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Cole's POV

Last night after partying too hard I find myself at the Harris house with my best friend, Antwon.

He looks over at me from the opposite couch. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Like a baby." I look down and see that I'm wearing one of his shirts. Looking at Antwon I say. "What happened to my clothes?"

He laughs. "You barfed all over them before we got into the house. Mom washed them and hung them on the line. They should be dried soon."

It's a good thing that it's still summer and clothes dry quickly when the weather is good.

"Mom made bacon and eggs. She wants to know if you want some."


Antwon stands up and walks into the kitchen. "Cole, will have it too, Mom."

A smile spreads across her face as she looks into the kitchen. "It won't take too long." She starts whistling and singing a song.

Today is going to be a great day.

Antwon turns the TV on and we play Call of Duty until Mrs. Harris calls us for breakfast.

I walk over to the table and sit with Julia's family.

She should be here with them instead of being in Nova Island. It's unfair for her to stay away even after they were told about her near death experience.

After breakfast Antwon, Liam and I clean the kitchen for Mrs. Harris.

She walks over to the window in the living and looks outside. "We've got a visitor, but I can't tell who it is as they're in a limousine and the doors are closed.

Mr. Harris is the next person to join her at the window. Followed by Liam, Antwon and I.

I stand away from the window hoping that whoever is in the car won't see me.

The car door opens and I see Julia step out of the car.

Her brown hair is straightened down her back. She has a sun kissed tan on her arms legs. She removes her sunglasses and places it on top her head.

The front door opens and Mrs. Harris runs out. "Julia Anne Harris." She yells. "Why on earth would you leave the States and not tell us."

Julia hugs Mrs. Harris. "I'm sorry, Mom." They talk for a short while until the rest of her family walk out the door.

I step outside with them and wait on the porch.

Her eyes land on me and I show her my regret for everything I've done. She turns away from me and hugs the rest of her family.

Antwon steps forward to hug her, instead she slaps him across the face. His face turns to the side.

She looks really pissed at him. "How could you open the door the worst person in this town?"

I see his Adam's apple bop and he gulps. Before saying. "He told Liam and I what he did to you and we beat the shit out of him. He was in the hospital because of us." Antwon looks at Mrs. Harris. "Mom, made us go to the hospital and apologize to him."

Liam steps forward and says. "It was the last thing we wanted to do as he was the reason why you didn't come home. As time went by we became friends with him and he told us how sorry he was for making you feel unsafe, when it came to coming home."

Julia moves over to her Mom and says. "I'll come back later. I want to go to the hotel and get some sleep."

Why would she need a hotel when her room is available here? Nothing in her room has changed.

When I first went to their house her brothers showed me a bunch of stuff in her room and it made me angry at the type of person I was to her.

I doubt there's anything I can do make her feel safe around me, but there has to be something that I can do to make her hate me less then she already does.

Mrs. Harris places her hand on Julia's. "I want you to stay here. You shouldn't have to spend money at a hotel."

The girl that Julia came with grabs bags from the trunk. "We're staying here then. I hope you'll be able to get money back from the hotel you booked."

Julia shakes her head. "I won't be able to get money back because I haven't given them any notice about cancelling my stay."

Mr. Harris pulls his wallet out of his pocket and says. "I'll give you the money. I know you can't afford to lose any." He gives me some money. "I'll give you the rest when you tell me what hotel you chose to stay at."

"Thanks, Dad." She places the money in her bag and walk to the house with her luggage.

The girl follows Julia to the house. She holds the door open for her. "This place is amazing. I can't believe you let that asshole chase you away from your home and family." She glares at me as she enters the house.

I grab Julia's wrist and she spins around to see who grabbed her arm. She turns towards me and shakes my hand from hers. "What do you want, Cole?"

"I want to apologize for being cruel to you when we were in High School." I shift from foot to foot, waiting for her reply.

She looks me right in the eyes and says. "I don't forgive you, Cole. It's going to take a lot more than apologizing to me to make me forgive you. I missed out on a lot of things because I was afraid of you. I'm not anymore and I hope you start regretting the way you treated me before I left for University." She walks up the stairs, never looking back at me.

Liam walks over to me. "Give her some time. I'm sure she'll come around."

I step around him. "She's not going to come around and it's all my fault. I should go home and give her a couple of days with your family. I'll see you at work." I pull my keys out of my pocket and head out the front door.

When I get to my car I look at the second floor and see Julia standing at the window. She flips me off before pulling the curtain shut.

Opening the car door I step into my car and pull away from the house.

On the way to my house my phone goes off and I pull to the side of the road. Looking at my phone I see a message from Antwon.

Antwon: Why did you leave without saying goodbye?

Me: I wasn't feeling welcomed at your house. I told Liam that I was going to give you all time to spend with Julia.

Antwon: You don't have too.

I throw my phone on the seat next to me and pull back onto the road. I turn the radio up and listen to music as I drive towards my place.

When I get home I turn off my phone before climbing out of the car and heading to the front door.

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