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Three days later

Dad walks into the hospital room with an overnight bag. He places it on the bed next to me. "I packed a black dress for you and a jacket as well, just incase it gets cold."

"Thanks, Dad." Climbing off the bed I grab the dress and a pair of underwear from the other bag. I walk to the bathroom and have a quick shower before getting changed.

When I exit the bathroom Cole is standing at the door with Amalia, Braelynn and Bo. Looking at them I say. "Morning,"

Cole holds his arms out for me and I step inside his arms. He kisses he top of my head. "Do you want to ride with me or are you going with you're father?"

"I'm going with Dad." Looking at my Dad while he's talking to Bo. "I think he needs me at the moment and I need him too. Mom was everything to me. Why did I spend so much time away from here?"

He lifts my chin so I'm looking at him. "It's my fault that you didn't get to spend time with your Mom. I shouldn't have been as mean as I was back then. I was trying to protect you from
my family. People are after members of my family and to destroy my family they have to take away something or someone we care about. I've been in love with you for so long. When I got back from New York at sixteen that's when I started to take more notice of you. Instead of dealing with my true feelings
I hurt you to keep you away."

Turning in his arms I place my hand on his face. "I don't blame you for the lose of interactions with my mother. Things work both ways for us and neither party were interested in seeing each other." I walk over to Dad and loop my arm through his.

Dad smiles at me. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am." We start walking. "Dad, how are you truely? I want the truth and not a lie."

"I'm not holding up that well. The house is like a coffin. There's too much things of the dead in that house and I don't know what to do."

I press the button for the lift and the door opens. "I'll help you with cleaning out the house once I'm released from hospital."

"Thank you, princess. That will help a lot." He looks out the window and Cole captures his attention. "I'm sure Cole won't let you come by without him standing guard."

A smile spreads across my face. "No, he won't. Why is it that everyone who was supposed to protect me, turned their backs on me and the one that turned on me in high school is the one protecting me?"

"I don't know." He says, opening the door and waiting for me to climb out first.

"Thanks, Dad." I step out of the car and walk to the front door of the church.

Dad is following closely behind. He grabs my hand and stops me at the door. "I don't want to deal with you're mothers family on my own. They were a pain in the ass a long time ago and I think they've become worst since the last time I saw them."

"When did you last see them, Dad?"

"The day of graduation. They came to see you, but you left the school before the family could congratulate you."

"Oh," is all I could think to say to that.

After the class of 2007 threw their caps in the air I went over to my group of friends and Cole was standing beside my Best Friend, Georgie.

He had his arms wrapped around her and he said to me. "What are you looking at?"

"Not you, jerk." I turn my attention to my Best Friend. "What are you doing with the enemy?"

She crosses her arms. "He's not my enemy. You shouldn't have pissed him off."

I didn't do anything to him. He knows it and I know. So, why has he been this way with me?

"I haven't done anything and you know that. What happened to you, Georgie?"

"I grew up. Something that your not going to do." She whispers something to Cole before she walks away.

Cole looks at me. "When you leave for University that will be the last time you ever step foot into our hometown. If you  return I will make your life hell. This isn't a threat. It's a promise. Also, don't show up at the Graduation Party. No one wants you there." He walks over to my friends and they start laughing with him.

I don't know what I did to get my friends to turn against me, but I think it had more to do with Cole not liking me; that they decided to side with him so they wouldn't be on the outs like me.

I start moving away from the group when something is poured all over me. Looking at the ground I see it's red. They poured a raspberry drink all over me. I start to feel sticky. Tears begin to fall down my face.

Cole laughs. "This better be the last time I see you're ugly face around town."

I run to car and pull the towel out from the trunk. Throwing it on the seat I climb into the car and speed away from the school.

Dad places his arm on my shoulder. "Are you, Julia."

mLooking around I see Cole standing next to a girl. She looks familiar to me, but I can't put a name to the face I'm seeing. "Who is that, girl?" I point towards them.

Dad follows my finger and he gasps. "Ah, that's..." He trails off a He continue to stare at her. "That's Georgie. She's back in town for sometime. She wanted to spend time with Cole. He turned down and said that he was in love with a woman."

"How do you know that?"

Dad gives me his phone and I watch the video.

Family and friends of my mothers walk to the door and as they enter the give us their condolences about the loss of my mother and Dad's wife. He thanks them as they walk into the church. As the last guest enters the room we follow suit. There's a long bench in the front row where dad, Cole and I sit.

A few members of the family say that I shouldn't be here because it my fault that my mother passed away. Others aren't happy that moms sister has passed away as well as her boys.

The priest walks forward and stands in front of the podium. Beside him is Mom's maroon casket with her favourite uflowers and photos of her and Dad together.

They had a happy marriage. I hope someday that I get the same.

After the priest talks for a bit he asks if anyone sentenced to share memories and I stand up. Moving to the podium I put the paper on the stand and look at everyone. "Growing up I used to share everything with Mom. Starting with my first crush and ending with my heart being broken by the guy I thought would love me. I was a stupid teen back then and didn't have any right saying I was in love, but Mom thought it was cute. When she asked me who it was, my fave would go red and I wouldn't say anything. She starting singing "Julia and mystery guy sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love, second comes marriage, third comes a baby and carriage." I laugh. "I miss the simple times I shared with her. I'm going to miss you, mom. I love you."

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