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The blind fold is taken off me and I look around the pitch black room. I try to make something out in the room, but I can't as it's too dark.

I'm sitting on a chair with my hands and legs tied. The rope isn't tied tight enough that it's cutting off my blood circulation. Moving my wrist around I notice that the rope is lose enough for me to pull my hand through. I do exactly that and untie my other wrist. Then I undo the ropes on my legs.

The speaker in the room turns on and a disguised voice says, "I can see everything you're doing, Julia. Don't do anything stupid, girl."

Girl? Who the hell do they think they're calling a girl? I'm a woman and that's exactly what I should be noticed as.

I hear a whimper in the corner of the room and I say, "Who's there?"

"Skyler," the girl whispers.

Why the hell would they take the mafia's wife with them? They are clearly insane if they think they can get away with this. I doubt Luca will be happy that his wife was taken from his restaurant.

I walk over to her. Kneeling I ask. "Are you okay?"

"No," she whimpers. "My stomach hurts and yesterday I just found out I'm pregnant. I can't lose this baby." She grips onto my shirt and starts crying.

Fuck. Luca's not going to be happy when he finds out about this. I wouldn't want to be any of these people.

Looking towards the camera I yell. "You've just declared fucking war with the Rivera Mafia Family. Did you think you could get away with this?"

The disguise voice come over the intercom. "I'm not afraid of them. Besides, my friend gets what he wants with the bitch on the floor with you."

A smile spreads across my face. "Do you think the Rivera are the only family that will come for us?" I laugh. "You're wrong. There are three other families in this city and they will end you once they find us."

"They're not going to find you. We're not even in California anymore."

Idiots. Do they really think that the families won't find us? They will because Skyler and I have trackers on our jewellery. It will lead them to us.

Skyler taps my leg and I kneel back down. "What?"

"I need to pee."

I help her stand and we walk around the room until we find the bathroom on the other side of the room. She flips on the light and I close the door behind me.

The door opens and a woman steps into the room. Her heels clicks against the floor. She lifts her head and I see that it's my Best Friend. Well Ex Best Friend now. "Veronica, what the fuck is this?"

She looks at me with so much hatred in her eyes. "Do you think the small amount of money you paid me for rent was enough? Well, it wasn't I had to take on another job to pay for it."

She never told me how much it was.

"You told me to pay a certain amount and that you would cover the rest. How was I supposed to know that you couldn't do that? Why didn't you get another roommate? We had three bedrooms in the house."

"That wouldn't have covered the rent. I had to get my hands dirty and work for a drug lord who saw me at a strip club."

I take a step closer to her. "You should have been honest with me and told me how much the rent was. I would have given you more money. All this," I wave my hand around the room. "Could have been avoided, Veronica. This is the choice you made and now you've just dug yourself a grave. Did you even know that restaurant was full of mafia?"

She laughs. "No, but they never saw this coming. There were about eight snipers on buildings that took out the men that were standing guard outside. The men that were at the table close to us were the ones that killed the men that were supposed to keep an eye on you." She looks at the door where Skyler is. "That girl is a bonus for my boss. She owes him a lot. Apparently, her father didn't pay for the drugs he took before he died and he told him that he could have his daughter."

Skyler opens the door and she sees Veronica. "You're the girl from the restaurant. I knew you couldn't be fucken trusted." She smirks at her. "When my husband gets here you're going to die and I get front row seats to it. Too bad there won't be any popcorn."

"You're disgusting." Veronica says to her. "You'll be sold off before they find you."

Skyler twists her ring around her finger. "Did you even search us before you threw us into this room?"

Veronica's face pales. "No, but it's not too late to do that."

Skyler and I exchange looks before she says. "It's too late. My husband found me about twenty minutes ago. He's got men all over the country and I'm sure that four families are about to cause havoc on your ass." She pulls a knife out of her shoe and throws it at her. The knife hits her shoulder and she starts screaming.

The door opens a second time and a group of men walk into the room with my brothers. They look at me. "You've caused enough problems for us, sis." Liam twist my arms behind my back and I hear a crack.

I start screaming.

Liam places his mouth close to my ear and whispers. "I love it when you scream, sis. Before you're boyfriend gets here you're going to be unrecognisable. Just like your new friend over there." He starts laughing and it sends shivers down my back.

Closing my eyes I say. "Hurry up, Cole."

Antwon pulls me to a chair and cuffs my hands behind my back, making the pain in my arm worst. "I'm sorry."

If you were sorry you wouldn't be doing this to your own flesh and blood.

Looking him in the eyes I say. "Bullshit, if you were you wouldn't be doing this. What are they holding over you?"

"That's none of your business." He backhands me and my head turns to the side. "You should keep your mouth, Julia. You don't know what's been going on in our lives since you left home." Antwon walks away with Liam at his side.

"Antwon, Liam." I yell. They turn towards me. "When Cole gets here he's not going to hold back on you."

Liam walks over to me and once he's standing in front of me grips my chin and makes me look into his eyes. "We were friends with him because we knew it would hurt you the most. Our boss wants to see your life spiral out of control, but every time we do something someone is around the corner to protect you. Not this time." He pulls his fist back and punches me in the face.

I black out shortly after that.

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