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My alarm wakes me up at 7am and I reach across trying to locate it. Opening my eyes I see that I'm in a bedroom. The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the cafe.

How did I get here?

I find my phone on the nightstand and turn it off. I climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom. Seeing my hair brush on the counter I brush my hair.

I have to go to the hotel and get ready for the job interview.

Walking out of the bathroom I head down stairs and see Cole standing behind the table.

He looks at me as I enter the room. "How did you sleep?"

"Good, Thanks for taking me out, Cole. I really needed it." I look at the key holder hoping that he put my keys up there, but when I don't see them I say. "Where are my keys?"

He pulls them out of his pocket. "You should get some grease into you before driving. I wouldn't want you to get pulled over on the way to the hotel."

"Okay," I take a seat the bench and watch Cole make bacon and eggs.

He breaks the eggs into the frying pan. "What are your plans for today?"

"I have an interview at a local school. What are you doing?"

"I have to fix a friend's car. He doesn't want to take to the shop. So, I have to travel to his house and fix it. He knows what's wrong with it, but he can't do it on his own."

"What kind of car is it?"

"It's a 1969 Ford Mustang. That's one of the cars I want to get my hands on. I think it would be a great car to restore."

A smile spreads across my face. "When you get your hands on that car give me a call. I would love to be taken out in that."

"Great," he puts four slices of bread into the toaster.

While breakfast is getting cooked my brother's walk into the dining room and sit at the table.

The room gets quiet and it becomes an uncomfortable silence. Looking up I see Cole trying to communicate with my brothers through his eyes.

My phone starts to ring and I look at the caller ID. I see 'Dad' flash across the screen. I answer the call and put it on loudspeaker.

Me: Hey, Dad.

Dad: Hey, Pumpkin. I need your brothers and you home ASAP. There's things we need to talk about.

Me: I have an interview that I can't miss. Can I come by after that?

Dad: Congrats on the interview. It's good to see that you're planting roots in this city again.

Me: I know. I'll give you to Liam. He'll let you know if he can make it.

I give the phone to Liam and he starts to talk to Dad. He says that they will head over to the house after breakfast.

Liam gives me back the phone after Dad hangs up. "You could give the interview a miss and be there for the family."

I slap him across the face. "Just because you have free time doesn't mean that everyone is able to stop what they're doing to run home to Mommy and Daddy. I need to get myself set up here too. Sometimes I need to be selfish and look out for myself. Just like Antwon and you." Grabbing the food off the table I make my way into the living room and sit on the couch.

"I've told you two countless of times to be nice to her and you keep on ignoring me. You can fix your own breakfast. I've got someone to keep company." Cole walks into the living room and sits next to me.

"Cole, you don't need to keep involving yourself with stuff that has to do with my brothers and I."

He puts the plate on his lap and looks me in the eyes. "Julia, I need to involve myself because I can see how much they're hurting you with the way they act and I can't stand to see it happening anymore. I'm going to have your back from this moment forward."

I place my hand on his leg. "Thanks, I can tell you're going to be a good friend."

"I'll settle for that."

"Good," I start to eat my breakfast and the silence between us in comfortable.

After breakfast I take my dishes into the kitchen and quickly wash them before walking out the door. Climbing into my car I put my seatbelt on before pulling out of the driveway and heading towards the hotel.

When I reach the parking lot a valet opens the car door for me. "Good morning, Miss Harris."

"Hey," I look at the name tag and say. "Phil. Can you put my car somewhere close by? I'll be here for half an hour before I leave again."

"Sure," he climbs into the car and parks it close by.

I walk to my room and climb into the shower. I wash my hair and body before stepping out of shower. I grab two towels wrapping one around my hair and the other around my body. I grab the clothes that I bought yesterday when I went shopping with Veronica.

Looking at my phone I don't see a message from my best friend.

What time is she supposed to get to New York? I should have found all this out before she left me.

I'm a horrible friend because I didn't get any information out of her.

Turning my thoughts off my friend and back to the task ahead I get ready for the interview. I put the on a black pencil skirt, button up white shirt and a black jacket to go over the top and a pair of flat black shoes. I run a brush through my hair and tie it up in a bun.

Walking into the bathroom I apply some make up before grabbing my purse, folder and a bottle of water from the fridge. Locking the hotel room I make my way down to the parking lot.

Phil sees me and says. "I'll get your car." He runs over to it and starts it up. He reverses out of the parking spot and parks it in front of me. Getting out of the car he holds the door open for me.

"Thanks," I climb into the car. "I'll see you later." I put the car in drive and pull away.

During the drive I hit a red stop light and I grab my phone and punch the address into the nav man. I let it lead the way to the school.

When I get to the school I see a few woman wearing the same clothes as me.

I thought I was the only one she was interviewing for the job. Maybe, she needs to make it look like other people have a chance while the jobs actually going to me. I grab my bag, folder and bottle of water and walk over to the office.

A woman looks in my direction as I approach the group. "Oh," she yells. "You're Julia Harris. The woman that saved a child on Nova Island."

Damn, I was hoping not many people would know of me. Looks like being a hero is going to come out in Los Angeles.

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