, but I really don't want to remember that time of my life. I want to move forward, but it's hard when people don't want to share what happened while I was."

Cole puts a movie on and we sit next to each other. He moves his hand to the back of the couch.

I watch the TV as the movie starts.

When the movie ends my brothers walk into the house and they sit on the brown leather chairs at either side of the couch.

Looking at my brothers I say. "Do you know what prison Uncle Kevin is in?"

Antwon stands up. He yells. "Why are you so worried about Uncle Kevin?"

"I'm not worried about Uncle Kevin." I yell at him. "I deserve to know why he stole from our family. I need closure as well. If you're not going to help me I'll just call Dad."

"Don't do that." Liam says. "He's at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility. I'll give them a call and they can put your name down to visit him."

"I'll do it myself, Liam. I don't want you to help me out. The only thing Antwon and you care about at the moment is yourself?" I stand up. "I'm going to bed." I walk out of the room and head up the stairs to the bedroom I'm staying in for the night.

I need to find Veronica and I place to stay in ASAP. Separating myself from my brothers will be a good thing. Maybe they'll grow up once they realize that I'm not going to let them treat me like shit.

I open my bag and pull out a pair of boxers and a singlet. I put them on before climbing into bed.

Looking at the roof I see the shadows from the trees outside moving in my room. I watch them until I fall asleep.

In the middle of the night I boldly up in bed with sweat coating my body and problems breathing again.

When are these nightmares going to end?

I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and step inside.

The water cascades down my body and I lean my head back letting the water was over me.

When the water starts to turn cold I step out and wrap a towel around my hair and body. Walking into the bedroom I grab a pair of jeans and shirt out of my bag. I change into them before walking out of the room with my bags.

As I walk down the stairs I hear a bedroom door open and close.

Please don't notice me leaving.

The light switches on and I see Cole standing at the top of the stairs with a pair of shorts on and no shirt. He looks at me. "You can't leave just yet, Julia. You still have alcohol in your system and I don't want to be responsible for you killing someone."

"I need to leave the house, Cole. I can't stay here."

Cole walks down the stairs and grabs a shirt off the banister. He puts it on. "I didn't drink anything last night. So, I can drive you where you want to go."

"Can you take me to the beach?"

"Sure," he holds his hand out and takes my bags from me. "I'll put these in your car."

I give him my keys and watch him put my stuff in the car for me.

Once my stuff is placed in my car I walk over to Cole's car and wait for him to open it.

He opens the door for me and I climb in. "Thanks, Cole."

"You're welcome." Once I'm in, he shuts the door and walks around the car. He climbs into the driver's seat and starts the car. Pulling out of the driveway we head in the direction of the beach. He looks at me and says. "Julia, I'm worried about you."

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