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At 7:30am, I pull the car into the parking lot of the school. Grabbing my handbag I step out of the car and lock it.

Entering the building I walk down the hall past the office. On the way to the staff room I see the Guidance Councillor's office.

I knock on the door and wait for the councillor to open the door. When the door opens I see a woman little older than me with her hair in a messy bun and a pen in her hair. She's wearing a pair of glasses and baggy clothes.

A smile spreads across her face. "Hey, you're Julia Harrison. You saved a child during the tsunami on Nova Island."

"Hey, can we talk for a bit..." I cut myself off as I don't know her name.

"Ella Montgomery." She says. Stepping aside she lets me into the room. "I'm surprised to see you at my door.

I take a seat and look at her. "Do you have a few minutes where I can talk to you? I'd like it if you could guide me like you would one of the children at this school."

She takes a seat behind her desk. "I can give it a try. I've never dealt with a grown up problem before, but if you'd like I have a friend that can help you."

I shake my head. "I'm not ready to talk to a professional yet. I know it's something I should do to help me move on from the tsunami."

Ella leans forward and pays attention to me.

I tell her about the problems I've had since I got home and the nightmares from the experience on Nova Island to someone trying to kill me.

When I'm done telling her everything she rubs a hand across her face. "From what I've heard I think it's best that you don't go on the school trip with your class. Talk to the principal about that. That way someone can take your class and you could take over there's. Maybe, create a way that you incorporate yourself into the trip without actually being there."

A smile spreads across my face. "That's a great idea. I have a few ideas for this." Standing up I extend my hand to her. "It's nice to meet to you, Ella."

I walk out the door and head in the direction of Ms. Hyde's office. Knocking on the door wait for her to answer it.

The door opens. "Hello, Julia. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes," she steps aside and lets me into the room. I take a seat behind her desk. She takes a seat across from me. "I can't go on that trip with my class. There's things that I have been keeping a secret from you and I think it's best that I tell you about it."


"I don't think it's a good idea that I go on the camping trip with my class. I've been having PTSD and problems sleeping. Also, there's some people after me that could cause problems and I don't want to put my class at risk because of them."

She nods. "I have someone that wants to go on this trip. You'll have to take over the class for that teacher."

"Okay," I stand up. "Thanks." Walking out of the office I head to my classroom and pull out the list of things I'm going to teach my class today.

The bell rings and I head towards the hall where the students will be waiting for me.

When I get to the hall I stand to the side where my class are sitting and wait for the announcements to be made. I look around the hall and my eyes land on one of the girls I went to high school with.

She has a smile on her face as she looks at the class she's taking for the day.

If I have to give up my job for the remainder of the year I know she's going to have fun with it.

Looking around the hall I see classes stand and follow their teachers out of the hall. I lead my class out of the hall and we head in the direction of the classroom. I wait for my class to be seated before I tell them that I won't be going on the field trip.

A few students aren't happy with knowing that I won't be going on the trip. Looking at them I say, "Since, I can't make it on the trip I want you all to write down 1 thing you enjoyed during that day. When you return to school I want you to share your stories. It can be through photos or if you want to be creative draw something."

Crystal raises her hand. "I like this idea. It will be like you were with us. Is there a chance that we can create something like our trip in the school grounds instead of being in the classroom?"

"I'll run the idea by Ms Hyde and see what she says. I'll let you know what's going to happen when you get back from your trip." Looking at the book on the table I see that there's a spelling test for the day. "Okay, class. I want you to open you notebooks. We're going to do a spelling test."

A few students groan as they open there books and pull out a pencil. They wait for me to tell them the first word. "Abbreviate," I wait for the class to finish spelling it until I tell them the next word. We spend thirty minutes with the test before they hand their books to me. I place it on the table. "Please, open your reading books. You have ten minutes of silent reading, while I mark your tests."

I walk over to the table and pick up a red pen. I go through the words and tick them where it's correct. If it's wrong I put a cross and write the word down correctly to help the student with the spelling.

Marcus walks over to the desk and takes a seat across from me. "Miss Harris. I was wondering if there's any way you can help me after school with reading and spelling."

I smile at him. "I'll help you, Marcus. Thanks for coming to me about it. I know how hard this is for you. When I was your age I had to ask for help as well. It was my teacher's help that inspired me to become a teacher."

"You're a great teacher. When I approached my last teacher she didn't want to know about it. She was always on her phone talking to someone instead of helping the struggling students she had in her class. With you I know you're going to pick up on who needs help."

I'll do what I can to help my students. No one should be left behind in my class.

Marcus walks back to his table and picks up the book he brought to class.

When I'm done marking the tests I hand the books back to the students.

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