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Mr. Harris's Pov

My wife and I are sitting in the living room with the news on when a report comes on about a shoot-out at Twin Tower's Correctional Facility.

That's where Julia is.

Looking at my wife I say. "Julia's there. I hope she's not in the middle of that."

There's bullets flying through the air and it looks like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster.

I need to call her.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I call Julia. When the phone goes to voice message I say. "Julia, its Dad. Can you give me a call when you get this message? I'm worried about you. There's a shoot-out at the correctional facility and I'm hoping that you're not in it. I love you." I hang up and then search through my phone for another person to call.

Cole. He might know what's going on.

My wife looks at the phone and a smile spreads across her face. "If anyone knows something about our daughter it sure as hell will be him. He won't make you wait for the answers to your questions."

I press his number and it rings a couple of times before he answers it.

Cole: Hello, Mr. Harris.

Me: What do you know about the shoot-out at Twin Towers Correctional Facility?

Cole: Uh,

Me: Please, tell me what you know. Julia was going there today and then the shoot-out happens. I don't think it a coincidence that my daughter goes there and this happens. Whatever she's digging into isn't going to end well for either of you.

Cole: Julia wants to figure out the truths from the lies she's been given since she got back from Nova Island. She knows something isn't adding up which is what she's looking into. Whatever she finds out in the prison I hope it can help her uncover every dark skeleton in her family's wardrobe.

Me: I'm not hiding anything.

Cole: You're sons are. It's the only reason why I'm letting them stay at my home. I'm hoping to find something out about them.

Me: Do you think my sons are up to something?

Cole: Yes, I do. It's been getting harder for them to hide things since Julia got back. I remember in high school she used to find information makes her understand the bigger picture and right now with your family she's only seeing half of it.

Me: True, but that bigger picture is bringing danger to our lives and I don't want to lose my daughter because of it.

Cole: You won't lose her. I've got some people that are going to protect her at all costs.

Me: Thank you, Cole. Now, can you tell me what you know about what's happening at the Correctional Facility? Is my daughter out of there? Is my brother okay?

Cole: I don't know anything about your brother. What I know about Julia is that she's trapped inside.

No, she can't be trapped in there.

Cole: My cousin Riker has someone inside that's going to do all he can to get her out. When she's out there's someone else that's going to get her to safety, but I don't think she'll be going home until Monday.

Me: Thanks, for telling me, Cole.

I hang up the phone and continue to watch the news.

A girl runs out of the building with a jumper covering her head.

That's something Julia would do.

She climbs into a car and it drives away.

"Call, Julia again. I'm sure that was her that got into the car."

I call her phone again and it rings a couple of times before she answers it.

Julia: Hey, Dad.

Me: Are you okay?

Julia: I'm fine. Why?

Me: I just got off the phone with Cole and he told me you were inside when the shoot-out began.

Julia: I was. Before everything happened Uncle Kevin was stabbed.

Shit. I hope my brother is okay.

Me: Do you know how my brother is?

Julia: No, I was taken out of the visitor's room after it happened. A guard made me believe he was there to help, but he was there to hurt me.

Me: I know you're not coming home tonight, please be safe and remember call me whenever you want to talk.

Julia: I will. Love you, Dad.

Me: I love you too, Julia.

I hang up the phone and look at my wife. "Kevin was stabbed in the prison."

"Do you want to see how he's doing?"

Shaking my head I say. "We won't be able to go in there and see him. I hope someone that treats him will give me a call."

She places her hand on my shoulder. "When everything settles down we should see your brother."

"Okay," I turn off the TV and stand up. "I need something to keep my mind off everything's that's happened. Let's go to the beach?"

A smile spreads across her face. "That's a good idea." She grabs my hand and pulls me towards the bedroom where we keep our swimwear.

As we're getting ready I hear the front door open followed by Liam and Antwon's voices.

What are they doing here? They have Cole's place all to themselves and they decide to show up.

"I'll send the boys home."

She shakes her head. "They're here now. Maybe, they can come with us?"

I'm not allowing my boys to come with us. What if everything Cole said is true? I can't trust them.

Walking out of the room I head downstairs and see them sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?"

Liam stands up and faces me. "Can't we check on you?"

No, not if you're behind what happened to Julia at the Correctional Facility. I also hope it wasn't they're idea to hurt my brother and start the domino effect there.

"You're mother and I are fine. Did you hear about the shoot-out at Twin Towers Correctional Facility?"

Antwon gulps. "It's been on the news since it happened. Should we care about what happened?"

"Of course you should. That' the prison my brother is in. Your sister was there today during the incident."

"Is she alright?" Liam asks.

"Have you spoken to her?" Antwon asks.

"She's fine and yes I spoke to her. That girl has been through enough and this is another thing that's on a long list of things that's happened to her this year. You're sister deserves better and from now on. My main concern will be your mother and her. You boys can look after yourself." Pointing at the door I say. "You can leave now. I can tell that you don't really care about your sister. It's been obvious since she came back."

Liam and Antwon walk to the door. Before they walk out Liam says. "You're going to regret this old man. Mark my words." They walk out the front door.

Antwon slams it hard and it makes some windows shake.

I look out the window as Liam and Antwon jump in the car and speed away.

My wife walks down the stairs and stops next to me. "What happened?"

I tell her what happened and what Cole told me when I was on the phone to him.

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