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Cole's POV

It's after midday by the time I've finished the car. I start packing up my things and head back to the truck.

Before I climb in I see Bo walking down the stairs and he says. "How's the car going?"

"It's fixed. You'll be able to take the wife and kids for a drive. I'm sure they'd love to travel in style."

He laughs. "Of course they would. Everything is settled for tonight. I'll see you at the airfield at nine. Then we can leave for New York. My wife said that you and I need to have each other's backs while we're in New York. She also wants to meet Julia one day."

"Braelynn might meet her at the reunion if Julia changes her mind about not going. She's been running into some people that we've graduated with over the last couple of weeks, but she won't tell me how the conversations went."

He claps my back. "You'll get there. What are you doing after this?"

"I have to pick up a classic car that Julia bought. It's a 1969 Ford Mustang."

"Damn, that's a great car. I need one for my collection."

"You'll have to find one yourself. Or give Julia a call and she can keep an eye out on one for you. She was driving to her parents place when she found one for me." I climb into my truck and start it. "I better get the car before Julia calls and asks if I got it yet." Starting the engine I pull it away from the house and head in the direction of the gate.

The gate opens and I pull the truck out of the driveway. Looking at my phone I get the address and add it to the Navman. I follow the directions until I reach the house.

A guy is standing in front of the car and he looks at me as I walk over. "Are you Cole Mason?"

"Yes, Sir." I hold my hand out to him and he shakes it.

"I'm Maxwell Graham. A beautiful woman was here earlier saying that you'd stop by to pick up the car."

"That's right. Thanks for letting us take her off your hands."

A smile spreads across his face. "This car got me through a lot of things. It even managed to get me my wife. She was brought up around cars and once she saw mine she fell in love with it, but I was the one that won her heart in the end." He looks at me. "I can tell my car will be in perfect hands when it comes to Julia and you." He helps me hook the car onto the back of the truck and I take it to the garage.

At the garage I put the car into one of the sheds.

My phone starts ringing and I see "Julia" flash across the screen.

Me: Hey, this is Cole.

Julia: Hey, stranger. Did you get the car?

Me: Yes, I did. It's in the garage. Do you want to stop by and have a look?

Julia: Sure, can you send me the address and I'll be there shortly.

Me: Okay, I'm quiet for a moment before saying. What's wrong with your Mom?

Julia: She has a tumor on her brain.

I wasn't expecting that.

Me: Shit! I'm sorry, Julia. Is there anything I can do to help you?

Julia: No, I'll have to get through this like I do everything else.

Me: You have me.

Julia: This weekend I won't. What time to do you fly out?

Me: I'm leaving at 10pm. I have a few hours to spend with you.

Julia: Thank you for being there for me, Cole. I don't know what I would do without you.

Me: You don't have to thank me, Julia. All I want from you is to be friends and nothing more.

Me: You're getting there, Cole.

I laugh.

Me: At a snail's pace, but at least I'm getting somewhere with you.

Julia: I'm about to jump back into the car. Send me the address of the garage and I'll be there shortly.

Me: Sure.

I send her the address to the garage. I grab some tools and slide under the car.

While I'm working on the car I hear voices enter the shop. Pushing myself from under the car I see Antwon and Liam.

Antwon walks over to the car and looks at it. "Where did you find this beauty?"

"You're sister found it and gave it to me."

Liam shakes his head. "Once you've restored it I guarantee that you won't see the car as Julia would want it for herself."

Over the years I've known Liam and Antwon they haven't said anything bad about Julia. Now, she's in town all they seem to do is talk badly about her and I'm starting to get sick and tired of hearing them bag her out.

Looking at them I say. "What do you need?"

Liam leans against the wall and crosses his arms. "Can we get the keys to your place? Dad kicked us out after Mom went nuts because Julia left."

Pulling my keys out of my pocket I throw it at him. "You need to find a place of your own. I'm not going to have you two live with me until you find girls. I want my place to be my own again."

I'm about the tell them to leave when I see Julia's car pull into the garage. She stops the car when her eyes land on her brothers. She looks behind.

Standing up I head in the direction of her car and before she can pull away I climb into the front passenger's seat. "Antwon and Liam swung by to get the keys for my place, but when they saw the car they wanted to check it out."

Liam walks over to the car and climbs into the back seat. "Antwon and I are leaving." He tells Julia. To me he says. "We'll keep your house safe while you're away for the weekend."

"You better. If I come back and anything is broken you'll have to replace it."

"Okay," Liam climbs out of the car. "Bye," he slams the door and walks over to Antwon.

Julia watches them climb into the car and pull away. "Cole,"

I watch her brothers pull away in their car. "Hmmm," Turning towards her I say. "What?"

"Do you go to the pubs with my brother? Or do you only spend time at your places?"

Why does she want to know this?

I frown. "Why are you asking, Julia?"

"Please, just answer the question."

"Work and our houses are the only places we hang out. Are you going to tell me why you're asking?"

"There's something more going on with my brothers other than what my uncle did to them. I want to know. Which is why I need you to help me get in contact with Jesse Hanson. I have a few things for him to do for me."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at her. "Are you sure you want him to do this? What if you find out something you don't want to know? It won't end well for you."

She sighs. "I'm in the dark about everything and I don't want to keep being blindsided by everyone in my life. It's time that everything is in the open and then I can go about my life and enjoy it. I can't do that while my family act like strangers towards me."

I understand where she's coming from. It must be frustrating not knowing the entire truth.

I nod. "Okay, I'll leave him a message if he doesn't pick up." I call him and wait for him to answer.

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